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 2021 英语四级考试作文范例(6 篇)

 1.职业选择(国企还是合资企业) 写作提纲

 一、描述话题:毕业面临两种选择,国企还是合资企业( career choice, state -owned business, joint venture),我选择后者 二、分析原因: 1. 更大的个人发展空间( grow and develop) 2.较高的薪水(a higher salary) 3. 多元的企业文化( diverse business culture)三、重申观点:两者中选择合资企业( first and best choice) 范文: :

 State owned Business or Joint Venture

 Upon graduation, virtually all college students will confront the issue of career choice, which is truly a tough one. Some hold that there is no better way to get a decent job than working in a state- owned business which will guarantee their life after retirement, while others take the attitude that a joint venture outweighs any other jobs as it may provide higher income for employees. As for me, I prefer the latter one. For one thing, a joint venture usually offers a more cooperative and more competitive atmosphere which is suitable for the beginners to grow and develop. For another, joint

 ventures usually offer a higher salary , which holds a tremendous fascination for a great number of people, especially for the young who need to cover the expenses of transportation, house-renting, and social at vi ties. Besides the above two, I adore the diverse business culture in the joint ventures ,immersed in which, I can broaden my vision and expand my knowledge.

 Based on the above reasons, a joint venture will be myirst and best choice. 参考译文: :

 国有企业还是合资企业 毕业在即,几乎所有的大学生都面临着职业选择的问题,这真称得上是一个难题。一些人认为只有在国有企业中才能谋得一份体面的工作,因为国有企业可以保障他们退休后的生活。而另一些人则认为合资企业在萧水等方面的优势无疑是更好的选择。对我来说,我倾向于选择后者。一方面, 合资企业通常提供一个既合作又充满竞争的氛围,适合初入职场者的成长和发展。



 2. “options upon graduation”(毕业选择)

 Find a Job First

 College students" options upon graduation vary from person to person. Some students choose to hunt for a job while others prefer to start their own businesses. As for me, I would rather find a job first.

 The reasons for my decision are as follows. For one thing, it is much easier for me to find a job compared with starting a business which demands funds, experience and the market. As a green hand who has just graduated from college ,it"s totally beyond my ability to handle such a complex situation. For another ,work in gforotherscoulddevelop my personalities, such as perseverance, hardworking and stress tolerance ability, which can help me become more prepared and qualified if I would like to start up my own business. To conclude, chances always favor those who are fully prepared. And I don"t think a person could really " build up from nothing". As a result, I will find a job first after graduation. 参考译文: :

 我选择先找一份工作 大学生对于毕业以后的选择因人而异。有些学生会选择找工作,有些则想要自己创业。而我会选择先找一份工作。



 四级作文题:A Balance Between Life and Work 范文: :

 A Balance Between Life and Work

 Dear Friends : I am very glad to be here and give you a short speech on the subject of how to strike a balance between life and work. There is a tendency in our society that people pay so much attention to material success that they unfortunately neglect their health. In my opinion, nothing can be achieved without health and the key to keeping healthy is to strike a balance between life and work. On the one hand, the meaning of life and work should be pinned down. A life without work is incomplete, but a life with work alone seems to be a case of putting the cart before the horse. On the other hand, a dynamic combination of the two factors is possible. I assume life and

 work are not mutually exclusive, after all we have so many elites who are successful both in their lives and careers. From my personal experience, a balance can be achieved as long as you stay positive and want to make necessary changes. That is all, thank you. 参考译文: :

 生活与 工作的平衡

 亲爱的朋友们: 我很高兴来到这里,就如何在生活和工作之间取得平衡这一主题发表简短的讲话。



 3.关于二手自行车的广告 Secondhand bicycle is for sale right now. It is of excellent quality and reasonable price. If you are interested in it, just

 come and take a look at it. This Nicolai bicycle is a German brand which enjoys a high reputation in the world market. They are especially popular and famous among young people. The wheel diameter is 26 inches long. It has a black and white color and is sold in almost every big shopping mall or bicycle specialty store. It first entered the market in the spring of last year. It is fast and in perfect condition. The frame of the bicycle is made from aluminum, making it strong enough for you to ride at least ten more years. It cost me 2000 yuan half a year ago. However, I can give you a fifty percent discount if you buy it right now. If you are interested in it or intend to know more details, please don t hesitate to cont ac tme, and I can be reached at 89757. I"m looking forward to your phone calls. 参考译文: :


 出售的自行车为德国尼古拉品牌,在国际市场享有极高的声誉。尤其是在年轻人中大受欢迎。该品牌自行车车轮直径 26 英尺,颜色黑白相间,在各大商品市场和自行车专卖店均有出售。单车于去年春季首次入市。车速度快且目前状况良好。车身材料为铝,能让您至少再使用个十年。本人于半年前花 2000 元购买该品牌单车。但您若现在购买我可以提供半价优惠。

 任何感兴趣或想进一步了解具体情况的同学,欢迎随时向我咨询。我的电话是 89757。静候佳音。

 4.如何妥善处理好师生关系 There is no doubt that the relationship between teachers and students can, directly or in directly,exert a great influence on personal growth and academic performance of students. Nevertheless, a good teacher-student never be established by unilateral efforts. On the one hand, teachers should encourage students instead of forcing them to learn. Those teachers with a firm hand might intimidate students, but being too friendly tends to spoil students and turn them into idle andunmotivated ones. Teachers should try to avoid these two extremes. On the other hand, students should always show proper respect toward their teachers by taking notes carefully and actively interact with teachers in class. If there is any discontent, they should communicate with their teachers in time, as opposed to ignoring classroom disciplines or even misbehaving In one word, a positive teacher student relationship can be, but it is so vulnerable that both sides should try their best to take care of it.

 参考译文: :




 5.“如何妥善处理医患关系给出相应的措施或者建议” Nowadays, the tension between doctors and patients builds up due to a variety of reasons. People"s views vary greatly on how to best handle the relationship between them. As far as I"m concerned, some measures mentioned below can be taken into account. To begin with, doctors should change their ways of treating patients. Patients are emotional and sensitive. Doctors" good manner comforts patients, while their poor manner could leave vulnerable patients unsatisfied, worried and in despair. Therefore, patients should be treated with respect.

 Furthermore, professional and standard health care service is the key to improving the doctor patient relationship. Doctors equipped with both rich theore tical knowledge and practical experience can better relieve the pain and regain trust from patients. Rome wasn"t built in a day. It takes time to rebuild mutual trust and respect between doctors and patients. As long as these measures can be put into practice, not only can these problems be solved but also a harmonious society can be built. 参考译文: :

 如今,医患关系由于各种各样的原因而不断紧张升温。如何妥善处理两者的关系,人们观点不一。在我看来,可考虑采取以下几种措施: 第一,医生应转变对待病人的态度。病人是情绪化且敏感的。医生的良好态度能让病人感到宽慰,恶劣的态度可能会让不堪一击的病人感到不满、担心和绝望。因此,医生应给予病人尊重。此外,专业、标准化的医疗保健服务是缓解医患关系的关键。拥有丰富的理论知识和实践经验的医生 能更好地减轻病人的痛苦,并重获病人的信任 罗马不是一天建成的。医患之间重新建立信任和尊重需要时间。只要能将这些措施付诸实施,医患问题不仅能得以解决,还能构建和谐的社会。



 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between parents and children. You should write at least 120 words but no morethan 180 words.

 Nowadays, there has been a lot of discussion on how to strengthen the parent-child relationship. Some believe that parents should spend more quality time with their children, while others consider that children should show more understanding toward their parents. I...

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