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 9 9 月 月 7 17 日托福听力预测练习题 (2017)

 2017 年 9 月 17 日托福考试即将到来,很多考生都在做着最后的冲刺。为了让大家考前适应考试紧张的节奏,本栏目小编在此与大家分享 9 月 17 日托福听力预测练习题(2017),希望我们的努力可以帮助到各位考生。预祝大家顺利通过本次考试。


 一、大王花(lecture) Listen to part of a lecture in a Botany class We"ve been talking about plant classifications and how species belong to a family and families belong to an order, but sometimes, figuring out how we assign certain plant species to a particular order is challenging, even if the plant has...unusual characteristics. You"d think that plants with similar characteristics would belong to the same order, but that"s not always true. A good example of this is a flower, that is—a flowering plant—that grows only in Malaysia and Indonesia, called Rafflesia.... 【预测题】

 Oceanography 1、What is the main purpose of the lecture? A、To describe some methods and findings of ocean-acoustics research B、To compare whale songs with other underwater sounds C、To present evidence that climate change is affecting Antarctic ice D、To introduce students to the work of a leading ocean-acoustics researcher 2、How does the professor organize the lecture? A、By describing a relatively new scientific discipline, then explaining how it began B、By describing deep-sea biological sounds, then comparing them with geological sounds C、By describing some deep-sea sounds, then discussing the challenge of identifying their source D、By defining interdisciplinary research, then giving an extended example of how it works 3、According to the professor, what does Christopher Fox believe is the likely source of Slowdown?

 A、Airplanes flying low over the ocean B、A volcano on the ocean floor C、Groups of whales migrating D、Ice slipping across land 4、What does the professor think may be an important use of ocean-acoustics research? A、It may help researchers identify mysterious sounds in other environments. B、It may provide new information about climate change. C、It may reveal a relationship between earthquakes and underwater volcanoes. D、t may help biologists track whales" migration routes. 5、How do scientists make it possible to hear sounds from the deep sea? A、By eliminating all low-frequency sounds from undersea recordings B、By combining recordings made underwater with recordings made above the water surface C、By making a recording in which nothing can be heard, then speeding up the recording D、By using a seismometer to identify the sound"s location, then placing a hydrophone there 6、What is similar about Upsweep and Bloop? A、Both vary in frequency from season to season. B、Both are audible over long distances. C、Both are made by sea animals. D、Both are made by geologic forces near islands. 【答案】

 A、C、D、B、C、B[page]听力材料及预测题二[/page] 【听力材料及预测题二】


 Listen to part of a lecture in a Biology class Female Professor: So last class we were talking about human brains and neurons, you know nerve cells in the brain. Just a quick review, someone tell me about neurons, how do they work? Bernard? Male Student: They, well, neurons- are kind of like wires carrying electrical signals. And when the electrical signals reach a contact point then a message is sent off to another neuron. And I guess an interesting thing about neurons is that... 对话 student & academic advisor 【预测题】

 1、Why does the student go to see his academic adviser A、He wants to drop two of the courses he is taking this semester. B、He wants to get help with two of the classes he is taking this semester. C、He wants to find out which classes he is required to take next semester. D、He wants to change his course selections for next semester. 2、What is the academic adviser"s response when she learns that the student has registered for four courses that require final papers A、She feels she should have noticed this situation earlier. B、She feels the courses will help the student improve his writing skills. C、She thinks the courses will be easier than the student thinks. D、She thinks the student should have taken more care when selecting his courses. 3、What factor helps the student decide which language he will study? A、It was the only language class with seats still available. B、It was the language he studied in high school. C、His friend will be studying the same language. D、His friend recommended a professor who teaches the language. 4、What two requirements must students have fulfilled before they can take a precalculus course at the university?

 Click on 2 answers. A、They need to have received permission from the professor who will teach the course. B、They need to have taken three years of mathematics classes in high school. C、They need to have passed a mathematics test given by the university. D、They need to have taken three mathematics courses at the university. 5、What class does the student imply he feels most confident about doing well in A、Introduction to World Poetry B、The European Novel C、Precalculus D、Latin 【答案】


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