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  Chinese Abstract.....................................................................................2 English Abstract......................................................................................3 1. Introduction.........................................................................................4 1.1 Research Background..........................................................................................4 1.2 Research Significance.........................................................................................4 1.3 Paper Structure....................................................................................................4 2. Literature Review...............................................................................5 2.1 Research on Business English Correspondence at Abroad.................................5 2.2 Research on Business English Correspondence at Home...................................5 3. The Overview of Business English Letters.......................................6 3.1 Definition of Business English Correspondence.................................................6 3.2 Classification of Business English Correspondence...........................................7 3.3 Basic Writing Principle --“7C Principles”..........................................................7 4. Analysis and Discussion......................................................................8 4.1 Lexical Features of Business English Correspondence.......................................8 4.2 Syntactic Features of Business English Correspondence..................................12 4.3 Textual Features of Business English Correspondence.....................................15 5. Conclusion.........................................................................................18 References..............................................................................................20





 为了展现出清晰的逻辑顺序,该论文被分成五个部分。第一部分是简要介绍商务英语信函的研究背景、研究意义以及论文结构。第二部分叙述了国内外学者对商务英语信函研究的文献综述。第三部分是对商务英语信函的研究。在这部分中提到了商务英语信函的定义、分类及其写作的理论基础 7C 原则。第四部分以 304 封真实的商务英语信函为研究对象,以商务英语写作 7C 原则为理论基础,通过使用定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法,对词汇、句法、语篇的语言特点进行探讨分析。第五部分则是对该论文研究发现的总结,对研究过程的启示,对商务英语信函研究的局限性,以及对以后研究学习的建议。


  Stylistic Features and Practical Application of Business English Letter Writing

 Abstract With the acceleration of globalization and the popularization of business English, business English has become a daily common language in international trade activities. As a special business style and variety, business English correspondence has distinctive stylistic features. Therefore, a thorough study of its style characteristics will contribute to a better understanding of the characteristics of business English writing so as to promote business communication. To show a clear logical order, the paper is divided into five parts. The first part is a brief introduction to the research context, significance and structure of business English correspondence. The second part describes the literature review on business English correspondence by domestic and foreign scholars. The third part is the study of business English correspondence. In this part, the implication, categorization and the writing principle of business English 7C principle are mentioned. The fourth part analyzes 304 real business English letters in the framework of 7C principle of business English writing to illustrate the linguistic characteristics of vocabulary, syntax and test by combining quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis. The fifth part is the summary of the research findings of this paper, the enlightenment to the research process, the limitations to the study of business English correspondence, and the suggestions for future study.

  Key words: business English correspondence; stylistic features; language features

 1. Introduction

  1.1 Research Context With the development of global economic integration, international business contacts are constantly growing. Business English correspondence, as a communicative medium for foreign trade, emphasizes its importance in business contacts and exchanges. “Business English correspondence is a tool for business people to interchange ideas, set up trade cooperation and finally reach a deal in business activities. Nowadays, with highly developed information, the communication in business links is not only limited to paper letters, but also to exchange information through E-mail, fax or some timely communication platforms. However, no matter what kind of communication medium is adopted, trade links and processes are certain, and people need to master some basic expressions, expressions and skills in business letters” (谭燕, 凌振春, 2013: 21-22). However, it is easy to say that you should write a good business English letter, but when it comes to doing it, you will often find it easier said than done. Most of the experts and scholars have studied business English correspondence in the aspects of its characteristics, writing and translation. But some researchers just stand on the basis of predecessors, staying in the old theoretical research, literature review and summing up their previous research results. Therefore, this thesis is a thorough research on the stylistic characteristics of practical letters based on the theoretical principles. 1.2 Research Significance As a conveyor of commercial message, business English correspondence is frequently employed and constantly disseminated in international trade. The appropriateness of business English letter is particularly important in business activities, which can not only promote the initial trade cooperation, but also play a role in strengthening future cooperation. Hence, the “7C” principle can be used skillfully to avoid unnecessary losses in international business activities.

 Hence, only mastering the writing techniques of business English can we write better letters. In the thesis, the lexical, syntactic and textual stylistic characteristics of 304 real business English letters are analyzed via quantitative and qualitative analysis so as to accurately convey business information in commercial transaction and communication. 1.3 Paper Structure To show a clear logical order, the paper is divided into five parts. The first part is a brief introduction to the research context, significance and structure of business English

 correspondence. The second part describes the literature review on business English correspondence by domestic and foreign scholars. The third part is the study of business English correspondence. In this part, the implication, categorization and the writing principle of business English 7C principle are mentioned. The fourth part analyzes 304 real business English letters in the framework of 7C principle of business English writing to illustrate the linguistic characteristics of vocabulary, syntax and test by combining quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis. The fifth part is the summary of the research findings of this paper, the enlightenment to the research process, the limitations to the study of business English correspondence, and the suggestions for future study.

  2. Literature Review

 2.1 Research on Business English Correspondence at Abroad With the accelerated pace of international commerce, foreign trade has become an important criterion to measure whether a country can successfully integrate into the world. The trade between countries is getting closer and closer, and accurate commercial letters have also played an indispensable role in the communication process.

 So some foreign scholars have done some research on business letters, such as grammatical mistakes, spelling mistakes and so on. Like Aliya Aimoldina, Sholpan Zharkynbekova and Damira Akynova (2016) in Investigating Pragmatic Failures in Business Letters of Kazakhstani Professionals focused on finding pragmatic failures in the collected 100 English business letters written by Kazakh business professionals, and found that the communication process is complicated due to the obvious difference between cultural context and linguistic context. In international negotiations, business letters also play an important role, so some academics have also conducted research on business negotiation letters. Such as Brazilian scholar V.B.M.Pinto dos Santos (2002) in Genre Analysis of Business Letters of Negotiation analyzed some well-known English business letters based on common communication purposes and rhetoric characteristics. These common purposes and rhetoric characteristics contributed to the establishment of the universal structure of the business negotiation letter. All steps are proposed, and examples of the most common language signals and their characteristics are discussed. To sum up, foreign scholars’ studies on business letters mainly focus on the following aspects: 1) Analyzing the linguistic context differences of business letters and the lack of language skills; 2) Analyzing business correspondence based on common communication purposes and rhetorical techniques.

 2.2 Research on Business English Correspondence at Home Some scholars have studied the stylistic characteristics and linguistic styles of business letters under the guidance of politeness principle from the aspects of vocabulary, tense, voice and sentence pattern. Firstly, at the level of vocabulary selection, the following scholars conducted research. In Using the Principle of Politeness to Guide the use of Vocabulary in Business Letters, Pei Qianqian (2007) started from pragmatic principles of courtesy and...

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