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  Health, Safety, and Environment,

 Management System

 (HSE MS) 健康、安全和环境管理体系

  HSE Booklet HSE 手册

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  Table of Contents 目录 Resolution Copper HSE Policy .................................................... 5 Resolution Copper 公司的 HSE 政策 Health, Safety, and Environment Management System ............ 7 健康、安全和环境管理体系 Emergency Response Management ......................................... 11 应急管理 Your HSE Role ............................................................................. 12 你的 HSE 角色 Take 5 ........................................................................................... 14 五步法 Specific HSE Management System Requirements .................. 16 特殊的 HSE 管理体系要求 Policy .......................................................................................... 2 政策 Legal and Other Requirements .................................................. 4 法律和其他要求 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment ............................... 6 危险识别和风险评估 HSE Management Improvement Planning ............................... 10 HSE 管理改善计划 Organization Accountabilities and Responsibilities .................. 12 组织义务和责任 Training, Competency and Awareness .................................... 14 培训、能力和意识 Supplier and Contractor Management ..................................... 16 供应商和承包商的管理 Document Control ..................................................................... 18 文件控制 Communication and Consultation............................................. 20 沟通和咨询 Operational Control .................................................................. 22 运作控制 Management of Change ........................................................... 25 变更管理

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  Business Resilience and Recovery .......................................... 27 企业应变力及恢复 Measuring and Monitoring ........................................................ 29 测量和监控 Incident and Action Management ............................................. 30 事件和行动管理 Data and Records Management .............................................. 33 数据和记录管理 Performance Assessment and Auditing ................................... 35 绩效评估和审核 Management Review ................................................................ 37 管理审查 Specific Resolution Copper Safety Rules ................................ 38 特定的 Resolution Copper 公司安全规程 Isolation .................................................................................... 39 隔离 Electrical Safety ........................................................................ 40 电气安全 Vehicles and Driving ................................................................. 43 车辆和驾驶 Working at Heights ................................................................... 44 高空作业 Confined Spaces ...................................................................... 47 密闭空间 Cranes and Lifting Equipment .................................................. 49 起重机和提升设备 Underground Procedures ......................................................... 51 地下程序 Work Environment .................................................................... 55 作业环境 Tools and Equipment ............................................................... 60 工具和设备 Facilities and Infrastructure ...................................................... 63 设备和基础设施

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  Table of Contents cont 目录·续 Facilities and Infrastructure ...................................................... 63 设备和基础设施 Security and Access ................................................................. 66 安全和出入权 Specific Resolution Copper Health Rules ................................ 68 特定的 Resolution Copper 公司健康规程 Particulate and Gas/Vapor Exposures ..................................... 69 微粒和气体/蒸汽接触 Hearing Conservation ............................................................... 71 听力保护 Manual Handling and Vibration ................................................ 73 手动操作和振动 Hazardous Substances ............................................................ 75 危险物质 Thermal Stress and Radiation .................................................. 78 热应力和辐射 Fitness for Work ....................................................................... 79 对作业的适切性 Travel and Remote Site Work .................................................. 84 旅行和远程现场的作业 Specific Resolution Copper Environmental Rules .................. 86 特定的 Resolution Copper 公司环境规程 Air Quality and Noise ................................................................ 87 空气质量和噪声 Water Quality and Quantity ...................................................... 87 水的质量和数量 Hazardous Materials and Waste Management ........................ 89 危险材料和废物管理 Spill Prevention and Control ..................................................... 91 溢漏预防和控制 Land Stewardship ..................................................................... 93 土地的管理工作 Mineral Waste Management ..................................................... 96 矿物废物的管理 Energy and Fuel Usage ............................................................ 99 能量和燃料的使用 Want More Information? ........................................................... 103

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  想了解更多信息? Acknowledgement Receipt ...................................................... 104 回执

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  Resolution Copper HSE Policy Resolution Copper 公司的 HSE 政策 Resolution Copper Mining, LLC (RCM) has established an HSE Policy that applies to all its activities. Resolution Copper 矿业有限责任公司已建立了一项适用于其所有活动的 HSE 政策。

 Some of the general requirements of the HSE Policy include: 该 HSE 政策的一些常规要求包括:

  All injuries, occupational illnesses and environmental incidents are preventable

   Compliance with Rio Tinto standards and legal and other requirements is expected  Risk assessment is a critical component of the HSE MS  Every person who works at RCM is responsible for ensuring the safety of themselves and their coworkers  所有的伤害、职业疾病和环境事件都是可以避免的  要求遵守力拓矿业的标准和法律以及其他要求  风险评估是 HSE MS 的一个关键组成部分  在 RCM 工作的每个人都有责任确保他们自己和同事的安全

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  Copies of the Policy are available on the RCM Prospect portal page and notice boards. 在 RCM Prospect 的门户网页和布告牌上可以找到该政策的副本。

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  Health, Safety, and Environment, Management System (HSE MS) 健康、安全和环境, 管理体系(HSE MS)


 The RCM HSE MS facilitates the management of HSE hazards and provides tools that ensure compliance with the law and achieves continual improvement in performance following the common Plan, Do, Check, Review cycle. RCM 的 HSE MS 体系有助于 HSE 危险的管理,并提供有力的工具,确保符合法律,并在遵守通用的计划、行动、检查、审核周期的同时达到持续绩效改善。

 Within the System, 17 elements have been developed to provide structure within the cycle. 在该体系之内,由 17 个元素构成了一个周期内的框架结构。

 The RCM HSE MS combines the intent of the following:

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  RCM 的 HSE MS 的制定结合了以下规章的原意:

  OHSAS 18001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System  职业健康安全管理体系 18001——职业健康和安全管理体系  ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Systems  国际标准化组织 14001——环境管理体系  Rio Tinto Performance Standards – Health, Safety, and Environmental standards

  力拓矿业的绩效标准——健康、安全和环境标准 RCM obtained and has maintained certification in ISO14001 since 2007.

  RCM 自从 2007 年起便获得并保持着国际标准化组织14001 的认证。

 What does the HSE MS do? HSE MS 都做什么? It provides a process which: 它提供了一个程序,该程序:

  Aims to ensure that you are not hurt at work, that the environment is not harmed and that no equipment is damaged  Defines an auditable method for assuring compliance with regulations  Assigns specific responsibilities to employees and contractors  Drives continual improvement

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   目的是确保你不会在作业中受到伤害,环境不会受到损害,设备不会损坏。

  明确规定了一种可审计的方法,以确保符合法律法规。

  向员工和承包商分配特定的职责。

  推进持续改善。

 HSE Support, Information and Contacts HSE 支持、信息和联系人 Your Supervisor is the first point of contact for HSE queries. If they are unable to assist please contact the HS&E Departments.

  有 HSE 方面的疑问应首先咨询你的主管。如果他们不能解决你的问题,请联系健康安全和环保部门。

 HSE Committee representatives are listed on notice boards.

 The organization structure is available from HR. HSE 委员会代表的名字列出在布告牌上。组织结构可以从人力资源部门获得。

 General HSE information is available using the following methods or in the following locations: HSE 一般信息可以使用以下方法或在以下地点获得。

  Email  Noticeboards  RCM Prospect internal web site  HS&E Departments

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   电子邮件  布告牌  RCM Prospect 的内部网站  健康安全和环保部门

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  Emergency Response Management 应急管理 In the event of an emergency (injury, fire or spill), report to RCM: 如果发生了紧急事件(受伤、火灾或溢漏),要向 RCM报告:

  520-689-9374, Monday-Friday, 7a-4p; or

  520-689-2617, after hours, and on weekends and holidays  520-689-9374, ,周一至周五,上午七点至下午四点;或  520-689-2617 ,下班以后,以及周末和节假日

 ALL incidents must be reported to your Supervisor IMMEDIATELY! 所有事件都必须立即上报给你的主管。

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  Your HSE Role 你在 在 HSE 方面的角色 Regardless of your role, the following responsibilities apply to you: 无论你的角色是什么,都要承担以下职责责任:

  Know the way RCM expects you to work by understanding both “The way we work” and the RCM HSE policy  通过理解“我们的工作方式”和 RCM HSE 政策来了解 RCM 所要求的工作方式。

  Understand your HSE hazards and risks and how to manage them  了解你的 HSE 危险和风险,以及如何控制它们。

  Regularly participate in Take 5 and HSE Interactions  定期参加五步法和 HSE 的相互交流。

  Report all incidents, near misses and hazards  报告所有的事件、侥幸事件和危险。

  Know your role in emergency response  知道你在紧急响应中的角色。

  Communicate HSE hazards as they arise  传达...

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