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文化(汉语拼音wén huà,英文culture),是人类社会相对于经济、政治而言的精神活动及其产物,分为物质文化和非物质文化。教育、科学、艺术皆属广义的文化,而政治、经济与文化相互关联、相互作用。实际给文化下一个准确的定义,非常困难。对文化, 以下是为大家整理的关于中华优秀传统文化说明报告3篇 , 供大家参考选择。


第一篇: 中华优秀传统文化说明报告


四(2)班 刘 涛


































1、元宵在正月十五日,是一年一度最热闹的一天,因为过了这一天, 绝大部分人们都要上班了。元宵北方有盛大的灯会和烟火活动。南方有舞 龙舞狮,社戏杂耍,从白天起就开始进行,直至深夜。我们富拉尔基的元宵节非常隆重,夜幕降临,人们漫步到江边,放许愿灯、观灯猜灯谜、观看露天电影、燃放烟火、滚冰、拾柴等祈愿新的一年万事如意、身体健康、财源滚滚。富拉尔基的元宵节即滚冰节,已被收入吉尼斯世界非物质文化遗产名录,这是我们家长的骄傲,更是我国传统文化的瑰宝。









































第二篇: 中华优秀传统文化说明报告


弘扬优秀传统文化 创建校园德育特色




开展中华优秀传统文化教育~是加强中小学生思想道德建 设~积极培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的重要举措~建设优秀传统文化传承体系~弘扬中华优秀传统文化~努力践行“厚于德、诚于信、敏于行”的精神~确立现代的教育理念~坚持育人为本~立德树人~培养学生良好的思想道德素质~促进学生全面发展。






attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.








以培育学生对中华优秀传统文化的亲切感为重点~开展启蒙教育~培养学生热爱中华优秀传统文化的感情。认识常用汉字~学习独立识字~初步感受汉字的形体美,诵读浅近的古诗~获得初步的情感体验~感受语言的优美,了解一些爱国志士的故事~知道中华民族重要传统节日~了解家乡的生活习俗~明白自己是中华民族的一员,初步了解传统礼仪~学会待人接物的基本礼节,初步感受经典的民间艺术。引导学生孝敬父母、尊敬师长、友爱attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.





attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.




广泛开展经典诵读活动是实施中华优秀传统文化教育的重要载体。开展经典美文诵读活动~不仅让学生在吟诵中细细品悟中华文化的源远流长、博大精深~真切感悟汉语韵律、词章之美~打好语言文字功底~而且在诵读中获得熏陶~提高修养~是一种终身受益的文化储备。要坚持分层施教~有选择地诵读国学经典~确保诵读的针对性和实效性。小学低年级学生选择《弟子规》、《三字经》、《百家姓》、《千字文》等,坚持以读为主,注重培养语感和整体感知能力,小学中高年级学生~选择《笠翁对韵》、《幼学琼林》、《论语》、《大学》、《道德经》等~引导他们在诵读的基础上边读边思考~理解中华优秀传统文化内涵。要丰富诵读方式~运用读、讲、赛、吟、演等方式激发学生诵读兴趣~增强诵读效果。同时~鼓励师生共诵、亲子共读~使诵读活动成attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.





attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.







attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.






attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.

第三篇: 中华优秀传统文化说明报告





数学 :《周髀算经》;《九章算术》(三国时刘徽著);祖冲之;算盘 。
天文学:天象观察记录, 发明观测仪器:圭表;浑仪;简仪;高表;仰仪,制定历法(农历)。
  医学 :中医,藏医,蒙药 。
  农学 :《齐民要术》,贾思勰著 《水经注》郦道元著
  四大发明 :造纸术 ,印刷术 ,火药 ,指南针 。
  建筑:参见中国建筑 ,园林 ,庙宇 ,宫殿 ,故宫 ,阿房宫 ,塔 ,万里长城 ,墓葬建筑 。
  绘画:中国画 ,清明上河图 。
  书法 :金文—篆文—隶书—楷书—行书—草书—硬笔书法 。
  音乐:中国民族音乐 ,中国戏曲 ,传统民歌 。
  舞蹈:古代舞蹈,周朝雅乐 ,大舞 ,小舞 ,汉朝乐府 ,唐朝乐舞 ,现代舞蹈,彩带舞,武功 ,扇子舞 。
  戏曲:京剧 ,评剧 ,越剧 ,粤剧 ,花鼓戏 ,湖南花鼓戏 。
  曲艺 :相声 ,歌仔戏 ,皮影戏 ,布袋戏 ,南曲 ,高甲戏 。
  戏曲影视:中国电影 ,中国电影史 ,中国电视 ,中国电视史 。
  八大菜系 :川菜 (四川菜)湘菜 (湖南菜)粤菜 (广东菜)

苏菜 (江苏菜)鲁菜 (山东菜)浙菜 (浙江菜)
闽菜 (福建菜) 徽菜 (安徽菜)   
  教育:国子监 ,太学 ,科举制 ,私塾 ,书院 ,翰林院 。
  文学:中国神话 。中国寓言 。中国典故 。中国小说 。中国诗词 。
 体育:象棋 -- 围棋 -- 武术(功夫) -- 气功 --点穴 --针灸。

  古人说天论地 古人观天 万物起源
  天象记录 :日食 流星 新星和超新星 彗星 五星连珠 太阳黑子 石刻纪录
  历法成就: 治历方法 节气 中西比较 《太初历》《大明历》《大衍历》《授时历》
  天文仪器: 圭表 日晷 漏刻 浑仪 浑天仪 地动仪 浑象 简仪 仰仪 水运仪象台
  著名天文学家: 甘德 落下闳 张衡 祖冲之 张遂(僧一行) 郭守敬 沈括
  天文著作: 《甘石星经》《灵宪》
  著名地理学家: 裴秀 郦道元 徐霞客 魏源
  地理成就: 制图六体 风的观测和仪器 降水的观测和仪器 湿度的观测和仪器 云的观测和云图集 《水经注》 《徐霞客游记》 《海国图志》
  成就: 算筹 算盘 十进制的使用 分数和小数的最早运用 九九表 负数的使用 圆周率的计算 二进制思想的开创国
  数学家: 刘徽 张衡 祖冲之
  军事思想: 孙子兵法 六韬 司马法 孙膑兵法 尉缭子 吴子
  军事发明: 古代战车 马镫的发明与流传 中国古代火箭 火药 喷火装置 弩的发明和流传
  人物: 兵圣孙武 民族英雄岳飞 诸葛亮
  中医概况 中医的历史 中医基础理论 中药基础
  诊法与疗法 四诊法 针灸 刮痧 推拿 拔火罐
  食疗与养生 食疗的含义 食物的四性与五味 药膳 中医养生 养生佳品:茶、药酒
  特色发明 针灸铜人 中医针具 舌苔模型 内经图 铁球 五禽戏 太极拳
  古代名医 钱乙 葛洪 王冰 皇甫谧 王叔和 滑伯仁 淳于意 李时珍 李东垣 扁鹊 戴思恭 张子和 张仲景 巢元方 孙思邈 孙一奎 华佗 刘完素
  古代水利 中国古代的水利工程 都江堰 郑白渠 引漳十二渠 它山堰 芍陂 灵渠
  后套八大渠 邗沟
  古代农具 中国水车 骨稆 石铲 铁锄 铁犁
  古代农业科技人物 贾思勰 徐光启 宋应星
  农业技术成就 齐民要术 天工开物 农政全书 杂交水稻
  自成体系的中国传统建筑 早在周代就已开始了城市规划 中国近代建筑发展轨迹 中国建筑史之分期 中国建筑之特征
  成就 中国传入西方的机械技术 考工记 远西奇器图说录最
  生活用具 被中香炉 司母戊方鼎
  生产 方板链泵 水力大纺车 皮带传动
  交通工具 橹、舵与轮船 指南车 记里鼓车 独轮车
  8.中国纺织 印染
  中国古代纺织 中国古代服饰 中国丝织艺术 中国刺绣艺术 中国古代印染 古代矿物颜料 染织品种 古代丝绸发展 丝绸染整工艺 中国四大名绣 天然织物染料
  古代造船 古代中国造船回顾 三大船型 古代名船
  造船发明 帆 船尾舵 橹 车船 龙骨结构 水密隔舱
  航海发明 航海罗盘 牵星术 计程仪 针路 其它航海知识的应用
  航海大事记 徐福东渡日本 汉代的海上丝绸之路 鉴真东渡日本 郑和下西洋
  10.中国造纸 印刷
  造纸术 原始的书写材料 纸的发明过程 造纸技术的发展 蔡伦改进造纸术 造纸术的传播
  人物 蔡伦 毕升 王祯 胡正言
  印刷术 印刷术的发明 雕版印刷术的发明 活字印刷术的发明 印刷技术的传播
  特色发明 宣纸 笔墨的发明 印章 拓印 套印及彩色印刷 纸币
  哲学流派 道家哲学 儒家哲学 法家哲学 名家哲学 墨家哲学 阴阳家哲学
  思想家 老子 孔子 韩非子 墨子
  哲学著作 《道德经》 《论语》 《易经》
  哲学关键词 道 阴阳 八卦 五行 太极 天人合一
  中国瓷器 中国家具 中国青铜 中国陶器 中国雕塑 中国漆器 中国纹饰 文房四宝 景泰蓝 中国木雕 中国剪纸 中国钟鼎 中国风筝 唐三彩 中国灯彩 中国年画 纸扎艺术 云南纸马 秋色艺术 中国扇子 中国玉器 中国贴画 金属工艺 嵌银工艺 石雕艺术 中国竹雕

相关热词搜索: 中华 传统文化 优秀