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 要 要

  目前,中小企业已有 1000 多万家,占全国企业总数的 99%,在全国工业产值和实现利税中分别占 60%和 40%左右,提供了大约 75%的就业机会,因此是国民经济的重要组成部分,并对经济发展和社会稳定起着举足轻重的促进作用。随着我国资本市场的发展和完善,中小企业不仅会得到更大更快的发展,而且会显示出更重要的作用。然而,在中小企业日益发展的今天也出现了难以避免的问题。中小企业会计信息必须真实反映中小企业的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量情况,这是对中小企业会计信息的基本要求。然而,中小企业会计信息却违背了这一基本要求,会计信息失真现象大量存在,已给很多企业的决策、国民经济的发展带来严重的负面影响。会计信息失真这一问题既是各国会计学界研究的重点,也是各国政府着力解决的难点。至今仍有各种各样的会计信息失真事件波及全球,比如美国著名的“安然事件”、“施乐事件”以及我国的“银广厦事件”、“红光事件”等。公司会计信息失真严重背离市场经济规则,不但严重削弱了会计信息决策有用性,危害广大投资人和债权人的利益,使社会公众对会计诚信基础产生怀疑,也从根本上动摇了市场经济信用基础,削弱和扭曲了证券资本市场资金筹集和资源调配功能,危害宏观经济正常运行。




  At present, SMEs have been more than 1000 million, accounting for 99% of the total number of enterprises in the national industrial output value and profits and taxes were 60% and 40%, providing about 75% of employment opportunities, and therefore the national economy important component of economic development and

 stability plays an important role in promoting. As China"s capital market development and improvement of small and medium enterprises will not only get greater

 and faster development, and will show a more important role. However, in the small and medium-sized growing there today it is difficult to avoid problems. Small and medium-sized accounting information must be a true reflection of small and medium-sized financial position, operating results and cash flow, which is a small and medium-sized basic requirements for accounting information. However, the small and medium-sized accounting information is contrary to the basic requirements of a large number of distortion of accounting information exists, has given many companies the decision-making, development of the national economy have a severe negative impact. Distortion of accounting information is the national accounting this issue the focus of academic research as well as governments strive to resolve the difficulties. Still a wide range of distortion of accounting information events around the world, such as the United States the famous "Enron", "Xerox case" as well as China"s "Silver Guangsha events", "red light incident" and so on. Serious distortion of accounting information from the rules of market economy, not only seriously undermine the usefulness of accounting information in decision-making, against the majority of the interests of investors and creditors to enable the public to cast doubt on the basis of accounting integrity, but also fundamentally undermine the market economy based on credit, weaken and distort the equity capital market fund raising and resource allocation function of the normal operation of macro-economic

 harm. Therefore, how to solve the problem of small and medium-sized distortion of accounting information has become an urgent problem. The performance of small and medium-sized distortion of accounting information distortion in accounting and accounting information on two aspects of distortion, caused by the main leader of the reasons for poor management, low quality of accounting personnel, accounting supervision system imperfect, inadequate law enforcement and so on, which made business leaders to raise the level and quality of accounting personnel and enhance oversight mechanisms such as comprehensive management measures, in order to solve this problem.

  Key words: Small and medium-sized; accounting information; distortion; hazards; Countermeasures 目 目

 录 引 引 言 言 .................................................... 1 1.中小企业会计信息失真的表现和危害 ....................... 7 1.1 中小企业会计信息失真的表现 .......................... 7 1.1.1 会计核算资料失真 .............................. 7 1.1.2 会计核算失真 .................................. 7 1.2 中小企业会计信息失真的危害 .......................... 9 2. 中小企业会计信息失真的原因 ............................. 9 2.1 领导者的不利因素 ................................... 10 2.2 会计人员的不利因素 ................................. 11 2.3 会计监督体系不完善 ................................. 13

 2.3.1 内部监督机制不健全 ........................... 13 2.3.2 外部监督职能没有充分发挥 ..................... 13 2.4 执法力度不够 ....................................... 14 2.5 经济环境的不利因素 ................................. 15 3. 中小企业会计信息失真的对策 ............................ 16 3.1 提高企业领导人的业务水平 ........................... 16 3.2 提高会计人员的素质 ................................. 17 3.3 深化会计管理体制改革 ............................... 18 3.4 强化监督机制 ....................................... 19 3.4.1 完善企业内部的自我监督机制 ................... 19 3.4.2 强化政府监督的作用 ........................... 19 3.4.3 大力发展注册会计师事业 ....................... 20 3.4.4 建立发展其他会计服务机构 ..................... 20 3.5 加大执法力度 ....................................... 20 4. 结束语 ................................................ 21 参考资料 ................................. 错误! ! 未定义书签。

 致谢 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 14

  引 引 言 目前,中小企业已有 1000 多万家,占全国企业总数的 99%,在全国工业产值和实现利税中分别占 60%和 40%左右,提供了大约 75%的就业机会,[1] 因此是国民经济的重要组成部分,并对经济发展和社会稳定起着举足轻重的促进作用。然而,中小企业由于规模小、会计制

 度不健全、受传统体制和外部宏观经济影响等因素,存在会计信息失真的现象。这一现象制约市场经济建设的全面发展,损害了会计信息使用者的利益,使越来越多的人对公开披露的会计信息产生质疑,对会计人员作为专业人士的诚信及道德水准产生了怀疑,这对于整个会计界都是一个沉重的打击,成为会计界、经济界及政府面临的重大课题。北京科华鼎科技发展有限公司**分公司是 2002 年在**市成立的一家私营企业,该公司财务部由 1 名财务经理和 2 名会计人员组成。本文结合此公司就中小企业会计信息失真的表现、危害、原因及治理政策作一探讨。



  中小企业会计信息失真是指会计信息由于种种原因不能真实的反映企业的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量状况。[2] 这一现象在中小企业中普遍存在,因此,对中小企业会计信息失真的研究是至关重要的。

 1.1 中小企业会计信息失真的表现 1.1.1 会计核算资料失真 主要表现在会计凭证和会计账簿。会计凭证失真出现在原始凭证上。常见的是为了达到隐匿事实真相的目的,或者以夸大或缩小的方式来隐匿,将不合法收支列入合法项目之中。会计账簿、会计报表失真除受会计凭证失真影响外,还大量存在伪造账簿,虚设会计科目,故意违反会计制度要求等。

 1.1.2 会计核算失真 会计核算失真主要包括资产管理核算失真、成本费用核算失真、往来款项核算失真、经营成果核算失真等方面。




 往来款项失真。由于企业之间相互借贷款,并且长期不清,往往会导致往来款项失真。许多已确认收不回来的债权或付不出去的债务长期挂账,不进行处理;或因会计人员频繁更换,交换手续不健全,各种应收账款长期无人问津。例如:某公司去年统计的应收账款数达4000 万元,实际可收回仅有 2000 万元,而公司几乎未确认坏账。


相关热词搜索: 失真 探究 财务管理