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 快递常用语言中英文对照版 词汇篇: 快递公司:express pany 快递员:courier personal 始发地:departure 发件人:shipper

 Please tell me the name of shipper、 收件人:consignee 电话号码:

 phone number 姓名:name

  Put your name here、 Writer down your name here、



 Example: 上海市徐汇区肇嘉浜路 1065 号 2402 室

  Room 2402, No、 1065, Zhaojiabang Road, Xujiahui District, Shanghai 运单:waybill/ shipping order

  air transport waybill (航空运单)

 签名:Sign your name!


 首重:preset weight 续重:extra weight 查扣:confiscate 贵公司、贵部门:your pany 上门取件:door-to-door collection and delivery service for customers 姓氏+先生、小姐:Mr、




  怎么辨别姓氏:Monica White (White就就是其姓氏)

 零公里速递服务平台:Infinite Express Service Platform 常用语句篇: 您说、请讲。

 Please、 就就是得,嗯,知道,明白。

 En, I got it、 还请您阅读一下。

 Please read it、 打扰一下,请您在这里签个字。

 Excuse me,please sign your name here、 请让我来帮您包装快件吧? Let me pack your parcel、


 I am really sorry、 I made a mistake、 I will correct it now, please take my apology、 谢谢您得信任,我们会准时将所寄物品送至收件方,打扰您了。

 Thanks for your trust; we will deliver your parcel to the consignee on time、


 Thank you very much for your past kindness、 We look forward to serving you next time、

 对不起,非常抱歉,这种(类)液体属于易燃液体,就就是航空违禁品,不能收寄,请您谅解 I am afraid/ really sorry that this (this kind of) liquid is flammable,so that it is prohibited on the airplane、 Please understand that we cannot collect and send it、 对不起,非常抱歉,这种(类)粉末会被认为就就是违禁品而被有关部门查扣,不能收寄,请您谅解 I am afraid/ really sorry this (this kind of) powder will be confiscated by the authorities concerned as forbidden objects、 Please understand it cannot be delivered、 非常抱歉,这种类物品在运输过程中可能存在安全隐患,不能收寄,请您谅解 I am really sorry this kind of article cannot be collected and delivered for the safety concern in transit、 Please understand that、

 接电话:Ask a phone call Hello, this is ** speaking from ** express pany、 May I speak/ talk to **? ※注:接电话时介绍自己要用:This is ** speaking、

  May 这里做情态动词表示请求。

 打扰了,我就就是某某公司快递服务人员,前来收件、派件 Excuse me, I am ** from ** express pany、 I am here to take your parcel/ to deliver you parcel、 您好,打扰您了,我就就是某某公司快递服务人员,现在为您派件,但不知道您得具体位置就就是在哪里? Sorry to disturb you、 I am ** from ** express pany、 I am go

 ing to deliver your parcel, but I don’t know your exact address, can you tell you? 您好,打扰您了,我就就是某某公司快递服务人员,您就就是在某某大厦 A 座某楼吗? Sorry to disturb you、 I am ** from ** express pany、 Are you on the second floor, Tower A, * Building?

 ※注: 英文楼层表述需用序数词,比如八楼就说 eighth floor、

 序数词口诀:基变序,有规律 词尾加上 th


 词尾字母 tdd , (第一、二、三分别就就是 first second third) 八减 t ,九减 e 。(第八、九分别就就是 eighth ninth) f 要把 ve 替 , (five 第五:fifth) ty 把 y 变成 i, (twenty 得序数词就就是 twentieth) 记住 th 前有个 e。

 很高兴与您通话,某某小姐、先生 It is my pleasure to talk with you/ have this phone call、 不好意思,我马上到您那里派件,请您稍等 Please take my apology and hold on a few minutes, I will deliver your parcel in no time、


 Hello, I am the courier/ delivery personal from ** express pany、 I am here to take Mr、 /Mrs、 **’s parcel、 您好,我就就是某某快递服务人员,让您久等了! Hello, I am the delivery service personal from ** pany、 Thanks for your waiting、 /I am sorry to keep you waiting for so long、 对不起,麻烦借过一下、

 Excuse me、


 Mr、/ Mrs、 **, this is your parcel express, please sign your name、


 Mr、/ Mrs、 **, please sign your name here、 Thank you、 请您与寄件客户再联系确认一下好吗 Will you reconfirm the parcel with your shipper, please? 某某先生、小姐,这就就是您要寄得快件吗 Mr、/ Mrs、 **, is this your express parcel to be delivered? 请您填写运单。

 Excuse me, please finish/ fill the waybill、 请问运单填写好了吗 Did you finish the waybill? 某某先生、小姐,为了对您负责,请允许我帮您确认一下包装内得物品,数量或内包装就就是否完好,以免有什么遗漏 Mr、 / Mrs、 **, in order to be responsible for you, please allow me to check whether the quantity of the parcel is correct or the package is sound in case something is left out、

 不能使用以下语言: You ca nn ot say :

 您家这楼怎么这么难爬 It is hard to climb your stairs、 运单怎么还没有准备号,我很忙 You haven’t got ready for the waybill yet、 You know I am very busy、 每次到您这里都耽误我好多时间,您瞧,今天又就就是这样 It always took a lot of time to get your place、 See? It is always the same、

 您怎么这么笨,都交过您很多次了,还要问如何填写运单 You are so slow、 I have told you so many times about how to fill the waybill、 Why you asked me again?

 您们公司到底在哪里,我得腿都要跑断了,还找不到 Where is your pany on earth? I couldn’t find it even if I ran off my legs、 我们公司不就就是为您家开得,说怎么样就怎么样 You are not my boss、 It is not up to you to tell me how to do my job、 嫌贵,就别寄了 You can leave your parcel if you think it is so expensive、 我没时间,自己填写 I have no time、 You’d better fill it by yourself、 找领导去,您找我没用。要解决就找领导去 Go and find my boss、 It is in vain to ask me、 You have to ask me boss if you want to solve this problem、 有意见,告去,您可以投诉,尽管去投诉好了 If you have any opinions or suggestions, you can plain、 Go ahead, I don’t mind、

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