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 你外贸函电 一、

 词汇(每题 1 1 分,共 0 20 题,共计 0 20 分)

 Unit 1 — 9

 Unit 11 — 14 Exercise 1


 中翻英(每题 3 3 分,共 0 10 题,共计 0 30 分)


 英翻中(每题 3 3 分,共 0 10 题,共计 0 30 分)


 综合题(共计 0 20 分)


 1、 承蒙 ABC 公司的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址(to owe…to…)

 We owe your name and address to ABC Company 2、 我们的贸易是在平等(equality)原则的基础上进行的。(to be based on)

 The trade between us is based on the principle of equality. 3、 国际贸易有两种形式:一种是货物,另一种是劳务。(to trade in)

 There are two forms of international transaction. One is to trade in goods,the other is in service. 4、 能否给我们报英国伦敦成本保险费加运费最低价?(to quote/CIF)

 Would you please quote your lowest price CIF London, Britain? 5、 倘若价格有竞争性,我方已有现成买主,相信能大批量订货。(ready buyers)

 We have ready buyers of these commodities and if your prices are competitive , we have every reason to believe that we can place large orders with you. 6、 我方对进口你方产品很有兴趣,如有可能请向我方提供目录、价格单和样品。

 (catalogue, price list, sample)

 We’re very much interested in importing your goods. Could you please send us your catalogue , price list and samples if possible? 7、 我公司是本地区最大的电视机进口商之一,我们经营各种牌号的电视机已有 20 多年了。(to handle/deal in)

 Our company is one of the leading importers of TV sets in this area and we have been handling various brands of TV sets for over 20 years. 8、 因为订单过多,我们只能接受 11 月船期的订单。(to be heavily committed)

 As we are heavily committed , we can only accept orders for shipment in November. 9、 我们充其量只能给你 3%的佣金。(the best we can do , commission)

 The best we can do is to allow you 3 % commission. 10、感谢贵方 2 月 20 日的报价,随函附上关于标题项下货物的 111 号订单。

 (captioned goods)

 We thank you for your quotation of July 20 and enclose herewith our order No.111 for the captioned goods. 11、你方价格偏高,我们不得不作如下还盘,以我方在本周五钱收到你方答复为准。

 (on the high side)

 Your price is on the high side and we have to counter-offer as follows , subject to your reply received by us on or before this Friday. 12、我们对贵方产品的价格和质量都很满意,现寄上订单一份订购下列产品。

 (to find…satisfactory)

 We find both the price and quality of your products satisfactory and are pleased to give you an order for the following items. 13、如果你们的价格合理,我们相信我们之间能达成大量交易。(to conclude substantial business)

 If your prices are reasonable we believe we could conclude substantial business with you

 14、你方目录和价格单已收到,现按所示价格订购下列货物。(catalogue and price list)

 We have received your catalogue and price list, and now we order the following goods at the prices named. 15、我们正在迅速处理你方订单,并将随时告知进展情况。(to keep on informed)

 Your order is receiving our immediate attention and we will keep you informed of the progress

 16、单价为每公吨 220 美元成本、保险费加运费汉堡到岸价包括 3%的佣金。

 (unit price, commission)

 The unit price is US $ 220 per metric ton CIF Hamburg including 3% commission. 17、保险应该由卖方按发票金额总值的 110%投保一切险和战争险。(by, for, against)

 Insurance is to be covered by the seller for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk. 18、货物应该于 2006 年 5 月装船,允许分运不允许转船。(partial shipments, transshipment)

 The shipment is to be made in May 2006, partial shipments allowed but transshipment not allowed. 19、货物将用塑料袋(poly-bags)包装,每 10 袋装一纸箱。(in , to)

 The goods are to be packed in poly-bags, 10 bags to a carton. 20、支付凭保兑的,不可撤销的即期信用证付款。(confirmed , irrevocable)

 Payment is to be made by confirmed , irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight. 21、我们的货物价格公道,大约比竞争者的货价要低 5%。( moderate)

 Our goods are moderate in price , about 5 % lower than our competitors’ 22、一埃收到贵方订购的确认函,我们将加快发货。(to dispatch , confirmation)

 We shall dispatch the goods as soon as we receive your confirmation of the order. 23、如果订单金额超过 5000 英镑,我们可以给 5%的折扣。(to allow discount) If the amount of the order exceeds $ 5000 , we can allow 5% discount. 24、我们必须说明,装船前的一切费用均由买方负担。(to be borne by)

 We have to point out that all the charges prior to shipment shall be borne by the Buyers. 25 、 如 你 方 信 用 证 在 月 底 前 到 达 我 方 , 我 们 将 尽 最 大 努 力 在 下 月 初 安 排 装 运 。

 (to arrange shipment)

 If your L/C can reach us before the end of this month, we’ll try our best to arrange shipment at the beginning of next month. 26、请注意第 122 号合约项下的 1000 台缝纫机已备妥待运。请速开信用证,以便装船。


 to be ready for shipment) Please note the 1000 sewing machines under S/C No.122 are ready for shipment. Please rush L/C for us to make shipment. 27、运输在国际贸易中起着很重要的作用。

 Transportation plays a very important role in Foreign Trade. 28、我们不得不告知,由于舱位奇缺,我方不能全部发送所订货物。

 We have to advise you that we are unable to dispatch your order in full owing to a great shortage of

 shipping space.


 1. Your name and address have been passed on to us by Hong Kong Trading Company, and we are glad to write to you hoping to establish trade relations with you. 香港贸易公司已将贵公司名称及地址转交我方。兹去函与你联系,愿与你方建立贸易关系 2. To acquaint you with the light industrial goods we handle, we are sending you , by separate

 mail ,several pamphlets for your reference. 为使你方了解我们经验的轻工产品,我们兹另邮给你们寄去基本商品小册子,供你方参考。

 3. Your company has been introduced to us by Mr. Nelson as prospective buyers of Chinese foodstuffs because we have been in this line for many years. 经纳尔逊先生介绍,我们得知你们是中国食品的潜在买主。我们经验这类商品已有多年。

 4. Please send us your best offer by fax indicating packing , specifications , quantity available and earliest time of delivery. 请传真发来优惠报盘,同时指明包装、规格、可供数量及最早交货期。

 5. You must take into consideration when quoting a price that we may place regular orders for large quantities. 报价时请考虑我们可能会经常性地大量订购这一因素 6. As we are in the market for men’s leather gloves , we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotation. 我们想要购买男式皮手套,请报最优惠价格为荷。

 7. Your letter of September 2 has been received. We are glad to inform you that the articles required by you fall within the scope of our business activities. 贵方 9 月 2 日函收悉。很高兴通知你方,所需货物属于我们的经验范围。

 8. Enclosed is our pro-forma invoice (形式发票)No.3422

 in duplicate covering 500 Everlasting brand bicycles for shipment during October. 关于 10 月船期的 500 辆永久牌自行车,现随函寄去我方形式发票 No.3422 一式两份。

 9. We regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the desired quality. 很遗憾地通知你方,所需质量的货物我们暂无现货。

 10. Many thanks for your reply to our enquiry for steel furniture. We keep your catalog for further reference , but think your products too highly priced for this market. 感谢你方对我钢制家具询盘的答复。我们留下商品目录作进一步考虑,但同时我们也感到对于此地 市场你们的产品定价过高。

 11. We agree to your price , but should like to know if you are prepared to grant us a discount of 5% for a quantity of 2000. 我们同意你方价格,但想知道购买数量在 2000 以上时,你方是否打算给 5%的折扣。

 12. Although we are anxious to open up business with you , we regret that it is impossible for us to allow the reduction asked for , because we have cut our prices to the lowest point. 虽然我们很想开拓与你方的业务,但很抱歉,不能按你方要求打折,因为我方价格已减至极限。

 13. With reference to the faxes exchanged between us in the last few days , we are pleased to have been able to finalized the following transaction with you. 谈到近几日我们之间的传真交往,我们很高兴能与你方达成下列交易。

 14. Although your price is below our level , we accept , as an exception , your order with a view to initiating business with you. 虽然你方价格低于我方报价,但为了启动我们之间的业务,我们还是破例接受。

 15. We have booked the following order as per your fax of April 4 and ours of April 8 and wish to assure you that , on receipt of the relevant letter of credit , we shall not fail to effect shipment in time. 我们已经按你方 4 月 4 日传真及我方 4 月 8 日传真接受下列订单。请放心,一收到相关信用证,我们将及时发运货物。

 16. Our usual packing is in wooden cases of 112 lbs. net, each containing 16 packets of 7 lbs. 我们通常用木箱装,每箱净重 112 磅,分成 16 小包,每包重 7 磅 17. The covering L/C will be established in due course , and we trust that you will take all necessary measures to ensure punctual shipment. 我们将及时开证,相信贵方会采取一切必要措施如期装船。

 18. Owing to heavy commitments , we are not in a position to accept new orders. However , as soon as fresh supplies come in , we’ll immediately contact you with fax. 由于大量承约,我们不能接受新订单。一爱新货源到来,我们将立即传真与贵方联系。

 19. We can reduce our price by 5% if your order exceeds 10000 pieces. 若贵方的订量超过 1 万件,我们可以将价格下调 5 % 20. We are giving you the first chance in view of your previous substantial orders , but we should appreciate a prompt reply so that we can withdraw the offer in the event of your not being interested. 鉴于你方以前的大量订货,特给予优先机会,但望贵方尽速答复,如无兴趣,我方可撤盘。

 21. The bill of exchange ( draft ) is an order in writing from a creditor to a debtor to pay on demand or on a names date a certain sum of money to a person named on the bill , or to his order. 汇票时债权人向债务人出具的书面命令,要求债务人在一定付款日期向受款人或其指定人支 付一定的金额。

 22. In compliance with your request , we exceptionally accept delivery against D/P at sight , but this should not be taken as a precedent. 按照要求,我们破例凭即期付款交单发货,但下不为例。

 23. We are pleased to tell you that we have shipped today by S.S. “Red Ring ”100 sets of sewing machines. We trust that the goods will reach you in good order and condition. 很高兴告诉你方,100 台缝纫机已于今日装红环轮。相信该批货会顺利到达你方且情况良好。


 (A) ( (1 )Enquiry Copenhagen ,July 25, 2006 Cathay Export Corporation Beijing ,China Dear, Sirs, One of our clients in Odense is in the market for a parcel of 3000 dozen/sets of Ladies’ Pyjamas. We would there fore ask you to make us an offer based on CIF Odense includi...

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