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 I 摘

 要 把社会主义核心价值观融入初中生思想品德教学是中学德育的一项重要任务。在中学德育中,要发挥思想品德课的主渠道作用,把社会主义核心观教育融入思想品德课教学,使初中生理解、内化社会主义核心价值观,并将其转化为自己的具体的行动。现阶段经常发现一些学生并没有真正内化思想品德课上传授的价值观念,并转换为他们的行为。进入新世纪以后,特别是社交网络等信息传播渠道的飞速发展,西方价值观不断冲击着我国传统的价值观,初中生面临着一个价值取向日益多元的世界,在此背景下,初中思想品德课教学该如何进行,在思想品德课教学中如何融入社会主义核心价值观,社会主义核心价值观教育如何内化,这些都是必须关注和加以解决的课题。初中学习阶段是人生价值观初步形成的阶段,如果在此时能够将社会主义核心价值观内化并指导初中学生的日常行为,无疑对帮助初中生树立科学的价值观,对帮助初中生如何选择未来的生活有着直接的影响。但是,当前中学思想品德课在社会主义核心价值观教育方面仍存在不足,造成初中生思想品德出现不少问题,如价值观的混乱、冲突等。因此,很有必要对初中阶段思想品德课教学中的社会主义核心价值观教育进行研究,探讨在初中阶段思想品德课教学中进行社会主义核心价值观教育的策略,以有效地使初中生认同和践行社会主义核心价值观,提高思想品德课教学质量。


  II 教学进行社会主义核心价值观教育的必要性;第三部分研究初中阶段思想品德课社会主义核心价值观教育存在的问题及其原因;第四部分针对第三部分的问题和原因提出具体的改善对策;第五部分是结论以及对进一步研究工作的展望。


 关键词:初中生 思想品德课 核心价值观 教育

 III Abstract The socialist core values into the junior middle school students ideological and moral teaching is an important task to the middle school moral education. In the middle school moral education, must play a role of main channel of moral character, the concept of socialist core education into moral character teaching, junior middle school students to understand, internalize the socialist core values, and convert it into your own specific action. At this stage often find some students haven"t really teach values internalized moral character, and converted to their behavior. After entering the new century, especially the rapid development of social network information transmission channel, western values constantly pounding the traditional values in our country, junior high school students face a world of increasingly diversified value orientation, under this background, the junior middle school thought moral teaching how to, in the moral character teaching how to fit into the socialist core values, the socialist core values education how to internalize, these are all must pay attention to and resolved. Junior high school stage of learning is life values preliminary formation stage, if at this time can the socialist core values internalized and guide the daily behavior of junior high school students, junior middle school students to help set up scientific values, to help the junior middle school students how to choose the future life have a direct impact. However, the current middle school moral character in the aspect of socialist core values education still exists the insufficiency, caused middle school thought personal character appear many problems, such as values of the chaos and conflict. Therefore, it is necessary for middle school moral character teaching of socialist core values education, to explore in the middle school moral character teaching strategy of education of the socialist core values, in order to effectively get junior middle school students recognize and practice the socialist core values, improve the teaching quality of moral character.

 The idea of this study are: first, analyzes moral character teaching in junior middle school stage, the necessity of education of the socialist core values; Second, focus on analysis of the current middle school moral character teaching of socialist core values education problems and its reason; Finally, in view of the problems and causes, and puts forward

  IV improving and perfecting the junior middle school stage moral character of socialist core values education countermeasures. This paper mainly adopts literature research and interview method in the teaching of junior middle school students moral character of socialist core values education, through the books, journals, dissertations, network information searching and reading, these data are classified, and the comprehensive analysis, absorbing its reasonable view as the theoretical support of this paper. This paper mainly around the middle to the moral character of the attitude, to acceptance of socialist core values education and teachers" teaching idea and teaching method, through the investigation and interviews, analysis and the result was used as the actual basis of this paper. This article is divided into five parts, the first part is introduction, mainly put forward the topic of the background and significance of research, then carding domestic and foreign existing research results, to grasp the dynamic and trend, the current study and then is this topic research ideas and research methods, etc. The second part study middle school moral character teaching, the necessity of education of the socialist core values; The third part research the junior middle school stage the problems existing in the moral character of socialist core values education and the reasons; The fourth part for the third part puts forward some countermeasures for the improvement of the specific problems and reasons of the; The fifth part is the conclusion and the prospect of further research work.

 Through research, this paper expects to promote the socialist core values education reform in junior high school students, and make our socialism core values education in junior high school students toward a new journey, make a certain contribution to promote education reform.

 Key Words: Junior high school students; moral character (political) class; core values; education

 V 目

 录 摘

 要 .................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................ III 引

 言 .................................................................... 1 (一)

 问题的提出与研究意义 .......................................... 1 1.

 问题的提出 ..................................................... 1 2.

 研究意义 ....................................................... 2 (二)

 国内外研究现状 ................................................ 3 1.

 有关初中生价值观教育的研究 ..................................... 3 2.

 有关初中生核心社会主义价值观教育的研究 ......................... 5 3.

 研究评述 ....................................................... 8 (三)

 研究思路与研究方法 ............................................ 8 1.

 研究思路 ....................................................... 8 2.

 研究方法 ....................................................... 8 (四)

 研究的重点难点和创新点 ........................................ 9 一、

 中学思想品德课教学进行社会主义核心价值观教育的必要性 ............... 11 (一)

 初中生思想品德健康发展的需要 ................................. 11 1.

 引导初中生思想品德发展方向的要求 .............................. 11 2.

 初中生价值观塑造的需要 ........................................ 12 3.

 初中生良好道德行为形成的需要 .................................. 13 (二)

 中学思想品德课思想性特性要求 ................................. 13 (三)

 中学思想品德课的课程理念要求 ................................. 14 1.

 帮助学生学习做负责任的公民 .................................... 14 2.

 坚持正确价值观念的引导 ........................................ 14 (四)

 中学思想品德课教学内容的要求 ................................. 15 (一)

 中学思想品德课社会主义核心价值观教育存在的问题 ............... 17 1.

 思想品德教学中忽视社会主义核心价值观教育 ...................... 17 2.

 社会主义核心价值观教育与教学两张皮 ............................ 18

  VI 3.

 社会主义核心价值观教育与学生实际相脱离 ........................ 18 (二)

 中学思想品德课社会主义核心价值观教育存在问题的原因 ........... 19 1.

 学校片面追求升学率 ............................................ 19 2.

 教育观念不能与时俱进 .......................................... 20 3.

 教师教学方法存在缺陷 .......................................... 20 三、

 改进和完善中学思想品德课社会主义核心价值观教育的对策 ............... 21 (一)

 树立新的教育教学理念 ......................................... 22 1.

 提高对社会主义核心价值观教育重要性的认识 ...................... 22 2.

 改变片面追求升学率的错误指导思想 .............................. 22 (二)

 思想品德教学要与社会主义核心价值观教育有机结合 ............... 23 1.

 认真钻研教材 .................................................. 23 2.

 理论联系实际 .................................................. 25 (三)

 增强思想品德课社会主义核心价值观教育方法的科学性 ............. 26 1.

 增强价值观教育方法的人文关怀内涵 .............................. 26 2.

 创新多种形式的双向互动的方法 .................................. 26 3.

 教育方法要符合学生接受规律和特点 .............................. 26 结

 论 ................................................................... 28 参考文献 ................................................................. 30 附

 录 ................................................................... 32 后

 记 ................................................................... 33 攻读学位期间取得的科研成果清单 ........................................... 34

  1 引



 问题的提出与研究意义 1.


相关热词搜索: 心理学 思想品德 课教学