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 《表面等离子体光学》 课程教学大纲






 Plasmonics has currently attracted great attention in the field of micro/nano optics, mainly focusing on the optical phenomena of metal structures in the micron to nanometer scale. On the one hand, when the size of the material reaches the scale of micron or nanometer, there will be many unique optical properties that do not exist at the macro scale. On

 the other hand, with the rapid development of information technology, the high requirements on the size of optical systems make optical devices tend to be miniaturized and integrated. Many optical devices with special functions can be fabricated by using plasmonic properties of metal micro/nano structures. Through learning the course "Plasmonic" (Course number:

 , Course hours: 32, Course credit:2) , students can understand and master the basic concepts, principles, methods and experimental skills of surface plasmonics, which is very important for graduate training in condensed matter physics, atomic and molecular physics, optical engineering and other directions.

 三、 教学目标 (1)通过表面等离子体光学课程的教学,为学生进一步从事等离激元微纳光学方向的研究打下坚实的物理基础; (2)在教学过程中,注重培养学生科学思维和分析解决问题的能力,以及学生的探索精神与创新意识; (3)在教学过程中,注重引入课程思政,帮助学生树立科学的世界观、热爱祖国,培养具有良好的道德品质和学术修养,身心健康的研究生。

 四、 教学内容




 六、教材及参考资料 《表面等离激元纳米光子学》 张彤 译 东南大学出版社 《Plasmonics: Fundamental and Application》 Stefan Alexander Maier 世界图书出版社

相关热词搜索: 等离子体 教学大纲 光学