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 第一部分选择题(三大题;共38 分)

 一、单项选择(共10 小题,每小题0.5 分,满分5 分)

 1. Our school footballteambeatteam from RiversideSchool. A.

 a B.an C.the D./ 2.—Would you like something todrink? —,please. A. Eggs B.Coffee.C. Noodles. D.Bread. 3.Shakespeare wrote many plays. Oneofhisplays is Romeo andJuliet.

 A. great B.greater C.greatest D.thegreatest4.Luke’s mother willbeproudhim if he wins the readingcompetition. A.in B.at C.forD.of 5.There may be other planets liketheEarth.Thatcrazy. A.sounds B.looks C.becomes D.gets 6.Hisvoyageswerea huge achievement that people still rememberhim. A.such B.too C.very

  D.so 7.—do you walk everyday? —Over 3 kilometers. A.Howlong B.Howsoon C.How far D.How often8.Professor Smith’s theories explain how theuniverseworks,? A.does he B.is he C.don’tthey D.aren ’tthey 9.It isn"t polite to laugh at people behind theirback.Youit when other people do it toyou. A.didn’tlike B. won"tlike C.don"tlike. D.haven"tliked. 10.—Is Mr. Kate"s car the same as MissYale’s? —Yes,it"s like. A. its B. theirs C.his D.hers 二、完形填空(共15 题,每小题1 分,满分15 分)

 At the age of 16, Einstein was always busy playing with a group of mischievous( 顽皮捣蛋的) kids. He 11his finalexam. One morning, when Einstein was about to go fishing


 his friends. His father stopped him and said, Einstein, you’re so interested in playing all day. I’m worried about your



 “What are you worrying about? Jack and Robertalsofailed,14don’t they still get togofishing?”“Myboy ,you15think like that.” his dad said. There is a fable( 寓言故事)that people tell inour hometown.16itnow. There were two cats


  on the roof.

 One cat got caught off guard and fell down the chimney( 烟囱)while holding


  cat.When the two cats climbed out of the chimney, one of the cats had soot(烟灰)on his face,


 the other cat’s

 face was clean.

 Seeing the soot-faced cat, the clean cat thought its face must be 20,soitquicklyrantotheriversideandwasheditsface.Thesoot-facedcatsawtheclean-facedcat,and thought itsfacewas21clean,so it walked down thestreet. Einstein, no one can beyour22.You

 have to


 for yourself.

 If you

 just follow others, you will 23learn. Hearing this, Einstein walked back tohis24.He decided to study instead of caring about what


 friends were doing. This allowed himtobe25.


 A.passed 12.

 A.to B.failed C.loved C.by D.hated 14.

 A.and B.or C.but D.so 15.

 A.may B.can not C.shall not D.mus16.

 A.Find B.Look out C.Think D.List17.

 B.eating C.sleeping D.jum18.

 B.the other C.another D.oth19.

 B.since C.because D.unle20.

 A.ugly B.funny C.black D.dirt21.

 A.also B.just C.still D.only 22.

 B.example C.mirror D.frie23.

 B.often C.already D.nev24.

 A.river B.hometo C.room D.sch25.

 B.humorou C.successfu D.clev三、阅读理解(共12 小题,每小题1.5 分,满分18 分)

 阅读下列短文,然后根据其内容从A、B、C、D 中选出最佳选项。

 A On April 5,Queen Elizabeth II gave a short but powerful speech to inspire (激励) the British people. The UK, like many countries around the world, has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic (冠状病毒流行) .Many people have to stay at home and many businesses have been closed. In herspeech, theQueenthanked peopleofallwalksoflife (各行 各 业 ) forbothfollowing stay-at-homerules and making efforts to help their neighbors. She also thanked the country’s medical workers as they continue to

 fight the virus. The Queen talked about her first-ever radio broadcast—

 delivered in 1940—when she and her sister Margaret spoke to children who had been evaluated ( 撤离) from their homes during World War II. Fearing that German bombing ( 轰炸) would kill people in the cities, millions of children in England were sent to safer places in the countryside. “Echoes (再现) of that struggle of the 1940s ,which for so long defined (定义) Britain and its self-image, ran through the broadcast,” the BBC said. She ended the speech with a familiar phrase :”We

 will meet again.” It’s

 a reference

 ( 引用) to Vera Lynn’s We’ll Meet Again, a song that encouraged unity (团结) and optimism (乐观) among Britons during the World War II. With her speech, the Queen hoped to encourage national unity. 26. Ashortbutpowerfulspeechwasgivenby Queen Elizabeth IIonApril5 to A.

 stop the coronaviruspandemic B.

 inspire the Britishpeople C.

 ask people to stay athome D.

 see many businessclosed 27. The key words and phrases for each part of the Queen’s speechare A.

 follow, deliver and end thespeech B.

 efforts, safer places and a familiarphrase C.

 thank , look backwards andencourage


 fight, evaluate and meetagain

 28. What is something in common between the Queen"s first speech and the one on April5? A.

 The queen still spoke with hersister. B.

 The world war II was 80 yearsago. C.

 They were given to the wholeworld. D.

 Both happened in a serioussituation. 29. What do you think Vera Lynn might be according to thetext? A.

 A BBCreporter. B.

 A famoussinger. C.

 A medicalworker. D.

 A bravefighter. B England has roses, the Netherlands has tulips, and India has lotuses. When you think of a particular country, its national flower might come to mind. More than 100 countries have a national flower . But China ,despite many beautiful flowers, does not. China once had national flowers. During the Qing dynasty, it was the peony (牡丹). The government of the Republic of China later changed it to the plum blossom ( 梅花). But after the People"s Republic of China was founded in 1949, a national flower was not chosen. Debate over which flower should represent China

 continues today. China"s two former national flowers—the peony and the plum blossom ,remain as the two most popular choices. Compared with small plum blossoms, the peony has large blossoms and vivid colors. Supporters of the peony think they represent China"s continuing rise. However, plum blossom supporters argue that the peony is often connected with chasing wealth and fame , which is not encouraged. On the contrary, the plum blossom has very noble ( 高 洁 的 ) qualities. It is said to be modest and persistent ,as it is able to grow even during cold winters . Some people have suggested that both flowers could be China"s national flowers. One country, two flowers, you might say. China is just so big geographically, and both flowers are popular. Li Qingwei , an associate professor at Beijing Forestry University, told China Daily. So why not let both become national flowers? That would be harmonious (和谐的). 30. What do you think the text above is mainly talking about? A.

 Different countries have different nationalflowers. B.

 More than 100 countries have a national flower.


 No national flower has been chosen since1949. D.

 Which flower should be china"s nationalflower. 31. It"s known from the text that the earliest national flower inChinawas. A.

 during the Qingdynasty. B.

 in time of the Republic ofChina. C.

 before the Qingdynasty. D.

 after the founding of PRC. 32. Why do plum blossom supporters disagree that the peony is choosing as a nationalflower? A.

 It has large blossoms and vividcolors. B.

 It is able to grow even during thewinter. C.

 It has something to do with wealth andfame. D.

 It is said to be modest andpersistent. 33. Which of the following can best summarize Li Qingwei’sidea?


 That would beharmonious. B.

 One country twoflowers. C.

 Both flowers arepopular. D.

 China is just so biggeographically.

  C In a restaurant, a bug (虫子) suddenly flew in and landed on a woman. She started shouting out of fear. With a panicked (惊慌失措的) face, she started jumping around with both her hands shaking. Trying to scare away the bug. Her reaction was so strong that it panicked everyone in her group. She finally got the bug off of her. But then it landed on another woman in the group. Now it was her turn to continue the drama (戏剧). A waiter rushed to their table. The second woman somehow managed to get the bug on the waiter. The waiter stood firm and looked at the bug on his shirt. He carefully picked up the bug with his fingers and threw it out of a window. People around him were impressed. Watching the drama go on, I started wondering: Was the bug responsible for their behavior. If so, then why was the

 waiter not disturbed (打扰)? He solved the problem perfectly without any chaos. It was not the bug, but the inability of those people to deal with the disturbance caused by the bug that disturbed thewoman. I realized that it is not the shouting of my father or my boss or my wife that disturbs me, but my inability to deal with the disturbances caused by their shouting that disturbs me. It"s not the traffic jams on the road that disturb me, but my inability to deal with the chaos caused by the traffic jams that disturbs me. I understood. I should not react in life. I should always respond. The customers reacted, however , the waiter responded. Reactions are always instinctive (本能的), Well responses tend to be well thought out. 34. What happened in the outdoorrestaurant? A.A bug was found in a woman"s food and then a man found the same problem. B.A bug appearing in the restaurant caused a state of panic among the customers. C.A bug rushed the waiter into apologizing to the customers. D.A woman and a man were trying to rescue the waiter from the bug.

 35. What"s the meaning of the underlined word“chaos”? A.混乱B.成功C.贫穷D.和谐 36. According to the passage, if you ran into a traffic jam,youmightin your car. A.

 complain yourdelay B.

 feel upset andannoyed C.

 relax yourself by listening tomusic D.

 expect someone to clear the road 37.What does the passage tellus? A.

 Speak less ,domore. B.

 Actions speak louder thanwords. C.

 Manual manners while you are in arestaurant. D.

 Don"t react just from your feelings, respondpositively. 第二部分非选择题(四大题;共62 分)

 四、回答问题(共5 小题,每小题2 分;满分10 分)

 Table tennis club matches. Event: Men’s ,Women’s ,Boy’s , Girl’s

 Fee: 45 yuan per player Dates: 7-14 , May Times : Men’s final : 1:45 p.m. Women’s final : 2:30 p.m. Boy’s final : 11:00 a.m. Girl’s final : 1:00 p.m. For any questions , please call Maggie Zhu on 2862311. 38. How much does a player need to pay for thematch?. 39. When will the matchend? 40. How many final matches are there in theafternoon? 41. Who can you ask questions about thematch? 42. What do you think 2862311is? 五、阅读填空(共7 小题,每小题1 分;满分7 分)阅读短文,然后用短文括号中所给词的适当形式填空

 Last year I realized that I hadn"t spoken to anyone, but my family in days.

 When I(43)(leave)my job in my late twenties to write a book, I thought I was a(44)(luck) dog. No more getting up earlyinthe morning.


 worry) about what to wear to work.

 I could stay in my bed untillateafternoon. I could wake up when I felt like it and enjoy mycoffee. But20(46)(book) later

 ,I began to

 feel lonely.

 It was just

 me ,my

 work and the

  internet.I thought I was still close to everyone around me, but in fact I was(47)(lonely) than ever.

 As aresult,I became more afraid of being out in theworld. Forthe(48)(one)time,IfeltlikeIwantedtostepawayfromthelonelylifeandhavearoutineagain. I called a few friends who worked at home as well and asked if they would like to join me.

 Each of

 (49)(our)hasfoundthatwenowlovetheroutineofgoingtoworkagainandwearehappierthan before. 六、综合阅读(共10 小题,每小题2 分;满分20 分)

 阅读短文,然后按要求完成第50—-59 小题 A How to lead a

 balanced life Many students suffer from stress in their daily lives.


 are(A)stress because their lives arenotbalanced. They focus too much on studying, dealing with peer pressure and worrying about what others think and not enough on other things . You may feel (B)surprised whether stress is a serious matter. The answer is yes. You should be aware that stress is a risk to your health. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you need to begin to guard against stress from a youngage. Here are some (C)methods to deal with stress and bring balance to your life. Learn to relax. Force yourself to take a break from your studies and worries about exams.


 can do this by taking a

  walk ,reading a book ,going to a concert or seeing

 a(D)or just sitting in a private place and beingsilentfor amoment. Take up a hobby. Learn to paint ,take up skating , or start playing a musical instrument .When (E)你忙于一个业余爱好,you will leave all your worries behind. Take care of your body

 Stress is your body’s enemy. (F)Taking regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep are all the things that can help you . 50.在(A)和(D)处分别填入适当的单词 51.写出(B)和(C)的同义词和近义词 52.将(E)译成英语 53.将(F) 改写为:

 for you to take regular exercise ,eat a healthy diet and get enoughsleep. 54.在文中找出说明主旨大意的词语 B Withhersnow-whitehairandapairofglasses,mygrandmaisakindandadventurous(爱冒险的)traveler. During the summer of the last year, my grandma and I went to

 Japan(A). We atedeliciousJapanesefood, visited beautiful temples, and took the speedy bullet train. She was so open-minded about the new things we saw there. We

 bought funny items from different stores that

  we would(B)find in America. Wealso went to Tokyo and Kyoto , which were all different and veryfascinating. ①This summer break, my family and I flew to visit my grandma in Maine, a state about 3,000 miles away

 from Los Angeles.②Her house is right on a lake , and (C)我们去游泳with her in the sparkling water. I love jumping off a small bridge and diving into the water. Paulinka, my grandma’s dog, would join in the fun and jump in the water as well. In a little hidden town, the whole family got to walk in nature, lay under the stars and most importantly, enjoy each other’s company.③ (D)I am looking forward to the winter break. My grandma is going to come over and stay with us for some time, I am sure my house will light up while she is here. 55.在(A)和(B) 填入适当的单词 56.在①②③选出能填入The town she lives in is small and pretty. 57.将(C)译成英语 58.将(D)改写成:Ican’tthe winterbreak. 59.在文中找出两个作者去过的两个日本的城市 七.阅读与表达 (A)阅读下文,然后根据其内容从方框中选出可以填人文中空白处的正确选项。

 Tomatoes were first grown in Central and South America. They were unknown to(60)theworlduntil the 16th century. In the beginning, manypeople(61)refused to eat tomatoes becausetheythoughtthe fruit wasdangerous.

 around him became common in Europe no longer the rest of

 Tomatoes(62)intheUSinthe1820s.Inonestory,amannamedRobertJohnsonatesometomatoes in public. Everyone in the towncrowded(63)to watch him die. When he did notdie,they realized that tomatoes were safeand(64)avoidedthem. (B)请你以“Tomatoesarehealthydietaswellas”写一篇作文。


 1.确定主题,说明原因; 2.围绕主题,进行叙述或阐述; 3.词数80-100。


 1.补全标题(参考词语:apples , bananas , eggs ,beef 等等)

 2.可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以阐述具体观点 3.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 4.短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数 5.作文中不要出现考生和相关人物的真实校名和姓名


 1-5:CBCDA6-10:ACCBD 二、完形填空:

 英语参考答案及评分标准 11-15:BDACB 16-20:DABAD 21-25:CCDDC 三、阅读理解:

 26-29:BCDB 30-33:DACB 34-37:BACD 四、回答问题:

 38.45 yuan. 39.On 14th , May 40. Four 41.Maggie Zhu 42. A telephonenumber 五、阅读填空:

 43. left 44.lucky45.worrying 46.books 47.lonelier 48.first 49.us


 (A) 50. under ;film 51. amazed ;ways 52. you are busy with ahobby 53. It’s helpful. 54. A balancedlife (B) 55. together ;never 56. ② 57. we wentswimming 58. waitfor 59. Tokyo ; Kyoto 六、阅读与表达:A):

 60. therestof61.in Europe 62. becamecommon 63. aroundhim 64. nolonger

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