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 2021 英语四级作文题 目及翻译(含范文)


 With the rapid development of the Internet

 and instant messenger, we can communicate with others via written words or emoticons, but the significance of speaking ability never diminishes and still helps us in all areas of life. To start with, good verbal skills are important for career success. Employers have always valued the ability to speak well, and a good communicator is easier to stand out from the rest, gaining more opportunities for promotion. In addition, well-developed speaking ability can increase one " s negotiation skills, which is essential in most types of jobs. Dramatically, a powerful pub lie speech can even save a country and revolution the society. Prime examples are Song Mei ling" s speech to the US congress in 1943 and Martin Luther King"s "I have a dream". Developing speaking ability is not as hard as most people think For university students, doing presentations in class and taking part in debate contests are the most ways. Besides, regular practice helps students conquer the nervousness and anxiety of public speaking. So more if your want to you speaking ability.

 参考译文: :


 首先,良好的语言表达能力对事业的成功至关重要。雇主们一向重视口语表达能力,善于沟通的人更易脱颖而出,获得更多的晋升机会。此外,良好的表达能力可以提升一个人的谈判技巧,这对于大多数工种来说是必不可少的。戏剧性的是,一次极具感染力的公开演讲甚至可以拯救一个国家的命运,并使社会发生变革。最典型的例子有宋美龄 1943 年在美国国会的演讲以及马丁.路德.金的演讲“我有一个梦想”。



 With the advent of modern technology, various electronic gadgets have probably overtaken literature to catch the attention of the younger generation. However, the importance of reading ability cannot be overemphasized. To begin with, reading is fundamental to functioning in today"s society. We have to deal with different kinds of written

 materials, such as contracts and notices, almost every day, which means that we need to understand precisely what is read and respond appropriately. Furthermore, in an age when dramatic changes take place every day, reading is the main way for people to educate themselves so as not to be left behind. Last but not least, reading can broaden people "s horizons because people can have access to all of the accumulated knowledge of mankind through books. One important way to develop reading ability is to start with a book you are most interested in. Another advisable way is to expose yourself to books and reading materials as often as possible. Finally, remember to reading materials at your level or just a challenging so as to cultivate your reading habit. 参考译文:






 The column chart above clearly ill us the statistics of the weekly earnings of people with different educational backgrounds in the United States in 2010. According to the data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there steady increase from $444 for people with less than a high school diploma to $1550 for those with a doctoral degree. The reasons for this trend are as follows. In the first place, it has long been an accepted fact that a higher degree is pre-requisite for a promising career, or finding a good job. In the second place, in our highly competitive society, whether one is in China or the U.S., it can be said that it is impossible for person to find a good job with a promising future without at least a college degree. From the analysis given above, we may predict that in order to remain competitive in the workplace as well as in salary, peoplein mounting numbers will return back to school to

 continue their higher education, even though they already have their college or university degrees.


 上述柱状图清晰的揭示了 2010 年不同教育背景人群的周薪数据。根据美国劳工统计局的数据,周薪从低于高中文凭人群的 444 美元稳步上升到博士学位拥有者的 1550 美元。




 As is almost true with all schools, writing is an indispensable part of the curriculum and many schools spare no effort in sharpening the writing ability of their students. Why is writing ability so important? Firstly, writing ability is a basic requirement in our society. Whether we have a writing profession or not, we need to spend a fair amount of time communicating via written words, such as writing a work plan and drafting a speech.

 That means we need good writing skills to effectively communicate our ideas. Secondly, writing makes great contributions to our logical thinkingand analytical ability. In the process of writing a well-developed essay, we learn how to compose ideas and organize our arguments. Through in ten writing practice, we are trained to be logical and analytical The best way to improve our writing ability is to read as much as we can and learn from great works. Moreover, owing to the fact that practice makes perfect, we can also develop the habit of writing by keeping a diary. 参考译文: :

 写作几乎是所有学校课程中不可或缺的一部分,并且许多学校都不遗余力地提高学生的写作能力写作能力为何如此重要? 首先,在当今社会写作能力是一项基本要求。不管我们是否以写作为职业,我们很多时候都要通过书面文字进行交流,比如写一份工作计划、起草一份演讲稿。这就意味着我们需要良好的写作技巧,以使有效地传达自己的想法。

 其次,写作对我们的逻辑思维和分析能力有很大的帮助。在写一篇结构严密的文章的过程中,我们学习如何构思 、组织论据通过强化写作练习,我们的逻辑、分析能力得到了锻炼。





 it is usually the case that they need to find a job after graduation though starting a career is challenging.

 And I think the most significant challenges posed to them are as follows .

  The first challenge is the fierce competition graduates have to face in the job market. the job market is flooded with candidates looking for jobs. The second challenge is the transition from student to employee, When a graduate begins to work, he needs to take more initiative to complete tasks, make plans and explore new fields. And the effort he takes is closely related to how others evaluate his work. To sum up, graduates will face numerous challenges when starting a career. Among all challenges. 参考译文: :






 With an increasing number of people studying over-seas, the challenges of studying abroad are heatedly discussed. Here is my take on a few of the challenges. The very

 first challenge, obviously, is language. People usually need to learn another language and pass certain language exams before studying abroad. Learning another language can be difficult for many, and regardless of how long they have been studying, walls will

 arise in communication.



 challenge is culture. Many people are already aware of the issue of culture shock, an

 experience that results

 from the cultural differences between their home country and the host country. Some other things that may turn

 out to be challenging include racial discrimination, financial issues and homesickness. For those who aspire to study abroad, I think it is important to be aware of these challenges and make full

 preparation in advance. 参考译文: :


 很显然,第一个挑战是语言。人们在出国留学前通常需要学习另一种语言并通过特定的语言考试。学习另一种语言对许多人来说可能很难,而且不管他们已经学了多久,交流中仍会出现障碍。第二个挑战是文化。许多人已经意识到文化冲击的问题,这是由本国和东道国之间的文化差异带来的一种体验。东道国的人处事方式可能不同,出国留学的人需要尽一切努力理解当地文化和那些不成文的规定。此外,包括种族歧视、经济问题和思乡之情在内的其他问题可能也颇具挑战性 对于那些想要出国留学的人来说,我认为意识到这些执战并且提前做好充分的准备很重要.

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