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 本研究首先回顾了在线口碑、在线评论及网络消费行为相关文献,对消费者行为理论、消费者购买决策相关理论等进行梳理,并对在线评论实证研究框架模型进行整合。其次从在线评论特征、在线评论者特征及在线评论接受者特征三大方面列举了 6 大影响因素,将在线评论质量、在线评论效价、评论者专业性、消费者信任倾向作为自变量,感知有用性作为中介变量,并加入调节变量-认知需求,通过构建模型与提出假设,来研究对因变量-购物意愿的有关影响。本论文利用问卷调查搜集数据信息,并借助 SPSS25.0 来展开数据分析,得到最终研究结果。



  II Abstract With the rapid development of the Internet age, the Internet has become inseparable from people"s life. The popularity of online shopping has also made the emerging network communication methods and channels gradually popular. Online reviews have become an external factor that has a significant impact on consumers" willingness to make consumption decisions. In the Internet age, online reviews have injected vitality and added new features. At the same time, consumers also have new channels to share consumer experience of products or services. The potential influence of online reviews on consumers has been stimulated and appropriately enlarged, which has changed the previous business model of communication and marketing. Online review is the evaluation of products or services that consumers publish on the Internet, including many aspects of actual feelings, such as product performance, use effect, service attitude, etc. Consumers get more practical product information by reading online reviews, which solves the problem of information asymmetry to some extent. Influenced by cognitive needs, consumers will choose whether to continue to judge the authenticity of information such as the quality and effect of products released by businesses, and on this basis, form the perceived usefulness of products, and form the purchase intention. Therefore, online comment is an important source of information for consumers. It promotes the purchase intention and decision-making of consumers, which makes the two have a close relationship. At the same time, the focus and effective use of online reviews have become the marketing means of enterprises. Firstly, this study reviews the literature of online word-of-mouth, online reviews and online consumer behavior, reviews the theory of consumer behavior, consumer purchase decision-making, and integrates the empirical research framework model of online reviews. Secondly, this paper lists six influencing factors from three aspects: online comment characteristics, online comment characteristics and online comment receiver characteristics. It takes online comment quality, online comment validity, reviewer professionalism and consumer trust tendency as independent variables, perceived usefulness as intermediary variables, and adds regulatory variable cognitive demand. Through building models and putting forward

  III assumptions, this paper studies the impact of online comment quality, online comment validity, reviewer professionalism and consumer trust tendency Dependent variable - related influence of shopping intention. This paper uses questionnaire to collect data information, and uses spss25.0 to carry out data analysis and get the final research results. Finally, according to the research results, from the dual perspective of consumers and enterprises, this paper puts forward marketing strategies with reference significance for e-commerce enterprises, and helps consumers extract useful information from massive data and make reference to it to improve decision-making efficiency. To achieve a win-win situation for consumers and e-commerce enterprises.

 KEY WORDS :Online commentary;Network consumer;Purchase decision

  4 目


 第 1 章 绪论................................................................. 6 1.1 研究背景 ............................................................ 6 1.1.1 互联网的影响 .................................................. 6 1.1.2 在线评论的必要性 .............................................. 8 1.2 研究目的 ............................................................ 9 1.3 研究意义 ........................................................... 10 1.3.1 理论意义 ..................................................... 10 1.3.2 实践意义 ..................................................... 10 第 2 章 相关研究与文献回顾.................................................. 11 2.1 网络口碑相关研究 ................................................... 12 2.1.1 网络口碑的内涵 ............................................... 12 2.1.2 网络口碑的传播 ............................................... 13 2.2 在线评论相关研究 ................................................... 14 2.2.1 在线评论的内涵 ............................................... 14 2.2.2 在线评论的特点 ............................................... 16 2.3 感知有用性相关理论研究 ............................................. 16 2.4 购买意愿相关理论研究 ............................................... 19 2.5 认知需求相关理论研究 ............................................... 19 第 3 章 研究设计及相关理论.................................................. 23 3.1 在线评论相关理论 ................................................... 23 3.2 在线评论实证研究整合框架模型 ....................................... 25 3.2.1

 ....................................... 25 3.2.5 霍华德——

 ....................................... 26 3.3 研究模型的建立 ..................................................... 27 3.4 研究变量与研究假设 ................................................. 28 3.4.1 在线评论特征对消费者感知有用性及购买意愿的影响 ............... 28 3.4.2 感知有用性在在线评论对消费者购买意愿影响中的作用 ............. 30

  5 3.4.3 认知需求的调节作用对在线评论与消费者感知有用性之间关系........................................................... 30 3.5 问卷设计 ........................................................... 31 第 4 章 数据分析与假设检验.................................................. 33 4.5 消费者感知有用性的中介效应检验 ..................................... 47 第 5 章管理建议与研究展 ................................ 错误! ! 未定义书签。

 参考文献.................................................... 错误! ! 未定义书签。

 附录:...................................................... 错误! ! 未定义书签。

 致 谢....................................................... 错误! ! 未定义书签。


  第 1 章 绪论 1.1 研究背景 1.1.1 互联网的影响 现如今,新一代网络信息技术不断创新突破,数字化、网络化、智能化深入发展,我国互联网在经济社会发展下的重要作用更加凸显。2019 年 8 月,中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)发布的报告《第 44 次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》中显示,截至 2019 年 6 月,我国网民规模达 8.54 亿,较 2018 年底增长2598 万,互联网普及率达 61.2%,较 2018 年底提升 1.6 个百分点(如图 1-1 所示)。

 [1] 根据以上数据,结合往年互联网报告统计分析,互联网对于大众生活的渗透度持续成增长趋势,互联网的飞速发展,为人类社会带来了空前的变化,它改变了人类传统的人际交往和信息传播的模式,同时也创造了一种全新的社会生存形态——网络社会 [2] 。

 图 1-1 网民规模与互联网普及率


  7 提供了有利条件。《第 44 次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》中显示,截至到2019 年 6 月,我国网络购物用户高达 6.39 亿,相比 2018 年底增长了 2871 万,占网民整体的百分比为 74.8%(如图 1-2 所示); [1] 早在 2012 年,CTR 市场调研公司与淘宝网联合发布了《中国消费风向标报告 2012》报告,其报告内容提出,在 2011 年商场的渗透率首次显示下降,相反,网购渗透率得到了大幅度增加。网购消费者的规模急速扩大,网购逐渐受到消费者的喜爱,网购在互联网时代背景下应运而生。除此之外,网购粘性也在不断加强,网购覆盖地域范围逐步扩大,中国互联网络信息中心研究统计,截至 2019 年 6 月,我国农村网民已达到 2.5亿,比较 2018 年增长 305 万。

 [1] 这都说明互联网的便捷性逐步改变着国民购物习惯,随着网络安全技术的许多消费者逐渐放下传统购物模式下“眼见为实”的观念,网络购物随即褪去新潮的外衣,逐渐被广大消费者接受,成为了消费者日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。


 数据来源:CNNIC 中国互联网络发展统计调查

  8 图 1-2 网购用户规模与使用率 1.1.2 在线评论的必要性 以互联网为依托媒介,买卖双方进行购物交易的过程为网络购物。然而网购这样的在线交易常常由于网店买卖双方的在线不见面交易而具有虚拟性和可包装性,买家无法对商品进行购前亲身体验,也因此对商品的质量和性质没有明确的了解,只能依靠商家在购物网站对商品的详情描述、累计评价、销售记录、店铺等级等来进行了解,但商家将这些信息展现在购物网页上时,本身就已经进行了信息过滤,且无法避免部分商家借此机会来对产品进行虚假包装。与此同时,在线交易会导致商品的购买与交付间存在时间差以及距离差 [4] ,原本在相同时空下进行的交易行为被互联网分割,消费者无法立即体验产品,存在体验滞后的问题。综上来看,从信息经济学的角度来分析,网络购物就是一个典型的信息不对称交易行为,消费者只能依靠有限的信息...

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