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 论 文 名 称 :

 A Study of Metaphorical Patterns in Editorial Cartoons Representing the Global Financial Crisis 学

 院 :

 国际商务外语学院 专

 业 :

 商务英语 学

 号 :

 1455038 学 生 姓 名 :

 赵晓雅 指 导 教 师 :


 2018 年 3 月










 ................................................................................................................................... 3 摘 要

 ............................................................................................................................................... 5 1 Introduction

 ................................................................................................................................. 6 1.1 Research Background

 .................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study

 ...................................................................... 6 1.3 Organization of the Thesis

 ............................................................................................ 7 2 Literature Review

 ...................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Previous Foreign Researches

 ....................................................................................... 9 2.2 Previous Domestic Researches

 .................................................................................. 10 2.3 Summary

 ........................................................................................................................ 13 3 Theoretical Background

 ......................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Multimodal Metaphor Theory

 ................................................................................... 13 3.1.1 Mode

 .................................................................................................................... 13 3.1.2 Definitions of Multimodal Metaphor

 ............................................................ 14 3.1.3 Features of Multimodal Metaphor

 ................................................................. 15 3.2 Relevance Theory

 ......................................................................................................... 16 3.2.1 Relevance

 ........................................................................................................... 16 3.2.2 Basic Claims of Relevance Theory

 ............................................................... 17 4 Analysis of the “Crisis” Cartoons

 ........................................................................................ 19 4.1 Data Collection and Research Methodology

 .......................................................... 19 4.1.1 Data Collection

 .................................................................................................. 19 4.1.2 Research Methodology

 .................................................................................... 19 4.2 Metaphorical patterns in Financial Crisis Cartoons

 .............................................. 20 4.2.1 Patterns of Metaphor

 ........................................................................................ 20 4.2.2 Combinations of Metaphors

 ........................................................................... 24 5 Conclusion

 ................................................................................................................................ 26 5.1 Findings of the Present Study

 .................................................................................... 26

  2 5.2 Limitations and Implications of the Present Study

 ............................................... 27 BIBLIOGRAPHY

 ....................................................................................................................... 29


 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1 Process of verbal reasoning……………………………………………...…00 Figure 2………………………………………………………………………….……00 Figure 3…………………………….……………….……….……………….….……00 Figure 4…………………………….……………….……….……………….….……00 Figure 5…………………………….……………….……….……………….….……00 Figure 6…………………………….……………….……….……………….….……00 Figure 7…………………………….……………….……….……………….…….…00 Figure 8…………………………….……………….……….………………..………00

 Table 1 The quantity of domestic thesis about multimodal metaphor………….…….00 Table2 Typology of pictorial metaphors……………………...………………………00



 Metaphor, by its very nature, is a dynamic section in human language communication. In real life, people apply metaphors to express their ideas, feelings and emotions. Different from the simple expression of language, metaphor can connect abstracts and concretes, thus expressing complex ideas briefly. With the development of the digitalization and information of the society, it is found that the images can convey information more quickly and effectively. Therefore, the research of metaphor is no longer restricted to the traditional metaphor theory based on literature and rhetoric. In recent years, a number of linguists led by Forceville devoted to studying multimodal metaphor. This paper appears to have been written with the Multimodal Metaphor Theory and the Relevance Theory to discuss the author‟s view of metaphorical patterns. This thesis shows that the use of multimodal metaphor in economic cartoons is pervasive. Beside, metaphors in editorial cartoons are more passive and ironic. Finally, it is found that there are four types of multimodal metaphorical patterns and four combinations of multimodal metaphors. What‟s more, this research has a great influence to those who want to have a general understanding of the metaphorical patterns.

 Key Words: metaphor, editorial cartoons, verbal-pictorial metaphor, multimodal and metaphorical pattern


  摘 要



 An Analysis of Video Advertising Storytelling from the Perspective of Cultural Differences

 1 Introduction

 1.1 Research Background Metaphor is a kind of language imagination, a means for human beings to perceive the world. and metaphor is pervasive in everyday life(Lakoff, 1980). Metaphor derived from the 16th-century Old French word métaphore, and directly from Greek metapherein, literally "transfer", “meta” means "over", and “pherein” means "carry". The metaphor study has a long history, as early as 2000 years ago in ancient Greece, the definition of metaphor was mentioned. From Plato and Aristotle, the study of metaphor has never been interrupted. With the development of the digitalization and information of the society, it is found that the images can convey information more quickly and effectively. The study of metaphor is no longer restricted to the traditional metaphor theory based on literature and rhetoric. In recent years, a number of linguists led by Forceville devoted to studying multimodal metaphor. The verbal-pictorial metaphor is part of the multimodal metaphor, it combines images and text together to present metaphor. The verbal-pictorial metaphor often appears on the editorial cartoons. According to Lakoff (2004), metaphors are a powerful tool for the study of economic issues. The financial crisis that broke out in 2008 and spread from the United States to all over the world has brought a huge effect on world economy. As a result, editorial cartoons on the financial crisis mushroomed in the newspapers. 1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study The thesis combines Sperber and Wilson"s Relevance Theory and Forceville"s Multimodal Metaphor Theory to preliminary explore and category metaphorical

  7 patterns in editorial cartoons published in 2008-2009 that represent the global financial crisis, with the purpose of answering the following questions: (1) Why are metaphors so frequently used in editorial cartoons? (2)What are the internal relations between different metaphorical patterns and the roles they play in the integral meaning construction in verbal-pictorial metaphors? (3) What are the implications of the present study? 1.3 Organization of the Thesis The thesis will be divided into five parts as follows: The first part is a brief introduction to the research background, purpose and structure of the thesis. The second part is a literature review. In this part, we discussed the research of metaphor (including multimodal) and relevance theory at home and abroad. With the knowledge of existing research, I can find the limitations of existing studies and then directions of this thesis. Particularly, the existing research seldom involves the editorial cartoons representing financial crisis and explore the metaphorical patterns of the economic cartoons on the basis of the multimodal metaphor theory and relevance theory. Although some of studies refer to these concepts, they did not draw a detailed conclusion about the metaphorical patterns in editorial cartoons. Hence it can be seen that this thesis is of useful purpose. The third part mainly focuses on the theoretical framework of this thesis. Definition of mode, the basic claims and Forceville‟s categories of multimodal metaphor theory, the main idea of relevance theory, and features of relevance theory were introduced in this part. All of these theories do great contributions to this thesis. The four...

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