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 册 人教精通英语小学五年级上册 Unit 6 It’s a grapefruit. Lesson 33 教学设计

 一、教学目标 1、知识与技能 A. 知识目标: a. 能够听、说、认读本课单词:cherry, strawberry b. 能够听、说、认读以下句子结构:Is this/ that a/an …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. c. 能够运用本单元的语言知识进行扩展性的情景会话。

 B. 能力目标: a. 能够在真实的语境中对物品进行问答。

 b. 能够将所学知识运用到实际生活当中。

 2、过程与方法 a.教法: 讲授法;情境创设法;实物、图片直观呈现法等。


 3、情感态度与价值观: a. 教育学生互相合作互助,共同提高; b. 对学生进行良好行为习惯的养成教育; c. 虚心倾听他人发言,能提炼出有用的信息,并能依据他人发言,提出自己的见解。

 d. 积极参与小组学习,能与同学合作学习。

 二、学情分析 本单元主要围绕各种水果进行情境问答展开学习。在以往的学习中,学生已经接触过一些水果的表达方式,同时对物品的一般疑问句问答也在上一单元有所涉及。因此,在本课的教学中,应着重训练学生在真实情境中运用语言知识进行交流的能力以及根据不同情况下语言知识的综合运用能力。

 三、教学重难点 a.掌握课文中的重点句型,如:Is this/ that a/an …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.并能灵活替换和运用; b.运用文中的语言材料编演新对话;引导学生通过本课的学习,能够熟练的将语言知识运用于日常生活情景当中。

 四、教学准备 PPT 课件及多媒体设备,袋子,人物图片,单词卡片,奖励水果、蔬菜、动物卡片若干,农场图片 4 张。


 Step 1. 热身复习 Warming up

 1 、 学生分组:

 将学生分为 4 组, 每组五人。

 T: Good morning, everyone. S: Good morning, teacher.

 T: Look, children, we have four groups here. And I have four bags. There are a lot of stickers in it. (教师呈现奖励贴纸,镜头特写)Each group can choose a bag. If you can answer my questions, you can get a sticker from the bag. Do you want them? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Which group wants to be Group 1? Ss: We! 【设计意图:以小组为单位进行教学,向学生展示评价工具,引发兴趣,激励学生主动参与课堂教学。】

 2 、Sing a song: Old Mac had a farm. T: All right. Let’s sing a song together. 【设计意图:学生跟着音乐边唱边做动作,营造英语的学习氛围,引入下一环节的问题。】

 3 、看农场动物,回答问题。

 T: Do you like this song? Ss: Yes. T: Good. What’s on the farm? Let’s have a look.(课件展示歌曲中出现的五种动物,教师在屏幕用手指,近处的动物用 this,提问远处的使用 that 提问,学生回答问题复习旧知。)

 【设计意图:复习旧知,操练 What’s this/ that? It’s a/ an …句型】

 Step2. 新知呈现 Presentation

 1. 人物绍 介绍 Berry. T: Our new friend is also on the farm. Look, she is coming. Do you want to know her? Ask her some questions. (课件呈现在农场上的人物 Berry。) Ss: what’s your name? / how old are you? /Where do you come from? / Where do you live? / What’s your favourite fruit/subject?... …. T: so many good questions. She wants to introduce herself. Just listen. (课件语音播放) T: What’s her name? Her name’s Berry. Let’s say hello to Berry! Ss: Her name is Berry. / She is 12. / She is from America. / She likes fruit. / She likes cherries and strawberries or her favourite fruits are cherries and strawberries. [设计意图:设置农场新朋友,询问了解新朋友的信息,为本课设置主线人物安排活动做准备,激发学生学习兴趣。]

 2. 讲授单词“cherry ”“strawberry ”。

 T: She likes cherries. Look! what’s this?

 Ss: It’s a cherry. T: Is this a cherry/strawberry?/ Is that a cherry/ strawberry? Ss: Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. (师生、生生互动问答操练新词 cherry, strawberry 和句型 Is this/that a/an…? Yes, it is./ No it isn’t.) [设计意图:借人物喜欢的水果 cherry 引入本课的新词,教师手拿图片询问学生,学生传递图片用 this 问答;课件展示卡通樱桃,教师询问 what’s that? Is that a cherry, too? ;课件展示不同形象(种类)的樱桃,操练新词和句型;呈现草莓图片询问 Is that a cherry, too? 回答 No, it isn’t.通过师生、生生之间的互动问答操练掌握本课词汇和句型。]

 3. 操练句型:多练几组水果,课件中计时器 30 秒,为卡通人物介绍水果。

 T: Berry wants to get some fruit. Let’s go with them, ok?(场景转为 fruit garden)Wow, so many fruit. Yummy! How many kinds of fruit do you know? T: What’s this? It’s a cherry. (ask and answer) T: Can you ask and answer like this? Try to be quick. Let’s see which group could talk about the most fruit! Ss: Is that a …? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

 Ss: Is that a cherry, too? No, it isn’t.

 Ss: What’s that? It’s a strawberry.

 Ss: … T: Good job, everyone! How many cards do you get? So group … is the best. Work harder other groups, you can do better. [设计意图:在帮助 Berry 介绍水果的同时,巩固操练所学句型,说出的正确水果数量换取相同数量的水果贴纸,看哪组说出的水果最多,进行评价总结。]

 4. Sing a song: Fruit song T: Are you happy? Children, let’s sing a happy song. T: Fruits are great. So children if you want to be happy, try to have all kinds of fruits. They can keep you healthy. [设计意图:播放与本课相关的水果歌曲,倡导学生养成多吃水果的好习惯,注意保持身体健康。]

 5. 呈现 33 课文本。

 T: Berry likes cherries and strawberries. She gets many of them. Is she happy? Where is she going now? She is going home. (动作路径:人物拿着水果篮回家)

 T: Do you like watching TV? Let’s have a look. (动作路径:人物坐到沙发上,观看电视节目,播放 33 课课文视频)

 T: It’s magic show. Let’s open our books, turn to Page 72 and read together. [设计意图:通过观看电视节目,呈现本课对话 magic show, 感知对话文本内容。]

 Step 3. 操练运用 Practice

 1. 回归文本,操练课文对话。


 T: Open your books and read the dialogue with Berry. [设计意图:完整呈现课文对话录音,学生跟读模仿,强化语音语调。]

 2. 角色扮演,表演对话。


 T: Next let’s act the dialogue? You’ll find the fruit in your bag. Each group has 40 seconds.

 (四组水果道具:cherry & strawberry; watermelon & hami melon; lemon & orange; apple & pear)


 3. 课文填空。


 T: Let’s listen again, and fill in the blanks. T: Shall we check the answers? One student writes the answers while the other Ss say the correct answers.(在其他学生说出正确答案的同时,选取一名学生到实物展台上书写正确答案)


 Step 4 拓展运用 Language Use.


 T: Look, the farm is empty. What can we put into the farm? Can you help them? T: Look, everyone. There is a picture on the other side of your group number. It’s a farm. Use your stickers. Put them into the farm, Ok? Ss: Ok! T: I’ll show you how to do it. Look here. 1. Stick the pictures. 2. Talk about the farm in groups. 3. Show your farm to the class by one student. Tips of doing the task: Hi, everyone. Look at our farm. There are some animals, fruit and vegetables on the farm…. What’s this/that? It’s a/an…. Is this/that a/an…? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. Do you like…? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. …… Can you say more? English only, no Chinese.(每组选一名学生代表将设计好的农场图贴到板书两侧空白处,按组排好,进行介绍并与其他组的同学进行对话交流。)

 [设计意图:通过帮助 Berry 和 Old Mac 设计新农场,使学生在评价过程中获得的奖励贴纸得有所用,活学活用所学句型和知识,温习提示降低对话难度,适当留白,激发学生的创造性思维,运用所学在真实的情境中交流。]

 Step 5. 小结作业布置 Summary and Homework


 T: Good job, children. I like you farms and your introductions. Let’s see whose farm is the best and whose introduction is the best? Ss: group one’s farm is the best. Group three’s introduction is the best.

 T: I agree with your opinions. Congratulations to group 1 & 3. Other groups, you are also great in my opinion. Just try to be better next time. OK, children, today we go to the farm with Berry. We learn new words : cherry and strawberry, sing happy songs, watch magic show and make a new farm. Do you like them? So after class I want you to do some homework as follows: Please talk about your farm: 1. Write some sentences about your farm. 2. Write a passage about your farm.

 3. Make a video to show your garden. Send your homework to my email :

 teacherliuming@sina.cn T: Let’s say goodbye to Berry. T: Class dismissed. Stand up. Goodbye students. Ss: Goodbye, Mr Liu. [设计意图:设置三个不同梯度的作业,体现分层作业要求;适应教育信息化的要求,设置网上完成的作业,网络空间进行交流与评价,拓展学习空间。]


 Lesson 33

  Is that a cherry?

 Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.

  cherry strawberry berry 1 2 34

相关热词搜索: 英语 下册 五年级