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 六年级 《英语》 (北师大版)

 学校 常州市局前街小学 执教 刘宝杰 教学内容 北师大版六年级《英语》 Good or bad

 教学目标 1. 能在听、说、读等活动中中理解 fell off, broke his leg, war, join the army 等新词和新词组,进而理解整个故事。

 2. 能跟同伴合作学习,体验合作快乐。

 3. 能在老师的引导下提取关键词复述故事。

 4. 能通过故事的学习懂得辩证地看待问题的重要性。

 教学重难点 通过自主提取关键词对故事进行复述或讲述,从而实现向外国友人推广中国文化,提升学生的文化自信。

 步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Warming up Free talk Free talk 热身激趣。

 Before reading 1.Say something good and something bad.

 2.Predict the story and raise some questions.

  1 Talk about good things and bad things. 2 Look at the pictures and raise the questions.



 While reading 1 Present the pictures of the story.

 2 Read and match the pictures with the clips.

  3 Read and circle.

 4Can you retell the story? 1 Answer the questions.

 2 Read and match.

 3 Read and circle the new words.

  4 Try to find the key words and try to retell the story. 回答问题理解故事开头。




 After reading What do you want to say about the story? What do you learn from the story? Discuss and share their understandings. 谈谈读后感。

 Homework Try to act the whole story. Try to act the whole story. 通过表演巩固、运用。

相关热词搜索: 塞翁失马
