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  Chinese Abstract ······························································· 2 English Abstract ································································ 3 1. Introduction ·································································· 4 1.1

 Research Background ························································································ 4 1.2 Research Significance ························································································ 4 2.Literature Review ···························································· 4

 2.1 Previous Research of Metacognitive Strategy at Abroad ···································· 5 2.2 Previous Research of Metacognitive Strategy at Home ······································ 6 3. Procedures for Applying Metacognitive Strategy ····················· 7 3.1 Questionnaire Design ························································································· 7 3.2 Data Analysis and Discussion of Pre-questionnaire ··········································· 9 3.3 Metacognitive Strategies Training in English Reading ···································· 10 3.4 Data Analysis and Discussion of Post-questionnaire ········································ 12 4. Suggestions




 Strategy in Reading ····· 14 4.1 For Teachers ····································································································· 14 4.2 For Students······································································································ 15 5. Conclusion ·································································· 16 Appendix ······································································· 17 References ····································································· 19


 摘 摘 要 英语阅读是学生学好英语的关键环节。将学习策略训练融入课堂教学与实践是一个大趋势。但大多数初中学生尚不能在英语阅读中使用恰当的阅读策略,导致阅读效果不尽人意。因此,如何在英语阅读中选择合适的阅读策略是一个值得研究的问题。



 The Application of the Metacognitive Strategy in English Reading Class of Junior Middle School


 English reading is crucial for students of junior middle school to learn English well. It is a tendency to integrate learning strategy training into classroom teaching and practice. However, many students of junior middle school could hardly use English reading strategies, resulting in unsatisfactory reading performance.

 Armed with this situation, this paper analyzes the related information about the metacognitive strategy and its concept through literature research. This paper trains students on the metacognitive strategy from three dimensions: planning strategies, monitoring strategies, and evaluation strategies. The questionnaires are published to value students’ level of using the metacognitive strategy. The interview is added to analyze the training results. And then by observing students’ s reading performance, the metacognitive strategies are certified whether it can help students to improve their reading ability. Finally, suggestions are presented for teachers and students to stimulate the consciousness of using the metacognitive strategy in English reading and promote the teaching effect.

 Key words: English reading; the metacognitive strategy; junior middle school

 1. Introduction

 1.1 Research Background Under the background of exam-oriented education, English subject is highly stressed. Reading is a crucial skill of English learning which reflects students" comprehensive language ability. In Junior middle school, reading for English learning status is prominent. The New English Curriculum for Chinese Primary Schools and Junior Middle Schools revised in 2011(hereinafter referred to New Curriculum) asks teachers to help the students learn varieties of learning strategies. Reading is a useful method to help students get more information as well. Therefore, developing students’ reading ability is of the utmost importance. Based on New Curriculum, students are required to carry out the goals of the level 3-5 respectively when they finish their education in junior middle school. They need to have a definite motivation and confidence in learning English within 3 years. In terms of the cultivation of reading ability, they should be able to infer the new words through connecting with the context and word-formation. Students should be capable of understanding the relationship between the lines and finding the theme of the article, etc. Therefore, it is worth studying how to improve students" English reading performance through reading strategies. At present, students of junior middle school in China generally have many problems in English reading. For example, students have weak reading autonomy. It is hard for them to extract key information from the passage properly. New Curriculum emphasizes the integration of learning strategy training in classroom teaching and practice. It can conclude that developing reading strategies into English reading is an effective way. So the metacognitive strategy (hereinafter abbreviated to MS) has been investigated.

 The MS is effective to improve their English ability. Therefore, throughout this paper, the term MS was introduced to improve students" English reading ability. 1.2 Research Significance English is a major subject of compulsory education for Chinese students. Large numbers of Chinese study English as a foreign language. And reading is the central part of English learning. It is also an effective way for students to get more information. Traditional English reading class emphasizes more on the grammar points of reading material. It often ignores the cultivation of students" reading strategies. Resulting in that reading can not become a part of the students" personal experience. This also caused their poor reading autonomy. While leading students to extract key information through reading independently is the first essence of reading teaching. Therefore, there is a necessity to teach students to use

 reading strategies. A great number of studies have approved that reading strategy is indispensable for English reading. And MS is the most significant one. Domestic scholars also certified that the MS can contribute to improving language ability. However, compared with foreign countries, the researches about the application of the MS in English reading is relatively less in China. Few scholars have noticed that junior middle school students also need MS training. Based on the above analysis, applying the MS training for junior middle school students to improve their reading ability is essential.

 2. Literature Review

  The MS is widely applied to language learning at home and abroad. MS is a branch of metacognitive knowledge. It refers to the learning strategies that learners plan before, monitor during, and evaluate after learning.

 However, comparing with domestic studies, foreign countries pay more attention to the application of MS for native language learning. And before 2000, domestic scholars focused more on the relationship between MS and EFL students. They did not show much concern about the cultivation of MS in the language learning of basic education. MS helps to improve learners" learning ability. It’s vital for primary language learners to apply MS in basic language learning.

 2.1 Previous Research of Metacognitive Strategies at Abroad In 1976, the concept of metacognition was first articulated by J. H. Flavell, the founder of social cognitive developmental psychology, in his book Cognitive Development. Metacognition refers to one"s awareness of one"s own learning process. Since then, metacognition has drawn the attention of scholars. And the researches on the MS has been also ongoing. In 1979, he (Flavell, 1979) reintroduced the concept of metacognition as knowledge, experience, task, and strategy, which are used to control and manage the cognitive process. Then, Flavell conducted a further study on metacognition. He believed that metacognition composes of metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive control.

 In 1983, Kluwe (1983) deeply researched the theory of metacognition. In Kluwe’s opinion, it involves two completely different parts, one is metacognitive knowledge which is so-called declarative knowledge, the other is the MS that is so-called procedural knowledge, which should not be confused. The MS, a branch of metacognitive knowledge, refers to learners" knowledge of using learning strategies. In 1987, Wenden (1987) transferred metacognitive knowledge to the field of learning and believed that the MS consists of three essential stra...

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