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  西餐厅常用英语 口语练习使用范例

  餐饮场所 宴会预定 banquet reservation 餐厅 restaurant 宴会厅 ball room 中餐厅 Chinese restaurant 西餐厅 Western restaurant 包厢 private room 休息厅 foyer 会议室 conference room 多功能厅 function hall 大堂吧 lobby bar 单词 套餐 set menu

 宴会 banquet

 主桌 top table 自助餐 buffet 自助早餐 breakfast buffet 营业时间 business hour 中国菜 Chinese dish 客满 full house

 菜单 menu 主菜 main course 餐费 meal charge

 席卡 place card 桌布 table cloth 餐巾 napkin

 餐巾纸 paper napkin 面包蓝 bread basket 开瓶器 bottle opener 冰桶 ice bucket 冰夹 ice tong 牙签 toothpick holder

 酒单 drink list 饮料 茶 tea 咖啡 coffee 牛奶 milk 果汁 juice

  啤酒 beer 葡萄酒 Grape wine 酒精 alcohol 番茄汁 tomato juice 豆浆 soy milk 纯净水 purified water 白兰地 brandy 白酒 wine 雪碧 sprite 百威 Budweiser 矿泉水 mineral water 可乐 cola 软饮料 soft drink 酸奶 yoghurt 奶昔 shake 冰激淋 ice cream 柠檬茶 lemon tea 茉莉花茶 jasmine tea 绿茶 green tea 红茶 black tea 花茶 scented tea 淡茶 light tea 浓茶 strong tea

 菊花茶 chrysanthemum tea

 水果( fruit )

 苹果 apple

 梅子 plum

 桃子 peach 菠萝 pineapple 梨子 pear

 香蕉 banana 草莓 strawberry 樱桃 cherry

 杏子 apricot 桔子 mandarin 橙子 orange

 西瓜 watermelon 葡萄 grape

 椰子 coconut

 弥猴桃 kiwi fruit 芒果 mango

 哈密瓜 Hami melon 龙眼 longan

 枣 jujube /chinese date 黑布林 black brin /black pium

  调料 油 oil

 盐 salt

 黄油 butter 酱油 soy sauce

 醋 vinegar

 糖 sugar 胡椒 pepper

 辣子 chilli 奶酪 cheese

 蔬菜 蔬菜 vegetable

 土豆 potato

 玉米 corn 青菜 greengrocery 番茄 tomato

 卷心菜 cabbage 胡萝卜 carrot

 洋葱 onion

 蘑菇 mushroom 蒜 garlic

 花菜 cauliflower

 青椒 green pepper 萝卜 radish

 姜 ginger

 西兰花 broccoli 黄瓜/青瓜 cucumber

 芦笋 asparagus 肉 煎蛋 fried egg

 肉 meat

 羊肉 mutton 小羊肉 lamb

 牛肉 beef

 火腿 ham

 牛扒 steak

 猪肉 pork

 香肠 sausage 鸡肉 chicken

 鸭子 duck

  零食 甜食、糖


 巧克力 chocolate 腰果 cashew nuts

 饼干 biscuits 薄荷糖 mint humbug 花生 peanut

 香煎片 Banana Slice /chips


 Cherry Tomatoes ;plum tomato ;paste tomato

 葡萄干 raisin/currant 主食

 面包 bread

 汤 soup

  米饭 rice 面条 noodle

 炒饭 fried rice

 饺子 dumpling 馒头 steamed bread 米粥 rice porridge

 汉堡包 hamburger 蛋糕 cake

 三明治 sandwich

 月饼 moon cake 三餐

 早餐 breakfast 午餐 lunch

 晚餐 dinner, supper 自助 buffet 餐具

 餐具 tableware 筷子 chopsticks

 勺子 spoon 叉子 fork

 刀子 knife

 玻璃杯 glass 餐刀 table knife 鱼刀 fish knife 肉刀 meat knife 黄油刀 butter knife 牛排刀 steak

  knife 奶酪刀 cheese cutter 水果叉 fruit fork 一副刀叉 knife and fork 蛋糕刀 cake knife 蛋糕铲 cake server 刀架 knife stand 饭碗 rice bowl 汤碗 soup bowl

 调味瓶 cruet 汤勺 laddle

 汤匙 table spoon

 咖啡匙 coffee spoon 茶杯 cup

 盘子 plate

 碟子 dish 碗 bowl

 壶 pot

 托盘 tray 其他

 烟灰缸 ashtray 点菜 order

 铁板烧 barbecue 烤、熏 smoked 港式烧腊 roasted

 油炸、爆炒 frie 常用 句子 早上好。

 Good morning.


 Good afternoon. 晚上好。

 Good evening.


 Thank you. 不用谢。

 You are welcome.


 This way, please. 欢迎光临 Welcome to HAWawii cafe! 请问您几点到?What time would you like to arrive? 请问您有什么特殊需要我们准备的,先生? Is there anything special would you like us to prepare ,sie?请问您大概有几位?How many persons are there in your party

  对不起,请问卫生间在哪里?Excuse me, where is the toilet / rest room / WC? 向前走右拐。

 Go ahead and turn right. 请问早餐时间? What is the breakfast time? 从早上6:30到9:00. From six thirty to nine thirty


 Waitress, I want / give me a cup (glass) of coffee, tea, beer, milk, juice, soy milk. 请稍等。

 A moment please./Just for a moment


 Here is your coffee. 您想房内用膳服务吗? Do you need room service? 是的,你们有哪些菜? Yes, what dish do you have? 您喜欢什么菜?我们有……What kind of dish do you like? We have….. 您想订什么标准? What standard do you want? 请送一份…和…到我的房间。Please send a … and … to my room. 请问您的房间号码。

 Can I have your room number? 请问您想喝点什么? Would you like any drink? 还有什么其他需要吗? Do you need anything else? 好的,请稍等。40分钟后给您送到。马上送到。

 Please wait a moment. Your dish will be ready in 40

  minutes. We will send your dish at once. 您好,送餐。

 Good evening, room service. 请问您有几位? How many people do you have? 这是您点的菜,这是您的帐单。Here is your dish and here is your bill. 请问我们什么时候可以为您撤去餐具?When can we come to clean up your tableware? 它是免费的。

 It’s free. 请问需要打包吗? Do you want to pack them? 不好意思,让您久等 了 So sorry to keep you waiting ! 对不起,打扰一下。

 Excuse me. 您喜欢您的牛扒怎么烧?偏生、中熟、偏熟还是全熟? How do you like your steak? Rare, medium, medium-well or well done? 您希望您的牛排生一点还是熟一点?Wouid you like you steak rare or well done? 您要不要先喝点什么? Do you want any drink first? 给我一瓶/一听青岛啤酒。

 I want / Give me a bottle / can of Qingdao Beer. 您喜欢瓶装的还是罐装的?Would you like bottled or caned?

  请问您可以点菜吗? Do you want to order? / Would you like to order? 这是菜单。

 Here is the menu 请问您是吃套餐还是零点? Would you like to have set meal (the table D"hotal ) or A La Carte meun? 您还有别的需要吗?Would you like anything else ? 很抱歉为您带来不便 Sorry for the inconvenice! 我能为您推荐厨师特选。。。吗?May I suggest you try the ...the chef recommends it ? 如果您有什么需要,请告诉我。If you need any help ,pleasw call me ! 请问有服务员为您服务吗? Are you being helped ? 如果您不介意,我建议您。。。If you don"t mind ,May I suggest that ...、 恐怕今晚这道菜缺售 I am afraid it is not on the menu this evening

 很抱歉我们已经没有这道菜了 。SO sorry ,we do not have any now.

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