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 居住区树木是城市树木的重要组成部分,随着城市化进程的加快,居住区的发展也随之蓬勃发展,居住区树木是居住区绿化的重要一环,在城市生态环境建设中发挥着重要的作用。树木健康评价研究是当今的热点研究方向,但是学者多着重于古树名木的健康评价研究,对于居住区树木的健康评价研究少有涉及。本文以合肥市为研究区域,在合肥市 15 个不同年代、不同地段、不同性质的居住区中选取90个样地进行树木健康特征调查,运用excel表格和spss21.0统计软件,在建立树木健康评价模型评价树木健康状态的基础上,采用方差分析法和多重比较法分析不同类型居住区树木健康的差异,探寻不同类型居住区树木健康差异原因及限制因子。结果表明:

 (1)不同地段居住区树木健康评价指标中,树木冠形、偏冠度、枯枝腐枝比、栽植截干、光污染程度、地表覆盖程度、养护管理 7 个指标呈现出显著性差异(P<0.05),其余指标差异不显著(P>0.05)。树木健康状态呈现出由内环区域至外环区域先变差后变好的趋势,具体表现为:1 环>2 环外>1-2 环。



 (4)合肥市居住区树木健康等级呈现右偏正态分布特点,健康树木等级比例为 7.23%,亚健康树木等级占比为 76.10%,中等健康树木等级所占比例为14.28%,不健康树木等级和濒死状态等级所占比例均较低,占比分别为 2.14%和0.25%。

 (5)合肥市居住区树木健康指数在 0.20-1 之间,不同性质和不同年代居住区树木健康指数差异显著(P<0.05),而不同地段居住区树木健康指数差异不显著(P>0.05)。健康指数大小分别为:1 环内>1-2 环=2 环外;2010s>2000s>1990s;商品房>保障房>福利房。


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  2 Abstract

 Trees in residential areas are an important part of urban trees. With the acceleration of urbanization, the development of residential areas has also flourished. Trees in residential areas are an important part of greening in residential areas and play an important role in the construction of urban ecological environment. Tree health evaluation research is a hot research topic today, but scholars mostly focus on the health evaluation research of ancient and famous trees, and rarely involve the health evaluation research of trees in residential areas.This article takes Hefei as the research area, 90 sample plots were selected from 15 residential areas of different years, different sections, and different natures in Hefei to investigate the health characteristics of trees,Using excel form and spss21.0 statistical software, based on the establishment of tree health evaluation model to evaluate the tree health status, the analysis of variance and the multiple comparison method were used to analyze the tree health differences in different types of residential areas, and to explore the causes of tree health differences in different types of residential areas. And limiting factors. (1)Among the indicators of tree health evaluation in residential areas in the same area, there are significant differences among the seven indicators of tree crown shape, partial crown degree, ratio of dead branches and rots, plant interception, light pollution degree, surface coverage degree, and maintenance management (P <0.05) , The other indicators are not significantly different (P >0.05).The health status of the trees showed a trend of deterioration from the inner ring area to the outer ring area, and then became better. The specific performance is as follows: 1 ring> 2 rings outside> 1-2 rings. (2)There were significant differences in the indicators of tree health evaluation in residential areas at different periods (P <0.05). The health status of trees has gradually improved over time, and the specific performance is as follows: 2010s>2000s>1990s. (3)There were significant differences in the indicators of tree health in residential areas from different sources (P <0.05). The health status of the trees is as follows: commercial housing> social housing> welfare housing. (4)The health grade of the trees in the residential area of Hefei has a right-normal distribution. The proportion of healthy trees is 7.23%, the proportion of sub-healthy trees is 76.10%, the proportion of medium-healthy trees is 14.28%, the

  3 grade of unhealthy trees and dying The proportions of the state ranks are relatively low, accounting for 2.14% and 0.25%, respectively. (5)The tree health index of residential areas in Hefei is between 0.20-1. The tree health index of residential areas from different sources and periods is significantly different (P <0.05), while the tree health index of residential areas from different regions is not significantly different (P> 0.05).The size of the health index is: within 1 ring>1-2 rings=2 outside rings; 2010s>2000s>1990s; commercial housing>security housing>welfare housing. (6)The growth of trees in the residential area of Hefei City is in a sub-healthy state. Potential influencing factors such as plant cutting, light pollution, surface coverage, and conservation management are important factors that restrict the healthy growth of trees in the residential area of Hefei.Properly reducing the impact of nighttime lighting, increasing organic surface coverage, avoiding excessive pruning and cutting, and strengthening tree conservation management are the guarantees for the healthy growth of trees in residential areas in Hefei. Keywords: Residential area; tree health; evaluation index; health index

  4 1 文献综述 1.1 相关概念 1.1.1 城市居住区 城市居住区是跟随着社会不断的前进和发展诞生的。它从最早开始的街巷里坊模式、到邻里单位、到当今的居住区、综合社区等,已经越来越多地承担着服务社区居民的作用。在西方古希腊和古罗马奴隶社会时期,居住区就是最简单的街坊,占地面积很小,一般为一到二公顷,通常只能容纳几百个人。而据我国周代的《周礼考工记》上记载:“匠人营国,方九里,旁三门,国中九经九纬,经涂九轨,左祖右社,市朝一夫。”已经出现了居住区的雏形。

 居住区是指城市中人们集中居住的地方,一般被城市街道或者自然界限围合起来形成一个具有明显边界的空间,并且具有一定规模,拥有一定的人口,占用一定的土地 [1] 。一般在居住区内都集中设置有居住建筑、公共建筑、商业网点、文化教育、娱乐和各种配套市政及生活服务设施,并有其独立的绿地系统、道路系统,城市交通不得引入,满足居民日常物质文化生活需求。居民在居住区中进行一切日常生活活动,与人们的生活密切相关。

 在《城市居住区规划设计标准》 [2] 中,对“居住区”的定义是这样的:“泛指城市中住宅建筑相对集中布局的地区和特指城市干道或自然界线所围合,并与居住人口规模相对应,配建有一整套完善的能满足居民物质与文化生活所需的公共服务设施的居住生活聚居地。其中,居住区的定义还包括广义和特指两种类型:广义的居住区是指“市中住宅建筑相对集中布局的地区”;特指的居住区是指“城市干道或自然分界线所围合,并与居住人口规模相对应,配建有一套能满足该区居民物质与文化生活所需的公共服务设施的居住生活聚居地” [3] 。

 根据最新的《城市居住区规划设计标准》,调整居住区分级控制方式与规模,统筹、整合、细化了居住区用地与建筑相关控制指标。以“生活圈”的概念取代“居住区、居住小区、居住组团”的分级模式,强调不同生活圈满足不同的生活需求,越必需越常用、方便度要求越高的设施,服务半径越小 [4] 。

 我国按照人口规模和道路划分类型把居住区分为四个等级:分别为十五分钟生活圈居住区、十分钟生活圈居住区、五分钟生活圈居住区和居住街坊,其中居住街坊是最小的控制单元。如表 1-1。

 (1)十五分钟生活圈居住区 以居民步行十五分钟可满足其物质与生活文化需求为原则划分的居住区范围;一般由城市干路或用地边界线所围合、居住人口规模为 50000 人~100000

  5 人(约 17000 套~32000 套住宅),配套设施完善的地区。

 (2)十分钟生活圈居住区 以居民步行十分钟可满足其基本物质与生活文化需求为原则划分的居住区范围;一般由城市干路、支路或用地边界线所围合、居住人口规模为 15000 人~25000 人(约 5000 套~8000 套住宅),配套设施齐全的地区。

 (3)五分钟生活圈居住区 以居民步行五分钟可满足其基本生活需求为原则划分的居住区范围;一般由支路及以上级城市道路或用地边界线所围合,居住人口规模为 5000 人~12000人(约 1500 套~4000 套住宅),配建社区服务设施的地区。

 (4)居住街坊 由支路等城市道路或用地边界线围合的住宅用地,是住宅建筑组合形成的居住基本单元;居住人口规模在 1000 人~3000 人(约 300 套~1000 套住宅,用地面积 2hm²~4hm²),并配建有便民服务设施。

 表 1-1 居住区分级 Table 1-1 Residential area classification 距离与规模 十五分钟生活圈居住区 十分钟生活圈 居住区 五分钟生活圈 居住区 居住街坊 步行距离(m)

 800~1000 500 300 — 居住人口(人)

 50000~100000 15000~25000 5000~12000 1000~3000 住宅数量(套)

 17000~32000 5000~8000 1500~4000 300~1000 1.1.2 城市绿地 城市绿地的定义分为广义和狭义两种,广义的城市绿地是指城市规划区范围内的各种绿地,是城市规划区内被植被覆盖的土地、空旷地和水体的总称,狭义的城市绿地是指城市中面积较小,设施较少,人工种植花草树木形成的绿色空间。


 在我国城市园林绿地系统一般具有一定的数量以及质量,包括一切人工的或者自然状态的植物群体和水体,也包括城市各种类型和不同规模的具有绿色潜能的绿化用地,它们之间存在着各种作用与联系,共同组建形成一个为人们提供游憩境域的城市人工自然系统 [5-7] 。简单来说就是城市中所有植物的种植以及植物种植所占的土地。城市绿地又包括了城市公园以及花园、道路交通绿地以及居住

  6 区环境绿地、企事业单位附属绿地、园林苗圃地及风景名胜区绿地 [8-10] 。城市绿地系统具有其自身的社会效益、经济效益、生态效益,能有效改善城市生态小环境,净化空气。

 1.1.3 城市树木 城市树木作为城市生态系统的关键自然组成部分,是城市景观和生态建设的重要资源,是城市的重要绿色基础设施,为人们提供直接或间接的生态系统服务,是城市居民与自然相连接的重要纽带。一方面,城市树木的生长、发育在改善和维护城市生态方面作用尤为巨大。另一方面,城市树木也见证了城市的发展,由城市树木所营造的特定地域景观,也承载了城市居民的“乡情”与“乡愁”。城市树木的研究与保护、发展越来越引起人们的重视,城市树木在现代化城市建设中的地位越发关键。城市树木也具有了许多功能:


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