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晚上翻译新浪至奥委会的申请信, 再次遇到英文信件的格式问题。 每次都有些发晕, 总

是搞不清楚哪个地方该放什么用语。 只记得最简单的格式就是所有段落顶头, 包括称呼、正

文和落款。可是原文并不是这个格式,于是到网上搜索一番,找到了一个比较全面的文章, 转贴过来慢慢研究。

英语信件的种类比较多, 有一般信件,邀请信,推荐信等。但几乎所有信件的格式都大 同小异。书写英语信件要注意下面几点:

(一) 英语书信结构、书写款式及要求:

1 ?书信结构


1)信封(envelope )。英语的信封和中文的一样,有三部分组成,即发信人地址、收信人

地址和邮票。只不过英语信封的格式除了邮票所贴的位置 (信封的右上角)和中文的一样外, 英语信封上要写的发信人和收信人的地址和中文的大不一样。 发信人的地址应写在信封的左



Rgia 30Z Ho.理比 T钢科!脸 00 st amp

Shanghai, 20040

F. R. China

Trof John Hill

COT Willirigt込 Avenue

Fain Be a ch, Tlor i ds 33404

U S. A.


3) 信内姓名地址(inside address),即写收信人的姓名和地址(左上角)。

4) 称呼(salutation) ,即写对收信人的尊称(一般用 Dear Mr.…,;Dear MadamHelen,;

Dear Miss…,;Dear John,; Dear Professor Smith, 等)。称呼直接写在收信人地址的正


 称呼后面的标点一般只能用逗号。以上信头、 信内姓名和地址三部


Liu Y Mi-hua

Rcon 3口乙 Uo Road 绷)i

Sliangliai 200040

r. &匚皿亦

June 2巳 2002

John Kill 6C7

Horfh Willin.£tan Avsniiw

Palm Eeich, Tlarida 33404

U S A.

Professor Hi 11,

注:如果是相当熟悉和随便的朋友之间,因为彼此都知道对方的地址, 故信头和信内的


因为彼此都知道对方的地址, 故信头和信内的


5)正文(body),即信件内的主要内容。 正文第一句句子一般和称呼之间空一至二行。

6)信尾客套语(complimentary close),即写信人在信的右(或左)下角,写上表示自己 对收

信人一种礼貌客气的谦称。一般有 Si ncerely,; Si ncerely yours,; Yours si ncerely,;

Frie ndly

yours,; Truly yours,; Yours truly,; Cordially yours,; Yours cordially, 等。





7)信尾签名 (signature) ,即亲笔签上写信人自己的姓名。



除以上七个部分外,有时一些英语书信还包括:( 1)附件 (Enclosure) ,以 Enc. 表示,

如"附有。。。。。。证明”应写为 Enc…Certificate ; (2)再启(Postscript) ,以 P.S.

表示;(3)抄送件(Carbon Copy to…),以c.c.表示,说明一式多份抄送其他有关人员。


 P.S. 主要在私人信件中使用,事务信件中应避免使用,以免造 成写信人粗心大意的印象。

 Enc. 和 c.c. 大都用在商贸信函中。


英语书信的款式一般有两种:齐头式 (Block Style) 和折衷式 (Semi-Block Style) 。齐头 式常常在商贸、官方以及一些正式的信件中使用,以显示信件内容的严肃性,真实性, 可靠性。而折衷式则显的比较随便,主要用于家人、朋友、私人之间来往的信件。如果两人 之间不是第一次通信,相互比较了解,可以省略信内的双方地址。


A: 齐头式信件款式:




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Liu Fin晳

Box 408

E ei j i tl§ Um we rs i ty

Beijing 100371

P. R Cki^a

July 10, 2002

Dir ector

Colurabi a Uitiver si ty

York, in, 1002&

Itir Fr SuLLiv^

Thi z is a request for admittanc& to your Uni vtrsi ty as a. visi ting ■seKolar. T

it *ill pcsilblt fw 仏 ta tike 4宜t> d* 土&爪鱼

sirch wtrk in 簞忖iy dsjartmeAt Our Giv^rrun^rit will proviis tk all

triv^liHi6 living eicpe.

Enclose J please fLrud [■捫 ^ppl i i ah anti tier & e: 1? tier s of t & sonwn $ n J a 11 otl}

whi di I hop? you will fjnd s at! sfactory. ThaiJc you for your kind

CD£isider?ti oxu I5 皿 looking fsrwurd iq your e朗li盛e: reply.

Sin^^rtiy 严^齐

Lin fin^




 第 种写在左下方,这是最常用也是最正式的。

 另外也可以写在右下方, 这种形式则表示写信人 与收信人之间的关系比较熟悉随便。下面是另一种齐头式信件的格式。



D是 cember 22f 2002

I irriired it Skangh&i ye st. er day afternoon- My £e and tty daw^hter met me at th* <ir p^ri. Th 锂 y 留电 3■色 vst*y ffluch gLa.4 thit I cool J. coms b*.ek just b 巨 Eot* 色 Chr istmas uid th百 ntw arJ 5 day. On our wty hcm?} I told theoi a lot abo'ut my stay in. America^ until 噩阿 they are always enccuragiag rue to tell thErs sqb e ijitere^tiikig inc i d^nts oid eicc iti事百 rape rd ences t T en count er e d in the St mt You they have never 卞己巳 n abrg电已 wd. ther^f^r e avetry thing

may seem str^ng^e to th亡m? It is ^ven 已滋trfinely mcredibEe f^r them to kn的 thit er^ry d=ay we took half 辺’hour driv8电 £^r our luitchj. which i s qui te iLalnral for ordinary people.

ffly wife ^nd daughter want m冒 to thaid^ you for your pfts to them My daughter loves the toy dog 琴电ty much^ and she always hoi ds it eren vrhen she is sleepiiij:. Mjr wife ld?@s the pxirse. She feels sc proudL of oTning i t, speaks eg highly of i tz quality that she shows 11 to :^L1 her fri ends.

如严盘比 I1 m much obliged to you for your hoejitality during my stay th@r amd. to your 讲if% Catherine @^p电cjiXL 1 弹 She i茸 really 直 nic? young 1 ady, who i£ ki nd, fr wk od genar ou^. With her gai dsn.c? und i UEtructi cue, I couLd visit sone places that 1 had been longing fo片 fii^d 昌wne i描materi als

lg&rn 5things in i eaii ?=uilture.卅电:awhile』 I voiJld

th:ajik your c*11^4gue s for their tr^rTi ends us h&lp, wi th-But whiclt i t w&iald hav* been mpoEsibLe for me 10 coj)e w 11K everylhi i^g.

I won7 t Geuns to ny o££i ce until J<nmary 6. 常电 制ill uriEorrw yen &£ cur decision about th? conlr act ak scon <s possible.

PLe ass rem ember me 10 jromr w 1 £*& and two d 曲抄七巳 v

S iitcerely your

SIlou Y aik_weii


用折衷式书写信件,其正文与称呼之间空一至二行。第一段第一句的第一个单词必须在 Dear

称呼的直接下面。以后每段开头都要与第一段第一个字对齐。 信尾的客套话和签名都写在右

下方。朋友之间写信一般都使用折衷式, 而且称呼与正文之间一般不空行。 具体款式和要求




C orairierci al eitd Tr aJe LMT

H.oom Pai-lt Hotel

ShingUi 20001

F. R. Chin*



劭和%guf Pivisi

Vi ct a Industr Co.

?lem mgt on 3032

VIC, Aus tralia

De^r Mr. HtrikeL,

Re th? recaipt ot yow l*ttar and its ancla^ure of F?trn%ry

10 atoyt the supply of machi nes

■ffe rtgret that it i5 difficiilt for us to consider thE Turchak* is our

camp any doag not d the it win for the time b 屯in. He have recorded your

quotati on of our fur thei use.

Thank 列u for yonif kind att^nti on to thi a replj/.

T ours fai thlEull巧


3 ?信件书写要求:

写英语信件一般可以使用打字机、 电脑,朋友之间比较随便的信件也可以用钢笔、 圆珠笔甚

至彩色笔,但不宜用铅笔。不管你用什么形式书写,一些重要的信件, 签名处必须用深蓝色




Oct cber 5十 2002 Ilear M£

Your latter wl package reacLeil me yesterday? You re:ally gime a gr吕乞t surprise? X 埔自盂 ^onderi^g tfhat win such a nice p&ckage util I carefully opened it ^nd foiind that you sent me an at tractive present for my birthday. Ihaiik you rery nrunch for your kindn电旨3 and I like the present, which wi 11 51 ve me pleasure fd-r a long time to come

Again i t thou^itfill of you to me the present on my birthday.

Tset 总

Tset 总ft!曲乎 aveni ng

your stay wi th us

e?L nie& tall 普h& invited ywti mlA I ts

Oetfib^r.用色 jeyd and all af 115 m电nti

W @ hoy yea will aom? to China i E j)ossibl

Please acc&pt


P et eir W ang


May 16“ 2003

Dear Mr. Bl akeJ

ThanJk you for informing tis jtow new JElcize e adcLr ess. Xi 1 s £snt ststi c tkat you. al a Kouse of your qwil, whieh, 总吕 ^plamedj i s located, in a

s?l site ci ty. I can in&gintr tkti you ire a&w anjoyiTig your life artd. i^ork^ md you can ?ntexiaiizi y^e-urstlvas an such bi g hzi■暫

When I tolJ the to Peter Li# Jajmes Wang md Uaacy £h蚯舄 the ^irl

who =always w毎*首 h 1 ong Lsi aiid went t c Be i J耳Hjg:寛* th aw la.51 ye sar^ tliey

m wish you 七o us some pictwe^w of your naw Rouse. Ye ho|)e tliat when

we go on errand izi Ameri ca nen七 year』 we ■:ait pay a si t to your £^ni ly.

Th电n.阳电 e Siire to kave a nifatherLrLg-

Thi s morrning^ Peter and I went io an srt gallery to pick up un oil. paiinting with 宣 b?團uAy spot of China/ 誓 southern jart as a tok?n &£ our h&ajrty c^ngr^tul勒tion鼠 hope it cw a.4.4 up to your d?c?ratioriw wh?r?v?r

you lik即 and we ialso sh you will like it.

Your e si ncer

Willi =ain F ==tng

est season oDear Mr. Er 1 an

est season o

ThaxJk you for your letter of Mi ar ch 20, A.s Spr ing —一 the

h匕吕 GWlSj

everything is mas ? Ihw ather is


(OflifcrtaLle, tfE亡2 became green and various kinds of flowers

are in

bless on:.

出匕 therefore, inwite you to visit our city from April 28 to

If you icctpt our invit*tion, pl?ass inform us inof th*nufiib^r

If you icctpt our invit*tion, pl?ass inform us in

of th*


will tryflf ycur reipla, th&ir Him岂兮 snd your suggestion.! of your vi sit. X电

will try

cur last tQ arr an$? every! hi ng according to your plui^ ud wa hop a that you

will enj<?y every minute of your trip here.

'He are looking f arvrttrd t 0 y(rur r eply

Si ncerely youi^Ej

Li Xl ao^ttua

4) 一般信件

1508 T opp Laxte BE G1 envi w叫 IL 6002 5 V. s.扎

Dec. 26, 1998

Tear Sun Yon£"kanU

lour letter eventually followed me to iny new addr电邑百(above). IJ m afraid I caiC t "be of m^ch sp?ci fie h^lp to you. I hoTe^er, you

a dizrec tenry of pliysi cs pregr aras in the IT. S. On pp, 1T6 一 180 are pro gram s.

leading to a Mas ter w or Ph. D. My ^uggestio 皿 to look over the program

d&ECTiptidUE arid, th电耳 t* wri dLirec tly tc- th^ ^ddr&g 电i即色口 i f wy

ippr opri 4t*. Str tee th^t you £i id_ d.

I t worry too- muck -^Lout your English? Your acadsniic "baakgroujid

seerM strong

Good. Lucl^

Harvey l?idler




TKLEFAI: 7IS5&42 TELEPJffiS= 0464 E8S2^

Jac quies Rogel

JF:色號电t. C1&

34 rue du Prufe^seur Ni col?

35009 Clttrnont F^rruid

F^-uxca 7 Auguii 2002

Dgar Jacque's^

工、 m wr 1 i-iitg to you "because ■we^ "s-e be?n. hwvin磊 a bit o£ trouble w 1 th one c£ our suppli er e who rriakes the 11 gki-i- et gill b atterz es we use i o power our vekiclfiE? I1 m pretty ynu doaf t h臣窃电 生 local distributor &£ y&u^

(.?rodnicts in. ihi s ccnmlryv which is wliy I" 曲 wri ting t* you Jireet to se i f ysu can. help us eut. T did try tc callj, but ycu w€r#nsl t available

Is m sendiLXXg soinQ copi as &f our tacknical brQchxur#s to that you cao ss# wha,t we need? Keres s the speci ficition:

Foilj^Mer i c BiaLtii exi.es

Max lrBum Size: He i g^t: Deptk : 200mm 叭 &th:

ft*laz;rB口jb 聊Ekg

Dtltpiiili. 1000 w^tts @ 12 volts

監总ch盘r百包di直 li £业 喪1 jfull ptyw^r: 0 kour e

Lnb 电1 当 E^cK uni t 呂hoUd Th巨?r a 1 abel giving:

Th? output of the b^ttaryj it伍 month axud y*ar cf Rtanufyour own comp any1 s name azid country』 a product cod^ aumber and a uxi que iml t xiuanb^ir

Q口antity: 4:^ 800 Tuai te

工1已1 “总工厂 by 15 Septembe^r £0C2




PAGE #欢迎下载

I5 d appireci=at& i t i f you could quote us your best CIF pr i ce^ giving 包

full sp ec 1 f 1 cat 1 or\ o £ jrcnir poroduciL

lechrLLcal ilepartmentt would neeil to

cquII 在 firm; or


W电 usually d?al with new suppliexs

on the b^is of pagnnent in bit currency

Credi I.ly confirmed irrevocable Leiter of

Credi I.

AssuniiiLg: the Isbo-ralory tests go- well^ and you cml Qiwt亡 113 a

cofflp^ti tiv# pri 輩寸 d cartaiiCLy b碰 宜bl电 to placs mcr€ substanti al orders

on 勒 regiiLtx baLsii.

T 11 be out of the cffice for 0 couple of w?k5 from tomorrow. In the nieoitLEne, io get in toucli wi th one of ny aEgistaJils Mr. Cloud and Mrs, Levis i£ yu口 needL any more information.

Looking: forw^trcli. to he:aring fTom you.

Gl^4rLg my best l^g&rdE to 丁色迅抚包 arL.l Ihe kt is.


Fred 扎 Forthj Buying inuiager






Lin Cheng-wej

D epar o£ Pore 1 gn Lang7i^.ges

E as七一1“11:1_血2 Norma]. Um ver el ty

Uo- 36S3 Zhoikg Shan Ro ad QU

ShdeUi. 200062

Fecpler Rtpublie of ChiniL

Nay 18, 2003


Def air七o £ Li gli cs Er i gJL:am 7a! oung Uili ver si ty 2129 JEHB

Fsnwq Ulak 84602

U S. k

Ez Sir^

5 ami an as si st ant te acher p£ i sh. at East-CMna. Vormial ty. Woiv 工


From L99E< to 2000 I sludi td in Foreign LMiguagtE Depar tinientj, Eist-Chin* Nornv辽 Umi^sarsi ty. tar 事轿o巧 I st&y@ l ixi my dtp artm?rLt as ui

assistant^ teaching: tie courses of Engjish Graiwrnar an<l Intensive Reading. Kz 直 yowg teacKeru I 色爪 forward to getting 也 chu^ce to hwe 色 £atJier

study in Erip;lisk~spe :iking cu>imtiri es i n order to iinprove my EngX^nd any 电billty tQ t匕n匚h thw JLnngTiin直吕=as ECnQirixig that yQux department 町££启工旨

州■扎 in TESLj 匸 th^r^fpr e, siiLG^r^ly hope that X c^xi h^ve the opportuni ty to study in your departflient.

Buri ng the past tlur e e years of nny ie^ching^ I Iiave fceca?e interested! in TESL

Rea.jing^ Graramar U薛規召q anid Laxi^na^^1 Acqm si t j. wLl qh ma.y have a. clgs§

r el at l on shi p wl th 七 km reqtiiire d ctnrrse e you offer. In addi ti orij I 卜但辛唱

pixblz sKe d sever"ai papers m £l el ds (refer

my r ■£ sum e

Encl?s?d are my ^j-plicali on m&ieri.als. Please feel

£r?e to inform me i£ you

hav? any question and some otlier inferma.ti en.

It wfluid b舍 very kind of

you if ypu can t込着 my ^p^li cation iniq ? seri

工' rn loo^iri^ forward ±q< hearizig from jrou opik.




PAGE #。欢迎下载

7)出国留学推荐信 ( Recommendation Letter for Studying Abroad ) 随着我国出国留学生日年增多一般, 大部分学生需要在出国前让自己的老师、 导师或领导写 一份出国推荐信, 从而可以在信中告知对方学校申请人的学历、 能力、 为人处世等方面的情 况。如果推荐信是写给对方某某人的,开头用 Dear…,如果是写给对方单位或学校的, 则

开头可以用 To whomit may concern, 或 To WhomIt May Concern, (意为:有关负责人)。






Bep sortmeift o £ lilt ernft 11 on al BiisiiLess

Uni vetrei ty o £ Te^^s at Ai'lington

Ariingt ?斗 T exas 7601E

U S. A.

Narcli 12z 2002

To ttLon It May匚^弧匕电片些

I iam dsli ght?d to wri te t hi 毎 r a camim end at i q n 1 @ tier f&r Ms Y a

"brilliaiit student of min 町 who ha.s applied; to ycur Uni ver si ty for 亀 <indss:iom to 訐么业总t亡 prog^ram gf Iil.Ination^l B屮mint富宜 in thw coining fall 2002a

In the 札ca辺亡miu y^ar 1997 亠 2001 j Ms. Ma Yw 牯屯s im the cl ass o*i

Internalional Finance ani Foreign Trad-e Business under my instruction. Tfeediless to say, the two courses demand prior stuiy of, anonE other thing, th皂 Znglish l^ng^Jiagg. Mis Ma T^n51 s performance in my class was quit疤 out standing. From di icu^sions^ assignni?Dt5 and. term i 口 £L e-xwis^ I could s?e that she had acquir电d extensive faiowledg-e in th电 ccmduct &f Intern^tional finance as well as Forei gji Trade Business.

Ae. far 虫写 I know, Ms. Ma Tsn has. b^sn highly Euccessful in almost all

th色 major courses gh包 has tdc^n in oar Departm^nt. Thie d^monstr^tes h^r

sehftl&stie eity Mtd h色片 fa? 圧昌住el上

As te her ehitr&et电f p^rsenality, in iry persen*l epini?九 sk^ is

indeed 乩 courte&y e, ple&E wt uid ^f\bi tious young lady Turtherm sh?

a 肯 are personali ty 肯 i th enoti oxial matwri With this cood char acter# I "woulJ say that sKe ^111 Be able to get well aloiig with people o£ di fferezit nati onal i 11 e e_

Cons i der ing ker a stiL(lent c£ ki §K joteiL七1.盘1$ I recommend Ker most enlh^si11cally. Vour assistutee md ^ind consideron o£ her application, will b电 highly apjrrelated-

If fur thtr inform at i on about h ■庄 i i requir td^ plsras ? do not he-si tat ? ta let vna- Imow.

Yuux 旨 siiicer


Sons Tao

Prof. o£ Int emotional Busimess

Bept. of Foreign. Trade Bus me es

S 卜lnil gtiai Um ver s i ty







致力为企业和个人提供合同协议, 策划案计划书,学习资料等等


相关热词搜索: 信件 英文 信件 格式 最新英文信件格式x