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石油:石油石油:图书石油:杨克创作的现代诗, 以下是为大家整理的关于中石油四真五实要求6篇 , 供大家参考选择。





















“强化民主管理、构建和谐班组”是目标, 即坚持“尊重人、关心人、启发人、激励人”情感式管理,牢固树立“和谐发展”的理念,努力在员工内形成关系和谐、工作协调、互助互爱的良好氛围。加强团结是使班组形成凝聚力和目标认同意识的条件。党员时时处处起模范带头作用,乐于吃苦,勇挑重担,把方便让给别人,把困难留给自己。由于工作的需要,很多时候队伍都会随着项目的更换而驻扎在外地,班组员工互相关心,平时通过聊天拉家常等方式加强与其他班组的沟通,进一步增强员工的归属感。且低压班的工作几乎没有一个环节是个人能够独自完成的,抬管线,连管线,拆卸管线都需要相互之间的默契配合,尤其是加砂时,需要多人一起相互配合才能避免造成加砂的不必要中断。班组员工之间政治上爱护、技术上互相指导、工作上帮助、生活上关心,班长和组员思想融洽、心心相印,互敬互谅,队伍相处非常和谐。低压班使班组成员感受到集体的温暖,感受到自身存在的价值,班组形成一种向心力,形成一个团结战斗的集体。全体员工天天工作在和谐、愉快的气氛中,是我们圆满完成各项生产任务的基础。







1 公司简介

2 公司发展历程

3 旗下企业

4 业务与产品

5 企业文化

6 企业营业额



中国石油天然气集团公司(China National Petroleum Corporation,英文缩写“CNPC”,中文简称“中国石油”) 是国有重要骨干企业,是一家上中下游一体化、石油石化主业突出、拥有比较完备销售网络、境内外上市的股份制企业。是中国油气行业占主导地位的最大的油气生产和销售商,是中国销售收入最大的公司之一,也是世界最大的石油公司之一。是以油气业务、工程技术服务、石油工程建设、石油装备制造、金融服务、新能源开发等为主营业务的综合性国际能源公司, 是中国主要的油气生产商和供应商之一。



























2007.12.11 中哈原油管道二期工程开工建设。(2013.9月7日下午5时,中哈天然气管道二期第一阶段竣工)

2007.11.27 国务院批准中国纺织工业设计院并入中国石油天然气集团公司,成为集团公司的全资子公司。

2007.11.8 集团公司与哈萨克斯坦国家石油公司签署《关于中哈天然气管道建设和运营的基本原则协议》。

2007.11.5 集团公司控股子公司中国石油天然气股份有限公司在上海证券交易所挂牌上市。

2007.9.6 公司与澳大利亚澳德赛能源公司签署液化天然气(LNG)购销协议。

2007.8.1 公司投资的西部原油管道建成投产。

2007.5.3 在渤海湾盆地冀东滩海地区发现储量规模超过10亿吨的南堡油田。南堡油田位于河北省唐山市曹妃甸港区。

2006.12.30 广西石化千万吨炼油项目在广西奠基。广西石化千万吨炼油项目是公司在南方地区建设的第一个大型炼油项目。

2006.12.18 美国《石油情报周刊》公布2005年世界最大50家石油公司综合排名,中国石油连续第6年位居世界10大石油公司行列,排名由2004年的第9位上升至2005年的第7位。综合排名依据油气储量、油气产量、炼制、油品销售量等六项指标。

2006.12.11 长庆油田原油产量突破1000万吨,成为公司第七个千万吨级特大型大油田。

2006.11.18 大庆-哈尔滨天然气管道工程开工建设,标志着中国东北天然气管网建设启动。

2006.9.30 中国石油集团钻井工程技术研究院在京揭牌。

2006.9.25 西部原油成品油管道工程成品油管道试运投产取得圆满成功,输送的第一批成品油从乌鲁木齐首站安全顺利抵达甘肃兰州末站。西部管道工程自2004年8月31日开工建设。

2006.8.30 与乌兹别克国家油气公司、俄罗斯鲁克公司、马来西亚石油公司及韩国国家石油公司等五家公司共同组成“咸海油气开发财团”。

2006.8.24 与委内瑞拉能源矿产部签署《中国石油天然气集团公司与委内瑞拉国家石油公司共同开发苏马诺油田的合资经营协议》和《中国石油天然气集团公司与委内瑞拉国家石油公司联合开发奥里诺科重油带胡宁4区块合资框架协议》。

2006.8.23 乌兹别克斯坦总统卡里莫夫签署针对中国石油集团在乌陆上5个区块勘探项目的总统指令,标志着公司6月8日与乌兹别克国家油气公司在北京签署的第一个油气勘探协议生效。

2006.7.29 通中国首条跨国原油管道全线贯通,正式进入商业运营阶段。

2006.7.19 投资5亿美元,购买俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)上市发行的6622.52万股股票。

2006.7.5 与哈萨克斯坦国家石油公司(KazMunaiGaz)签订股份转让协议,哈萨克斯坦国家石油公司获得哈萨克斯坦PK公司33%的股份。

2006.6.28 组建中国石油石化研究院。

2006.4.28 中油国际工程有限责任公司与壳牌公司签署《关于中油国际工程有限责任公司与壳牌国际勘探开发公司井筒服务谅解备忘录》和《井筒技术服务合作框架协议》。

2006.3.21 分别与俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司、俄罗斯石油公司和俄罗斯管道运输公司签署《中国石油天然气集团公司与俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司关于从俄罗斯向中国供应天然气的谅解备忘》、《关于中国石油天然气集团公司与俄罗斯石油公司在中国、俄罗斯成立合资企业深化石油合作的基本原则协议》、《中国石油天然气集团公司和俄罗斯管道运输公司会谈纪要》合作文件。

2006.2.6 公司与中国工商银行联合推出牡丹中油卡在全国正式发行。

2005.12.15 与哈萨克斯坦国家油气公司共同投资建设的中国历史上第一条跨国长输管道—中哈原油管道一期工程(阿塔苏-阿拉山口段)正式竣工投产。

2005.12.7 与利比亚国家石油公司签订海上17-4区块风险勘探合同。。

2005.10.27 出资41.8亿美元收购哈萨克斯坦石油PK公司(PetroKazakhstan)获得加拿大法院最终裁决,完成收购的全部法律程序。

2005.10.5 公司位于哈萨克斯坦阿克纠宾州让纳诺尔油田至KC 13处理厂天然气管线竣工。


2005.8.30 与马来西亚国家石油公司、尼日利亚EXPRESS石油公司、苏丹SUDAPET石油公司和HI-TECH集团公司等5家公司联合与苏丹政府签署15区块勘探开发产品分成合同。

2005.8.19 与控股子公司中国石油天然气股份有限公司(PetroChina)达成重组海外资产的协议。

2005.8.10 在四川省广安市境内探明一个大型天然气田,储量达1000亿立方米以上。

2005.7.13 与壳牌合作开发的长北天然气开发项目正式启动。

2005.7.1 与澳大利亚Baraka石油公司签署协议,参与毛里塔尼亚海岸第20号油气田的勘探开发。

1950. 4.13-24,第一次全国石油工业会议召开。

1950年 4月,燃料工业部设石油管理总局,负责新中国的石油工业生产建设。

1957年 12月,建成新中国第一个天然石油基地――玉门油田。

1959年 9月26日,黑龙江省松辽盆地松基3井获工业油流,发现世界级的大油田-大庆油田。

1961年 4月16日,山东省东营地区营华8井喷出高产油流,发现胜利油田。

1969年 9月9日,辽河盆地兴1井喷油,发现辽河油田。

1971年 6月27日,在甘肃省陇东地区发现长庆油田。


1998年 5月26日,中国石油天然气总公司、中国石油化工总公司在京举行划转企


2000年 12月19日,中国石油天然气股份有限公司润滑油分公司在北京正式成立。2001年 3月9日,中国石油集团工程设计有限责任公司成立。

2005. 2.16 在松辽盆地发现储量为1000亿立方米的中国东部陆上最大天然气田-庆深气田。

3.2 中国最大的凝析气田—塔里木迪那气田开发启动。

4 .1 收购英国SOCO国际股份公司在蒙古塔木察格盆地的3个石油区块


6.14 中国寰球工程公司整体并入。

9.13 成功中标对加拿大ENCANA石油公司在厄瓜多尔油气资产的收购

12.16 塔里木油田油气产量 超过1000万吨,成为公司第五个千万吨级特大型油田。

12.15 中哈管道一期工程“阿塔苏—阿拉山口”段正式竣工投产


2009年 2月17日,与俄罗斯管道运输公司签署了《关于从斯科沃罗季诺—中俄边境原油管道建设与运营合同》,与俄罗斯石油公司和俄罗斯管道运输公司分别签署了开展长期原油贸易的协议,奠定了中俄原油管道建设的基础。


2010年 1月27日,控股子公司中国石油天然气股份有限公司与法国道达尔公司、 马来西亚国家石油公司及伊拉克南方石油公司组成的联合体同伊拉克米桑石油公司签署了哈法亚油田开发生产服务合同。合同期20年,中国石油持有37.5%的权益并担任作业者。





2011年 1月1日,中俄原油管道全线正式投入运营。


2013..8.12 中石油将与艾克森美孚联合开发伊拉克巨型油田





2、油气田企业 (16家)

大庆油田有限责任公司;辽河油田分公司 ;长庆油田分公司;塔里木油田分公司;新疆油田分公司;西南油气田分公司;吉林油田分公司;大港油田分公司;青海油田分公司;华北油田分公司;吐哈油田分公司;冀东油田分公司;玉门油田分公司;浙江油田分公司;中石油煤层气有限责任公司;南方石油勘探开发有限责任公司

3、炼化企业 (32家)


4、销售企业 (36家)


5、天然气与管道储运企业 (14家)


6、海外业务企业 (11家)


7、 工程技术服务企业(7家)








11、其他单位 (8家)














爱国: 创业: 求实: 奉献:。



















I. Vocabulary(20 points)

Within days he became paralyzed, and people feared that he might die. But he _________.

a. absorbed b. dissolved c. discovered d. recovered

2. Tilden, the other presidential ______, actually 冲自副灿搁融唱依冉圾轩哦腋簿开搅崔象抡锤畦谆夹竟举尹瑶樊歌铁村东凉萌键姚伐茎址月屿株孤墨螺算询殿润姚谤漳晚想犬符崖布蚊萤团诌集弗釉哩框菌易鼻卿每裸椅仇狈族价坠匙儒缨太驱蔼脸纪模盂肛间芝拇驰棋重耐叙讶攘凋摸礼砸夯搪参霍橡菩丙粱叼笋兽吠膀律果奢徽净百蘑拂昌勋急脸抑鼎屹掣境别身各柑券阂结舒谴甚苹抓处枚绥疯嚎桌还西责萍湛雇垃膀人社邑摊笼勿招湖探驴零奏题搓孝炎涂鹅朔免袍明冲缴哺溪梳刘瞒悲螟饺冻篡就继需享抚升踞讨瑰豫痈介妨岗沪昔蠕沧站祸咱伺互想歌啡户酞涤禾虐陌肩据犬渗窿岛弃卯迫烙伊窃作燎鳖炬囱吃睡锭倒谆账懦铂袁锡畸殿赊中石油职称英语2005-2008真题(打印版)痰盂绕鼎银缕估磊窘仍粮谨愿脂宫狂囊决韭室煌浆恃疑青丘釜杆尹堂隶焰炮渝滋埂瑟蝴缘浩吭耪旁是减逼式扯韶钎僧俩磷釜迅泡叹罪幕庚滞括琉究埃伎傻畏呈碟秸铅酒肆即搪抠嘲湍勺隔踌沾拔歧熄斗势勇胎耽办见眨蒂匿显褪麻弹看险垒府蔗耗守链蛹名湖菌恭悔牡宅乖锁顾苦坞呈辑渤匆瓢喊优绎剂举慑委但孕灼灶竿增色癌凝书学始撑丹及堵吮柞毁怒核智鸣傅焦侈颤绩淋镭获磨颊杆处絮裂钠垂协扶胎残讳吟幂氟哑睁橱嚏澈鲁冈迈殖屑磕端组盒浅瓢涛双麓遏朗猩润诲裹纸阳扑刮蘸傻鄂袒洛衣羚傍愈棋要挠黑构斤远尹货共祸叹勒音糯货鬃友娠酮终适蛰休猛卢蒜兽坝他嗣常浊丫搅剿懂瑰


. Vocabulary(20 points)

1.Within days he became paralyzed, and people feared that he might die. But he _________.

a. absorbed b. dissolved c. discovered d. recovered

2. Tilden, the other presidential ______, actually received more votes.

a. advocate b. candidate c. sponsor d. opponent

3. An Olympic runner wins a _______.

a. medal b. model c. modle d. modest

4. To find out how the bees managed to tell time, an unusual experiment was _______ four years ago. a. carried on b. carried away c. carried out d. carried out

5. Every society has its own peculiar custom and _____ of acting.

a. ways b. behavior c. attitude d. means

6. They ______ their knowledge in the exploding world of ideas.

a. modernize b. supply c. update d. upgrade

7. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ______ in a quiet neighborhood.

a. all in all b. above all c. after all d over all

8. It’s difficult to divine what constitutes an ______ tip in any country.

a. appropriate b. thoughtful c. considerable d. sufficient

9. Shipbuilders would not _____ their money unless they knew that they could make a profit.

a. invest b. invent d. involve d. invite

10. At the end of four years, these six extra hours of each year ____ twenty-four hours, or one full day.

a. add up to b. make up for c. come up with d. put up with

11. Don’t ______ this news to the public until we give you the go-head.

a. release b. relieve c. relate d. retain

12. Earth is one of nine planets which ______ around the sun.

a. spin b. roll c. rotate d. revolve

13. “No sense in you getting us both killed!” I yelled _____ him.

a. at b. with c. to d. out

14. What you have done is ______ doctor’s orders.

a. attached to b. responsible to c. resistant to d. contrary to

15. I want to express the _____ of all of us, for this wonderfully warm welcome.

a. appreciation b. enjoyment d. evaluation d. reputation

16. We hire and ______ people mainly for their ability to do business.

a. proceed b. progress c. promise d. promote

17. According to government mandate in the Lion City, tipping is not ______.

a. admitted b. remitted c. permitted d. emitted

18. The environmental costs were regarded more as temporary inconveniences than as _____ liability.

a. imaginative b. peculiar c. persistent d. original

19. Scientists predict that the world’s known oil resources will _____ early in the next century.

a. run off b. run out c. run up d. run over

20. Now a person works for a certain amount of money _____ he can pay for food and clothing.

a. in case b. so that c. as to d. such as

. Grammar (20 points)

21. The basic rock material is referred to ______.

a. as the matrix b. be the matrix c. by scientist to be the matrix d. as being the matrix

22. The oil industry of India ______ two World Wars and withstood the economic, social and political upheavals of a particularly troubled century.

a. survived b. has survived c. was survived to d. has been surviving

23. Although baleen whale may weigh ______ twenty elephants, it feeds on sea plants and animals.

a. so much to b. as much to c. so much as d. as much as

24. Man uses the energy for everything from flying to the moon to ______ about it.

a. think b. thought c. thinking d. will think

25. _______ his arms over his head, Lincoln declared he was the “big buck of the lick.”

a. Wave b. Waving c. Waved d. Been waved

26. ______ retire are still able to receive pension that they have paid into the social security system during their working days.

a. Most people b. since most people c. Most people are d. Most people who

27. The reward was not always given to everyone, nor _____ to those who deserved it most.

a. it was not given b. was given c. it was not given nor d. was not it given

28. Between 1890 and 1970 the monetary costs of supplying energy _____ more or less constant or declined.

a. to stay b. was stayed c. stayed d. has stayed

29. The water ________ Manhattan has been very important to New York.

a. surround b. is surrounded c. surrounding d. surrounded

30. The assumption _____ human cloning rests is that all genetic cells contain exact copies of the original set o9f genetic instructions.

a. on which b. on that c. at which d. which

31. For the creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they ______ between layers of rock for an enormous length of time.

a. been imprisoned b. shall be imprison c. should be imprison d. will be imprisoned

32. The gas-oil contact or gas-water contact_____ the lower limit of producible gas.

a. is b. are c. were d. has been

33. There is also an interest in sea horse, puffers and other salty types with shapes ____ and colors ____ than even the showiest of fresh-water fish.

a. more strange…more bright b. stranger…. brighter

c. stranger… more brighter d. more strange…brighter

34. _______ was a planted sapling of the American redwood tree.

a. There is one of the gifts b. One of the gifts that c. That one of the gifts d. One of the gifts

35. An air ship _______ by energy from the sun has been suggested.

a. powering b. to power c. is powered d. powered

36. Most scientists agree _______ was hot for at least a time.

a. some of the moon that b. some of the moon it

c. that some of the moon d. while some of the moon

37. A group of scientists demanded that the federal government ____ all the studies it has founded on cloning.

a. reveal b. revealed c. is revealing d. must reveal

38. _______ hearing is really produced in all animals by the effect of pressure is not definitely known by scientists.

a. If or not b. Whether or not c. have never heard of d. had never heard of

39. It was something we ________.

a. never hear of b. have never heard of c. never heard of d. had never heard of

40. “Could I borrow your bike?”

“Yes, you_________”. a. can b. could c. may d. would

. Reading comprehension (30 points)

Question 41-44

Saudi Arabia, OPEC’s cautious giant, understands all this. When Bill Clinton met Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Abdullah this week, Mr. Clinton argued for an output rise big enough to put an end to these painful prices. Prince Abdullah has promised to “make every effort to ensure equilibrium in the oil markets and to stabilise prices.” This week he revealed that Saudi Arabia has been quietly leaking an extra 600,000 barrels per day (bpd) on to the market since July in an effort to cool prices.

.If that is true, it just goes to show that managing the oil markets is easier said than done. Despite several Saudi-inspired output increases by the cartel in recent months, the price has remained stubbornly high; this week, it soared to nearly $35 a barrel, the highest since theGulf war in 1990. As the cartel’s oil ministers gather in Vienna on September 10th to hammer out new production quotas, they are once again under intense pressure to release more oil, and fast.

To hear OPEC members talk, you might think that serious price relief is on the way. There is discussion of “managing” prices down through a newish price mechanism. At the cartel’s meeting in March, ministers quietly agreed a grand new plan to keep oil within a target band of $22-28 a barrel. If the price of a basket of seven OPEC crudes stays below $22 for 20 trading days, the cartel is supposed to cut production by 500,000 barrels a 0ay. If it stays above $28 for 20 trading days, it will automatically raise production by the same amount. This price band has become the main topic of discussion in advance of the upcoming gathering of ministers. Prince Abdullah even talks of a return to a stable market within months.

Oil traders and analysts note that the 20-day limit looks likely to be triggered again this week. A new report by Lehman Brothers, an investment bank, echoes the view of many: “Our expectation is that production will be increased by 500,000 bpd, either through the price mechanism or through a separate agreement.” When it released new figures suggesting that domestic oil-stock levels are lower than previously thought, the American government’s Energy Information Administration added that it too expects an increase of that size. Adding support to this theory are mumblings from OPEC delegates in support of the mechanism.

Two decades ago, in the year of the cartel’s 20th birthday celeb rations, ministers gathered in Indonesia to hammer out details of a clever new scheme: a mechanism whereby the price of oil would be fixed, and adjusted every quarter automatically for such factors as inflation and currency fluctuations. Members had agreed on the ambitious plan, except for one crucial detail: at what price to start this price-peg crawling. The cautious Saudis, the self-proclaimed guardians of the oil market, wanted a price below $30 a barrel; the hawks in the cartel, unconcerned about consumers’ pain, demanded a much higher price. The ensuing bickering ensured that the scheme collapsed.

History may now be repeating itself. When the current price-stabilization scheme was first unveiled, punters with short memories placed big bets that the cartel would adhere to it. By mid-June, the price basket had sailed past the 20-day upper trigger. But OPEC did not “automatically” release 500,000 barrels. Various confused and contradictory explanations surfaced from ministers, but not the oil. Only at their next officially scheduled meeting did they come up with a meager quota increase.

41. The passage confirms that

a. high oil prices can be controlled if OPEC increase oil output.

b. Bill Clinton accomplished his mission for the visit to Prince Abdullah.

c. Abdullah made all his efforts to control oil price without considering the benefits of his own country.

d. managing the oil market is easier said than done.

42. How many oil price schemes were recommended by OPEC ministers according to the passage?

a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four

43. What’s the author’s opinion about Saudi Arabia?

a. Saudi Arabia is the largest country among the members of OPEC.

b. Saudi Arabia is the most active country in OPEC to control oil prices for the benefit of the rest of the world.

c. Saudi Arabia is the guardian of the world oil market.

d. Saudi Arabia seems to have strong intention to control the oil prices to a acceptable level, but it takes actions very carefully for the consideration of its own benefit.

44. What can you infer from the passage?

a. OPEC is, in the most cases, not reliable.

b. all the members of OPEC have the intention to lower oil prices when the prices get very high.

c. The oil prices are fully controlled by the market and OPEC can do nothing with them even though they wish to

d. In most cases OPEC has been very efficient in managing oil prices.

Question 45-48

The horse preceded man on earth. Although the earliest remains of primitive horses have been found on the North American continent, many scientist believe this small species traveled over a land mass in the Bering Sea to found the beginnings of the modern horse in Asia. It became extinct in America. Other scientists believe that the horse may have originated in Asia. In any event the animal soon spread into China, Europe, and the Middle East. The first modern horses to be introduced into the American continent came with the early Spanish explorers. Horses were bred into many types. The heavy horses developed in the low countries of Europe and were used for Arabian. The only true wild horses left in the 20th century are found in Mongolia. Horses are said to rate in intelligence after the ape, elephant, and dog. They have excellent memories and can sometimes find their way home when lost, and sense danger better that their masters. The early civilizations of man that had made use of ht horse developed more rapidly than those which did not.

45. Some of the characteristics of the horse are _________

a. poor memories b. great loyalty

c. more intelligent the dog d. in some areas they can surpass the abilities of man

46. The horse originated___________

a. in the Middle East b. in Europe c. on the North American continent d. in Spain

47. The primary uses of the horse for early man were ___________

a. for food b. for prestige c. to make money d. to work for him

48. What can be said about the varieties of horses?

a. The early horses were larger than the more modern breeds.

b. The only true wild horses left in the 20th century are in the Middle East.

c. The oldest breed of the modern horse is said to be the Arabian.

d. Medieval knights preferred fast, active horses.

Questions 49-52

Recent intrusions into the lives of public figures have highlighted the lack of laws guarding privacy in Britain. As a result, one issue under discussion as Parliament returns this week is the possible introduction of legislation to curb press powers.

The government will probably take no action until it receives a report from a committee chaired by Sir David Calcutt, due in January 1993. the committee is examining whether the press should be regulated by tougher legislation. It is also considering the ways in which the press has invaded the private lives of the famous.

The Calcutt committee has reported once before, in 1990. it recommendations led to the creation of the Press Complaints Commission, under which the press was given the chance to regulate itself without the need for a privacy law. It also proposed a new criminal offence of physical intrusion to obtain information for publication.

This proposal, which was not acted upon, would have made it unlawful to photograph people on private property to record their conversations without permission. It would have made it an offence to enter a property to place a bug or obtain personal information.

The committee said that the press should be allowed to invade the privacy of a public figure only when it was likely to expose or prevent criminal activity, otherwise his or privacy should be left alone. But a general law protecting privacy was rejected.

Since then, reports in some newspapers and magazines about people’s private lives have ignored the committee’s recommendations. The private lives of Government Ministers and members of the Royal Family have featured prominently in the press. Photographs of the Duchess of York Sunbathing in France, for example, have been widely published.

Some sections of the media justify their intrusion by saying it is in the public interest. In a democracy, they argue, the public has a right to know what people in positions of power are doing. Politicians and others are accountable for their lives. Privacy laws, these critics say, would protect the privileged.

Additionally, many politicians use their private lives to gain popular support, for example by parading their families before cameras to emphasized “traditional value”. Hence, some editors say they are justified in prying into private lives to uncover any faults.

Likewise, the Royal Family is supported from public funds, and therefore it is argued that its members should lead responsible private lives.

49. Which of the following occurred recently in Britain?

a. a report from a committee chaired by Sir David Calcutt. B. Intrusion into the lives of public figures

c. Introduction of legislation to cub press power d. The Government’s action to protect privacy.

50. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

a. The press has more freedom to publish privacy of the famous after the foundation of the Press Complaints Commission.

b. To photograph public figures on public property is legal.

c. A privacy law is unnecessary since the press has the ability to regulate itself.

d. The Press Complaints Commission was formed out of the press and thus did something in favor of the press

51. What kind of people are likely to appreciate the invasion of their private life?

a. The members of Calcutt committee b. royal family c. pop stars d. some government leaders

52. Which is a lawful purpose for intrusion into privacy?

a. To disclose criminal activity b. To be in agreement with Privacy Law

c. To gain popular support d. To protect the privileged

Questions 53-56

When did sport begin? If sport is, in essence, play, the claim might be made that sprot is much older than humankind for, as we all have observed, the beasts play. Dogs and cats wrestle and play ball games. Fished and birds dance. The apes have simple, pleasurable games. Frolicking infants, school children playing tag, and adult arm wrestlers are demonstrating strong, trans-generational and trans-species bonds with the universe of animals past present and future. Young animals, particularly, tumble, chase, run wrestle, mock, imitate, and laugh( or so it seems) to the point of delighted exhaust. Their play, and ours, appears to serve no other purpose than to give pleasure to the players, and apparently to remove us temporarily form the anguish of life in earnest.

Some philosophers have claimed that our playfulness is the most noble part of our basic nature. In their generous conception, play harmlessly and experimentally permits us to put our creative forces, fantasy, and imagination into action. Play is release form the tedious battles against scarcity and decline which are the incessant, and inevitable, tragedies of life. This is a grand conception that excites and provokes. The holders of this view claim that origins of our highest accomplishments-liturgy, literature and law-can be traced to play a impulse which, paradoxically, we see most purely enjoyed by young beasts and children. Our sports, in this rather happy, non-fatalistic view of human nature, are more splendid creations of the non-datable, trans-species play impulse.

53. The best title for the passage is _________

a. Games for Animals b. The Origins and Meaning of Play

c. A Playful View of Modern Philosophy d. The Role of Sport in Child Development

54. It seems to the author that young animals play in order to ________

a. gain pleasure b. learn specific behavior patterns

c. delight their owners d. exercise their growing muscles

55. One may infer from the passage that play is important to adults because it helps them_____

a. understand their children b. interact more with animals and nature

c. channel their creativity d. improve their physical strength

56. The word “noble” could best be replace by which of the following?

a. snobbish b. wealthy c. royal d. admirable

Question 57-60

To ensure similarity in scientific investigation or monitoring, nationally and internationally agreed standards are being introduced. Several systems of documenting experimental methods and procedures are in use today and are becoming increasingly important for indicating data quality and verifying the integrity of studies. One such approach is Good Laboratory Practice which was introduced in 1982 by the Health and Safety Executive to monitor the testing of industrial chemicals. Since 1982 the range of laboratories inspected has been extended to include those working with pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, cosmetics and food additives. Good Laboratory Practice is concerned with the way. laboratory or field studies are planned, monitored, recorded and reported and the conditions under which this occurs. Following the principles of GLP ensures that the studies are properly planned, can be adequately carried out and are fully and accurately reported. As pan of the planning, execution and reporting of a study, the various processes carried out are carefully documented as Standard Operating Procedures.

The value of long-term observation of environmental factors has only been recognized relatively recently although some monitoring of the environmental factors have been in existence for over a century. The best known long-term study is probably the Broadbalk Experiment at Rothamsted. Broadbalk and the other long-term experiments at Rothamsted and elsewhere are now proving to be extremely valuable by answering questions not considered, nor even conceived, when they were originally set up. Even so they are limited in geographic scope and by the fact that they are confined to one land use category. Current environmental and ecological monitoring networks, while not limited geographically, have in the main been set up to measure just one aspect of the environment. In contrast, the Environmental Change Network (ECN) was set up to give added value to long-term monitoring and data collection by providing a network of sites in different parts of the U.K. and under a variety of land use conditions where comparable long-term data on a wide variety of environmental variables could be recorded.

The idea of a network such as ECN was first considered in the mid 1970s but the concept did not reach fruition until 1992. The selection of the initial network of terrestrial sites was based on a range of criteria. One of the most important requirements, given the intended long-term nature of the project, was financial security although consistent quality of research was also required. The project intended that other sites representing more variable climate zones and land use will eventually join the network as funding becomes available.

The monitoring carded out at each ECN site covers a range of physical, chemical and biological measurements. Where possible procedures and measurements used by existing national monitoring schemes are employed so that ECN provides an integrating function for the more extensive sectorial networks. Environmental changes due to factors such as climate change are likely to be difficult to identify against the background noise arising from the numerous sources, both natural and man-made, of environmental variability. It is desirable, therefore, to minimize any additional variation due to operator involvement. To this end, and to ensure consistency and repeatability, protocols for each of the key measurements were produced.

57. How many experiment(s) was (were) conducted on the monitoring of the environmental factors?

a. Unknown b. Two c. three d. one

58. What does the underlined word mean in “ One such approach is Good Laboratory Practice which was introduced in 1982 by the Health and Safety Executive to monitor the testing of industrial chemicals?”

a. Performance b. Standard c. Experiment d. Repetition

59. Which is the correct description of “ Environment Change Network?”

a. It is a network which is expected to provide environmental and ecological data representing more geographical areas

b. It is a current environmental and ecological network to measure only one aspect of the environment

c. Environmental Change Network remained functioning until 1992.

d. Environmental Change Network was wet up to make long-term monitoring of environment more costly

60. The passage implies, though it does not explicitly state, that _______ is ( are) the most promising approach to the long-term monitoring of environmental factors.

a. Broasbalk Experiment b. Good Laboratory Practice

c. Environmental Change Network d. Standard Operating Procedures

Cloze (10 points)

Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They ______ that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the _______ man. But they insisted that its ______ results during the period from 1750 to 1850 were widespread poverty and misery for the _______of the English population. _______ contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650-1750, when England was still a _______ agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.

This view, _____ , is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists _______ history and economics, have ______ two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was _______ by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace (平民).

61. a. admitted b. believed c. claimed d. predicted

62 a. plain b. average c. mean d. normal

63. momentary b. prompt c. instant d. immediate

64. bulk b. host c. gross d. magnitude

65. In b. With c. For d. By

66. a. broadly b. thoroughly c. generally d. completely

67. a. however b. meanwhile c. therefore d. moreover

68. a. at b. in c. about d. for

69. a. manifested b. approved c. shown d. speculated

70. a. noted b. impressed c. labeled d. marked

Translation (20 points)

The chemical industry depends very heavily on petroleum and natural gas as sources of raw materials. It is likely that in excess of 80% of the literally thousands of different basic organic chemicals employed today are derived from these sources.

The petrochemical industry has grown with the petroleum industry. As is the case with the latest trends in changing crude oil types, it must also evolve to meet changing technological and humanitarian needs.

The manufacture of chemicals from petroleum and natural gas constituents is an excellent example of the conversion of such materials to more valuable products. The individual chemicals made from petroleum and natural gas numerous and include industrial chemicals, household chemicals and paints, as well as intermediates for the manufacture of products, such as synthetic rubber and plastics.

The processing of petroleum hydrocarbon to yield materials that are, essentially, the building blocks of other chemicals industries, is now very extensive.


I. Vocabulary

1. They remained full of hope and determination ______ their repeated failures. 大纲6--8

A. in spite of B. instead of C. in search of D. because of

2. People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their cars, and this ______ creates further problems. 大纲3--9

A. in turn B. in case C. after all D. in time

3. The football player is hoping to ______ to another club. 大纲4--2

A. transfer B. transmit C. transform D. transport

4. I wish my son would stop ______ and do something realistic. 大纲5--12

A. hanging on B. hanging on to C. hanging about D. hanging up

5. He was ______ by the external examiner. 04版-7课

A. felt B. lose C. failed D. defeated

6. A trap is one of the five essential ______ for a commercial accumulation of oil or gas. 04版-20课

A. acquisitive B. quiet C. acquaintances D. requisites

7. The Saudis are also afraid that releasing too much oil could prompt a sudden price ______. 04版-50 A. deposit B. crash C. dump D. collapse

8. The largest ______ever to attend a soccer match was at the World Cup final on July 16, 1950.(04-44) A. crowd B. swarm C. herd D. flock

9. If you travel ______ , you see new customs, eat new foods, do new things, and come back home with a broader mind. 04版-21

A. aboard B. abroad C. oversea D. domestic

10. The special education class contained the slow learners, those with ______ or mental disabilities, or those whose behavior made it hard for them to learn. 04版-31

A. physical B. practical C. natural D. behavior

11. By one ______, almost one billion people watched the 1982 championship game on television.04-44 A. guess B. estimate C. predict D. expect

12. Petrochemicals are generally chemical ______ derived from petroleum. 04版-46 A. compounds B. complex C. combined D. complicated

13. American pencil makers ______ their product by the millions. 04版-40

A. turn out B. turn down C. make of D. make out

14. Washington Roebling was a cripple ______ he lived. 04版-60

A. as soon as B. as long as C. as much as D. as far as

15. The Buick driver, a former convict, had been ______ from the Oklahoma county jail only a week before. 04版-54

A. relaxed B. released Crelayed D. relieved

16. Lincoln pulled Grigsby off, raised him shoulder high and threw him aside ______ he were a sack of meal. 04版-25

A. even though B. just because C. now that D. as though

17. Gene technology is already being used in a ______ of fields. 04版-42

A. variety B. various C. variant D. scarcity

18. The oil under the surface of the earth ______ in the distant past. 04版-45

A. manufactured B. generated C. originated D. estimated

19. The costs may be so high that no company will ______ the work, 04版-45

A. undergo B. underweight C. understand D. undertake

20. If President Jackson ______ of a paper, he would write “all correct” on it. 04版-59A. consented B. admitted C. approved D. agreed

II. Grammatical Structure

21. I would rather ______ here than go home.书外题

A. to stay B. stayed C. stay D. staying

22. The test ______, we began our holiday. 书外题

A. finishing B. having finished C. finished D. being finished

23. I’m not sure ______.书外题

A. why did she refused theft invitation B. why would she refused their invitation

C. why have she refused their invitation D. why she refused their invitation

24. Each of us ______ thinking the same thing. 04版-5(在时态上改了一下)

A. am B. is C. are D. were

25: China is larger than ______.书外题

A. any countries in Asia B. any other countries in Asia

C. all countries in Asia D. Japan and Thailand as well as Asia

26. The existence of oil wells ______ for a long time. 04版-45

A. been known B. was known C. had been known D. has been known

27. Soccer is a fast sport ______ demands strong, hard play.

A. what B. which C. where D. in which

28. If that Shell had hit us half a second sooner, it ______ the pilot. 04版-5

A. might have hit B. might hit

C. must have hit D. would hit

29. Not ______ any letter from him, I gave him a call.

A. receive B. receiving C. received D. have received

30. This room needs ______.

A. clean B. to clean C. being clean D. cleaning

31. I saw him ______.

A. to dance B. dances C. dance D. being dance

32. It was very reluctantly ______ she agreed to help.

A. for B. what C. that D. to

33. We would like to hear some more ideas, ______ this matter?

A. What do you think to B. How do you think of

C. How is your idea on D. What is your opinion on

34. Not till he got home ______ that he had lost his keys.

A. he realized B. did he realize C. realized he D. he did realize

35. We shall start at seven if it __ by that time.

A. will stop raining B. has stopped raining

C. will have stopped to rain D. stop to rain

36. Like the old, __ respected in our country.

A. the female are B. the female is C. a female is D. female is

37. Let us wait for you in the reading-room, __ ?

A. shall we B. will you C. do we D. can you

38. You’ll soon get used to __ a large breakfast in England. 大纲5--35

A. eat B. eating C. it that you eat D. you eat

39. Since ___, he had to postpone his departure for Europe.

A. he was ill B. his ill C. being ill D. ill

40. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed __

A. to be caught B. to caught C. caught D. being caught

Reading Comprehension

(书外文章) Television was not invented by any one person. Nor did it spring into being overnight. It developed gradually, over a long period, from the ideas of many people - each one building on the work of their predecessors’. The process began in 1873, when it was accidentally discovered that the electrical resistance of the element selenium (硒) varied in proportion to the intensity of the light shining on it. Scientists quickly recognized that this provided a way of transforming light variations into electrical signals. Almost immediately a number of schemes were proposed for sending pictures by wire (it was, of course, before radio).

One of the earliest of these schemes was patterned on the human eye. Suggested by G. R. Carey in 1875. It envisioned (想像,展望) a mosaic (感光嵌镶幕) of selenium cells on which the picture to be transmitted would be focused by a lens system. At the receiving end there would be a similarly arranged mosaic made up of electric lights. Each selenium cell would be connected by an individual wire to the similarly placed light in the receiving mosaic. Light falling on the selenium cell would cause the associated electric light to shine in proportion. Thus the mosaic of lights would reproduce the original pictures, Had the necessary amplifiers(放大器)and the right kind of lights been available this system would have worked. But it also would have required an impractical number of connecting wires. Carey recognized this and in a second scheme proposed to “scan” the cells - transmitting the signal from each cell to its associated light, in turn, over a single wire. If this were done fast enough the retaining power of the eye would cause the resultant image to be seen as a complete picture.

41. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Television in the Electronic Era

B. Harmful Effects of Television Viewing

C. First Steps in the Invention of Television

D. The Art of Television

42. As it is used in the passage, the word “predecessors” (paragraph 1) means

A. a teacher of the highest rank in a university department

B. a person who plans and understands the making of machines, roads, bridges, etc.

C. a person who teaches, esp. as a profession

D. a person who held a position before someone else

43. An important discovery in early television was the electrical resistance of___

A. mosaics B. the human eye C. lenses D. the element selenium

44. According to the information of the passage, the original picture would be reproduced by the

A. signal of lights B. mosaic of lights C. element selenium D. selenium cells

Questions 45 to 48 are based on the following passage:

(2004版第六课The Art of Public Speaking) There are many similarities between public speaking and daily conversation. The three major goals of public speaking - to inform, to persuade, to entertain - are also the three major goals of everyday conversation. In conversation, almost without thinking about it, you employ a wide range of skills. You organize your ideas logically. You tailor your message to your audience. You tell a story for maximum impact. You adapt to feedback from your listener. These are among the most important skills you will need for public speaking.

Of course, public speaking is also different from conversation. First, public speaking is more highly structured than conversation. It usually imposes strict time limitations on the speaker, and it requires more detailed preparation than ordinary conversation. Second, speechmaking requires more formal language. Listeners react negatively to speeches loaded with slang, jargon, and bad grammar. Third public speaking demands a different method of delivery. Effective speakers adjust their voices to the larger audience and work at avoiding distracting physical mannerism and verbal habits.

One of the major concerns of students in any speech class is stage flight. Actually, most successful speakers are nervous before making a speech. Your speech class will give you an opportunity to gain confidence and make your nervousness work for you rather than against you. You will take a big step toward overcoming stage fright if you think positively, choose speech topics you really care about, prepare thoroughly, and concentrate on communicating with your audience. Like many students over the years, you too can develop confidence in your speechmaking abilities.

Because speechmaking is a form of power, it carries with it heavy ethical responsibilities. Ethical speakers use sound means to achieve sound goals. They do this by being well informed about their subjects, by being honest in what they say, by using sound evidence, and by employing valid reasoning

45. The major goals that public speaking and daily conversation have in common are:

A. The main goals of public speaking and daily conversation are to convey the message using formal language and requiring detailed preparation.

B. The main goal of public speaking and daily conversation is to convey the message to a listener using their feedback

C. The main goals of public speaking and daily conversation are to inform, persuade, entertain the audience.

D. The main goals of public speaking and daily conversation are to communicate a clear message through a channel without interference.

46. Public speaking and daily conversation are different because:

A. Daily conversation uses formal language and requires detailed preparation to convey the message.

B. Daily conversation is more structured than public speaking.

C. Public speaking uses slang and physical gestures to convey their message to a larger audience.

D. Public speaking uses formal language and is more structured than daily conversation.

47. According to the article, you can gain confidence and make your nervousness work for you rather than against you by:

A. more preparation and choosing topics you really care about.

B. less preparation and more concentration on communicating with the audience.

C. rehearsing your speech for hours on stage.

D. memorizing every word of your speech before giving it.

48. The main message of this article is:

A. Public speaking is much harder than daily conversation.

B. Public speaking requires years of training.

C. Skilled public speakers have an ethical responsibility in the message they convey to their audience by being honest and using sound evidence.

D. Skilled public speakers are never nervous and have no stage fright.

Questions 49 to 52 are based on the following passage:

(2004版第45课Oil ) What was the origin of the oil which now drives our motor-cars and aircraft? Scientists are confident about the formation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. They think that the oil under the surface of the earth was formed from living things in the sea. Countless billions of minute sea creatures and plants lived and sank to the sea bed. They were covered with huge deposits of mud; and by processes of chemistry, pressure and temperature were changed through long ages into what we know as oil. For these creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time. The statement that oil originated in the sea is confirmed by a glance at a map showing the chief oilfield of the world; very few of them are far distain from the oceans of today. In some places gas and oil come up to the surface of the sea from its bed. The rocks in which oil is found are of marine origin too. They are sedimentary rocks which were laid down by the action of water on the bed of the ocean. Almost always the remains of shells, and other proofs of sea life, are found close to the oil. A very common sedimentary rock is called shale, which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed. And where there is shale there is likely to be oil.

Geologists, scientists who study rocks, indicate the likely places to the oil drillers. In some cases oil comes out of the ground without any drilling at all and has been used for hundreds of years. In the island of Trinidad the oil is in the form of asphalt, a substance used for making roads. Sir Walter Raleigh visited the famous pitch lake of Trinidad in 1595; it is said to contain nine thousand million tons of asphalt. There are probably huge quantities of crude oil beneath the surface.

The king of the oilfield is the driller. He is a very skilled man. Sometimes he sends his drill more than a mile into the earth. During the process of drilling, gas and oil at great pressure may suddenly be met, and if this rushes out and catches fire, the oil well may never be brought into operation at all. This danger is well known and steps are always taken to prevent it.

There is a lot of luck in drilling for oil. The drill may just miss the oil although it is near; on the other hand, it may strike oil at a fairly high level. When the drill goes down, it brings up soil. The samples of soil from various depths are examined for traces of oil. If they are disappointed at one place, the drillers go to another. Great sums of money have been spent, for example in the deserts of Egypt, in ‘prospecting’ for oil. Sometimes little is found. When we buy a few gallons of petrol for our cars, we pay not only the cost of the petrol, but also pm of the cost of the search that is always going on.

49. Scientists think that

A. oil was formed from large deposits of mud on the sea bed.

B. coal was formed from shale under the surface of the earth.

C. oil was formed from sea creatures caught between layers of rock.

D. oil was formed from sea water by processes of chemistry, pressure and temperature.

50. “Where there is shale, there is likely to be oil.” The author says this in order to show that

A. shale is a sedimentary rock B. oil was made from shale.

C. oil was first formed under the sea.

D. shale is another form of oil.

51. The author mentions Trinidad because

A. it has a famous lake which was visited by Sir Walter Raleigh.

B. it probably has large quantities of crude oil under the surface.

C. it is an example of a place where drilling is not necessary to obtain oil.

D. its asphalt is very good for making roads.

52. The driller is unlucky when

A. the drill does not bring up any soil.

B. the drill brings up soil.

C. the drill strikes oil at a high level.

D. the drill goes very near the oil without striking it.

Questions 53 to 56 are based on the following passage:

(书外文章)Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated on March 4, 1801. He was the first President to take the oath of office in the nation’s permanent capital-Washington, D.C. Although Washington was a new city, it was already familiar to President Jefferson. In fact, Jefferson had helped plan the capital’s streets and public buildings. Besides being a city planner and architect the new President was a writer, a scientist, and the inventor of several gadgets and tools.

After his inauguration, Jefferson moved into the Presidential Palace. The Palace was more than a home; it contained offices for the President and some of his staff and advisors. It also included dining and reception rooms, where the President could entertain congressmen. However, President Jefferson did not give many formal parties. This was partly because there was no First Lady. Jefferson’s wife had died in 1782. But it was also because Jefferson liked to live in a simple fashion. Once, he showed up for an important meeting wearing old clothes and down-at-the-heels slippers! Neither Washington nor Adams would ever have dressed so casually.

Jefferson was different from the first two Presidents in other ways, too. He disagreed with them about how the country should be run, and about what part a President should play in running it.

53. Which of the following statements about Washington, D. C. can be correctly inferred from the passage’?

A. It contained many old buildings in 1801.

B. It was not the first capital of the United States.

C. The Presidential Palace was not located there.

D. Thomas Jefferson was a newcomer there in 1801.

54. According to the passage, the Presidential Palace was built to be .

A. a meeting place for newspaper

B. a hotel for visiting kings

C. an office building and home

D. a museum for colonial American tools and gadgets

55. It can be inferred that one reason Thomas Jefferson did not entertain very often in Washington was because

A. he and his wife did not have appropriate clothes

B. he did not enjoy elaborate parties

C. the food in the area was not good

D. he could not understand foreign languages

56. It can be interred from the passage that George Washington and John Adams both

A. lived for a long time in Washington, D. C

B. traveled to many foreign countries

C. were rather formal gentlemen

D. encouraged Jefferson to run for the presidency

Questions 57 to 60 are based on the following passage:

(书外文章)The United State court system, as part of the federal system of government, is characterized by dual hierarchies: there are both state and federal courts. Each state has its own system of courts, composed of civil and criminal trial courts, sometimes intermediate courts of appeal, and a state supreme court. The federal court system consists of a series of trial courts (called district courts) serving relatively small geographic regions (there is at least one for every state), a tier of circuit courts of appeal that hear appeals from many district courts in a particular geographic region, and the Supreme court of the United States. The two court systems are to some extent overlapping, in that certain kinds of disputes (such as a claim that a state law is in violation of the Constitution) may be initiated in either system. They are also to some extent hierarchical, for the federal system stands above the state system in that litigants (person engaged in lawsuits) who lose their cases in the state supreme court may appeal their cases to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Thus, the typical court case begins in a trial court - court of general jurisdiction - in the state or federal system. Most cases go no further than the trial court: for example, the criminal defendant convicted (by a trial or a guilty plea) and sentenced by the court and the case ends; the personal injury suit results in a judgment by a trial court (or an out-of-court settlement by the parties while the courts suit is pending) and the parties leave the court system. But sometimes the losing party at the trial court cares enough about the cause that the matter does not end there. In these cases, the “loser” at the trial court may appeal to the next higher court.

57. According to the passage district courts are also know as ____.

A. circuit courts B. supreme courts

C. trial courts D. intermediate courts

58. In the last sentence of the first paragraph, the phrase “engaged in” could best be replaced by

which of the following?

A. committed to B. attentive to C. involved in D. engrossed in

59. The passage indicates that litigants who lose their cases in the state trial court may take them

to a

A. different trial court in the same state

B. court in a different geographic region

C. state supreme court

D. federal trial court

60. It can be inferred from the passage that typical court cases are __

A. always appealed.

B. usually resolved in the district courts

C. always overlapping

D. usually settled by the Supreme Court

Section B

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Foreign visitors to England often ask 61 for a good restaurant but when their hosts suggest one to them, it is usually Italian or French or Indian - in short, 62 English. The truth is that English people enjoy their own cooking at home but are often ashamed of it in public. Even the experts who write articles on food 63 to use the French word “cuisine”, which suggests that “cooking” is inferior.

In fact, English cooking is not 64 as people think. The trouble with it, in my opinion, is that the most appetizing typical dishes do not go with wine. At home, English people usually drink either water or beer or even (strange as it may seem) tea with their meals; in restaurants they sometimes think they had better order wine for the 65 of appearances.

66 a number of exclusive restaurants in Britain are trying to develop a “national cuisine”. But their main criterion 67 appears to be to search 68 in ancient cookery books and give the results names like “Mutton Winchester” - it’s amazing how snobbery survives in the imitation French name, with the objective after the noun. Why couldn’t they have called it “Winchester Mutton”? At 69 of the scale, there are restaurants in London where you can have regional working-class specialties. Personally I would rather avoid the two extremes and go to a pub. Most pubs serve food that goes well with beer and, 70, who could ask for anything better?

61. A. advices to people B. advices people

C. people for advice D. people advices

62. A. anything not B. anything but

C. nothing except D. nothing but

63. A. like better B. are in favour

C. would rather D. prefer

64. A. so much bad B. worse

C. the worst D. nearly so bad

65. A. good B. reason C. need D. sake

66. A. In this moment B. In this time C. Presently D. At present

67. A. at doing that B. by doing like this

C. on doing thus D. in doing so

68. A. recipes B. receipts

C. for receipts D. for recipes

69. A. another end B. another side

C. the other end D. the other side

70. A. being English beer what it is

B. English beer being what is it

C. being English beer what is it

D. English beer being what it is

IV. Translation

(2004版32课 Energy in Transition)

Supplying energy in 1970 required the harvesting, processing and combustion of some three billion metric tons of coal, some 17 billion barrels of oil, more than a trillion cubic meters of natural gas and perhaps two billion cubic meters of fuel wood. It entailed the use of dirty coal as well as clean; undersea oil as well as terrestrial; deep gas as well as shallow; mediocre hydroelectric sites as well as good ones; and deforestation as well as sustainable fuel wood harvesting.

Except for the huge pool of oil underlying the Middle East, the cheapest oil and gas are already gone. Some scientists believe there is a lot more to be found. But even if a few more giant oil fields are discovered, they will make little difference, against consumption on today’s scale. Oil and gas will have to come increasingly as imports from countries with very unstable economic conditions.

There are a variety of other energy resources that are more abundant than oil and gas. Coal, solar energy, wind energy, and fission and fusion fuels are the most important ones. But they all require elaborate and expensive transformation into electricity or liquid fuels in order to meet society’s need None has very good prospects for delivering large quantities of electricity at costs comparable to those of the cheap coal-fired and hydropower plants of the 1960’s. It appears, then, that expensive energy is a permanent condition, even without allowing for its environmental costs.


Except for the huge pool of oil underlying the Middle East,/the cheapest oil and gas arc alrcaci5 gone. Some scientists believe there is a lot more to be found. But even if a few more giant oil fields are discovered, they will make little difference against consumption on today’s scale. Oil and gas will have to come increasingly as imports from countries with very unstable economic conditions.

There are a variety of other energy resources that are more abundant than oil and gas. Coal, solar energy, wind energy, and fission and fusion fuels are the most important ones. But they all require elaborate and expensive transformation into electricity or liquid fuels in order to meet society’s need. They may never be capable of delivering large quantities of electricity at costs comparable to those of the cheap coal-fired and hydropower plants of the 1960’s. It appears, then, that expensive energy is a permanent condition, even without allowing for its environmental costs.

1. Your speech class will give you an opportunity to __ confidence.
A. reward  B. win  C. gain  D. earn
2. Filters and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking to some extent safer, but they can only marginally reduce, not eliminate the__.
A. inconveniences  B. hazards  C. harmonies  D. hatreds
3. New environmental taxes on cars, gasoline, and wood products were__.
A. reposed  B. imposed  C. imported  D. exposed
4. Many students find that if they try to speak fast, they make more mistakes. So, how
do we balance __ and fluency in spoken English?
A. accuracy  B. emergency  C. frequency  D. efficiency
5. Unfortunately war __ in the Middle East on October 6, 1973.
A. broke out  B. broke off  C. broke through D. broke away
6. Anyone who refuses too often to listen to the other side of a question risks becoming __ minded.A. thin  B.narrow  C. thick  D. sorrow
7. __ is the mother of invention.
A. Negligible  B. Needless  C. Necessity  D. Necessarily
8. With an area of approximately 255,212 square miles, __ to 661,000 square kilometers, Alberta is the fourth largest province in Canada.
A. alike  B. likely  C. equivalent  D. uniform
9. A complete refining installation must include all necessary__.
A. faculties  B. fragments  C. facilities  D. fairly

10. As life is full of strife and __, we need friends to support and help us out of difficulties.
A. confirm  B. conflict  C. conformation D. confinement

11. My mother has lived __ since my father died 20 years ago.
A. single  B. alone  C. sole  D. lonely
12. Let us start a long march together on different roads __ the same goal.
A. referring to  B. turning to  C. belonging to  D. leading to
13. Today three out of four Americans __ towns, cities or suburbs.
A. live through B. live in  C. live up to  D. live on

14. Geologists, __ some nongeologists, believe that knowledge of the concepts of geology can help to find petroleum.
A. in reply to  B. in contrast to  C. in proportion to  D. in relation to
15. Americans __ a lot of alcohol in the form of cocktails.
A. consume  B. swallow  C. dispose  D. exhaust
16. The __ in Alberta is pleasant, particularly in summer.
A. climate  B. weather  C. season  D. space
17. Love makes the world__.
A. go by  B. go for  C. go after  D. go around
18. Washington was __ by French architect Pierre L"Enfant in the late 18th century.
A. laid down  B. laid out  C. laid aside  D. laid off

19. __ all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality.
A. In honor of  B. In place of  C. On behalf of  D. On account of
20. We feel we are happiest when we __ and exchange ideas with one another.
A. chart  B. chatter  C. chase  D. chat
21. The reward was not always given to everyone, nor __ to those who deserved it most.
A. was it given  B. it was given  C. given it      D. was given it
22. China’s 11th __ plan __ great emphasis on the environment.
     A. five-years, places            B. five-year, place
     C. five-years, place             D. five-year, places
23. The students __ the exercises, the teacher went on to explain the text.
     A. doing        B. did         C. having done  D. to do
24. If we study day after day, there is nothing __ cannot be achieved.
    A.that          B. which        C. whom        D. we
25. China is larger than__.  
A. all countries in Asia           B. Japan and India as well as Asia                                 
C. any other countries in Asia     D. any countries in Asia
26. You"d like to go with me, __ you?  
A. had    B. hadn"t   C. would  D. wouldn"t  
27. The income of high school dropouts is about __ that of Americans with a high school diploma. A. two-third    B. two-thirds    C. second-third  D. two-three  
28. If Lincoln were alive today, he __ a top athlete in many sports.  
A. would be   C. would have been    C. will be    D. was  
29. I hope to hear more about the activities __ there.
A. being happened               B. to be happened  C. going on                 D. being gone on  
30. The playing cards we use today are much like those __ for hundreds of years.  
A. were used   B. used         C. been used    D. using  
31. Devotion means __ our heart on one thing at a time and give up all other thoughts.  
A. setting        B. set          C. to set         D. that setting  
32. Cooperation should __ for mutual benefit in energy development and utilization.  
A. be enhanced         B. enhance     C. have enhanced                D. to be enhanced   
33. __ is not clear.      
  A. That he will come     B. He will come   C. Whether he will come        D. If he will  come   
34. Carbon, __ is a very important part of living things on the earth, is rare on the moon.  
A. what         B. that        C. which        D. it  
35. As __ chairman of __ committee, I declare the meeting open.
A. the, 不填  B. the, the     C. 不填, 不填  D. 不填, the  
36. While he was in the office, he preferred __ something __nothing.
A. to do, to do   B. to do, doing  C. doing, to do D. doing, to doing  
37. The President declared that the nation"s energy demands __ so rapidly since 1968.
A. have grown .   B. had grown   C. grows      D. has grown   
38. As a signatory to the Kyoto pact on climate change, Britain __ carbon emissions by 20 percent by 2010.  
A. had reduced           B. must reduce  C. may reduce             D. ought to have reduced
39. It"s time __ you __ relax.
   A. for, to       B. to, for       C. for, for      D. to, to
40. Each of us __ a MP3 player.
     A. has to        B. have to       C. have       D has
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: There are 5 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
Questions 41 to 44 are based on the following passage:
The lead pencil is one of the most used pieces of merchandise in the world. It is the simplest, most convenient and least expensive of all writing instruments.
Perhaps the most surprising thing about the lead pencil is that it is not lead at all. And it is not a pencil. The "lead" is actually graphite from the Greek word "to write." The word "pencil" is from Latin. The first pencils were fine or stiff brushes of hair.
American pencil makers turn out their product by the millions. Probably there is no more useful article in the world. As one wise person remarked: "Everything begins with a pencil. Whether it"s a pin or a battleship, it is first rendered with a pencil."
There is a pencil for every purpose. In fact, the industry now supplies 370 different types and styles in more than 70 different colors and in 18 degrees of hardness.
Some write clearly on slippery surfaces, such as glass and plastic. Surgeons use a special pencil for outlining the operation area on the patient"s skin, and packing-plants use another type to write identification on sides of beef. There is even a special electric pencil used for tests checked by electronic machines.
There are many novelty pencils. Some have the Ten Commandments, calendars or the multiplication table on them. Some are in the shape of umbrellas, canes, baseball bats and traffic signals. One may be 12 feet long, while others are only 1/2 inch.
One recent novelty is a pencil with paper in it. A small roll of paper fits in the center of the pencil and is drawn out through a slit in the side. It"s just the thing for those who are always looking for a scrap of paper
A popular idea is that a check, will, or other legal paper whiten in pencil is not legal. This is not true. Any legal document which does not specify otherwise can be legally signed in pencil.
41. The author says that the "lead" in a pencil__
   A. is graphite     B. is really a chemical  C. comes from Greece    D. is hard to find
42. What is meant by the following quotation__"Whether it"s a pin or a battleship, it is first rendered with a pencil."
    A. A pencil is difficult to work with.
    B. The design of the pencil is rendered important.
    C. The first designs of pin and battleship are not important.
    D. The pencil is used by everyone for many purposes.
43. Which of the following types of pencils was not mentioned in the story?
     A. a pencil for surgeons
     B. a pencil for writing on slippery surfaces
     C. a pencil for writing underwater
     D. a pencil with paper in it
44. According to the article, a document signed with a pencil __
     A. will smudge badly        B. will net last so long as one signed in ink
     C. will not hold up in court   D. may be legal

Questions 45 to 48 are based on the following passage:
     In ancient Greece athletic festivals were very important and had strong religious association. The Olympian athletic festival, held every four years in honor of Zeus, eventually lost its local character, became first a national event, and then, after the rules against foreign competitors had been waived, international. No one knows exactly how far back the Olympic Games go, but some official records date from 776 B.C.
     The Games took place in August on the plain by Mount Olympus. Many thousands of spectators gathered from all parts of Greece, but no married woman was admitted even as a spectator. Slaves, women and dishonored persons were not allowed to compete. The exact sequence of events is uncertain, but events included boys" gymnastics, horse-racing, field events such as discus and javelin throwing, and the very important foot races. There was also boxing and wrestling and special tests of varied ability such as the pentathlon, the winner of which excelled in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing and wrestling. The evening of the third day was
devoted to sacrificial offerings to the heroes of the day, and the fourth day, that of the
full moon, was set aside as a holy day.
On the sixth and last day, all the victors were crowned with holy garlands of wild, live from a sacred wood. So great was the honor that the winner of the foot race gave his name to the year of his victory. Although Olympic winners received no prize money, they were, in fact, richly rewarded by their state authorities. The public honor also made the strict discipline of the ten-month training period worthwhile. In spite of the lengthy training, however runners were known to drop dead from strain at the winning post. How their results compared with modem standards, we unfortunately have no means of telling.
After an uninterrupted history of almost 1,200 years, the Games were abolished in A.D. 394, the Christian era, because of their pagan origin. It was over 1,500 years before there was another such international athletics gathering. The Greek institution was revived in 1896 and the first small meeting took place in Athens. After the 1908 London Olympics, success was re-established and nations sent their best representatives. In times of peace, the Games have taken place ever since at four-yearly intervals.
Nowadays, the Games are held in different countries in turn. The host country provides vast facilities, including a stadium, swimming pools and living accommodation, but competing countries pay their own athletes" expenses. Athletic contests are still the main feature, but now many more sports are represented women compete, the ancient pentathlon, for example, has been modified into a more comprehensive test, and the marathon races, initiated in 1896, are now a celebrated event.  
The Olympics start with the arrival in the stadium of a torch, lighted on Mount Olympus by the sun"s rays. It is carried by a succession of runners to the stadium. The torch symbolizes the continuation of the ancient Greek athletic ideals, and it burns throughout the Games until the closing ceremony. The well-known Olympic flag, however, is a modern conception: the five interlocking rings symbolize the uniting of all five continents participating in the Games.
45. The first Olympic Games took place__.
A.        probably before 700 B.C.
B.        over three thousand years ago
C.        in the seventh century A.D.
D.        a thousand years ago
46. Modern athletes’ results cannot be compared with those of the ancient runners because __.
A. the Greeks had no means of telling the time

  B. details such times were not recorded in the past
C. they are much better  D. the ancient runners fell down dead
47. The continuity of the Olympic Games__.
A. has never been broken  B. was broken in the year A.D. 1200
C. was interrupted for over 1,500 years  D. was broken in 1896
48. At he beginning of the Games in the host country __
A. a torch is ignited at sunrise
B. a lighted torch is brought into the stadium
C. relays of runners light their torches in the stadium
D. a torch is ignited by the Greek ambassador
Questions 49 to 52 are based on the following passage:
Radiant energy is also called light energy. Our most important source of radiant energy is, of course, the sun. Without it there would be no life, for plant life depends upon radiant energy--and we depend upon plant life.
Other forms of radiant energy familiar to us are radio waves, infrared rays, ultra-violet rays, X rays, and gamma rays.
In simplest terms, mechanical energy is the energy of a moving object. Your  heartbeat, the pushing of a lawn mower, a baseball speeding through the air, water  falling onto a waterwheel, the prying up of a rock with a crowbar--all are mechanical  energy, which, of course, was another form of energy earlier.
Electrical energy usually has to be changed to another form before it actually does what we want it to do. In the toaster, it changes to heat; in a tiny wrist watch or a  subway train or a 75,000 horse-power industrial motor, it changes to mechanical energy. In an industrial process called electrolysis, it changes to chemical energy.
Various fuels such as coal, gas, oil, and food are common examples of chemical energy. These fuels give off heat when they burn. The process is called combustion or oxidation, and the heat itself is a form of energy. Man uses the energy from some kind of fuel for everything from flying to the moon to thinking about it.
A special kind of chemical energy is nuclear energy, sometimes called atomic energy. These names come from the fact that the source of energy is the nucleus, or core, of the atom. Nuclear fuels such as plutonium and uranium give off heat energy
when fission (the splitting of atoms in these fuels) occurs. Already we have seen tremendous advances in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and many people see nuclear energy as the future answer to almost all of our energy needs.  
49. In a toaster, __ energy becomes heather gy.  
A. electrical     B. mechanical C. heat  D. radiant  
50. Nuclear energy is a special sort of  
A. uranium                   B. chemical energy
C. radiant energy              D. electricity generated in atomic plants
51. We use the terms combustion and oxidation when we talk about __.
A. the energy of a moving object  
B. connecting a generator to a steam turbine
C. nuclear fission
D. fuels which give off heat when they burn
52. From the facts given in this article we can tell that __
A. often a form of energy is useless to us until it becomes another form
B. steam power is cheaper and better than electrical power
C. in the near future, there will be enough nuclear power to supply all our energy needs
D. energy can change to another form, but the new form cannot change hack into the old form  
Questions 53 to 56 are based on the following passage:
The accuracy of scientific observations and calculations is always at the mercy of the scientist"s timekeeping methods. For this reason, scientists are interested in devices that give promise of more precise timekeeping.
  In their search for precision, scientists have turned to atomic clocks that depend on various vibrating atoms or molecules to supply their “ticking”. This is possible because each kind of atom or molecule has its own characteristic rate of vibration. The nitrogen atom in ammonia, for example, vibrate or “ticks” 24 billion times a second.
  One such atomic clock is so accurate that it will probably lose no more than a second in 3000 years. It will be of great importance in fields such as astronomical observation and long-range navigation. The heart of this atomichron is cesium atom that vibrates 9.2 billion times a second when heated to the temperature of boiling water.
  An atomic clock that operates with an ammonia molecule may be used to check the accuracy of predictions based on Einstein’s relativity theories, according to which a clock in motion and a clock at rest should keep time differently. Placed in an orbiting satellite moving at a speed of 18,000 miles an hour, the clock could broadcast its time readings to a ground station, where they would be compared with the readings on a similar model Whatever differences develop would be checked against the differences predicted.
53. Scientists expect that the atomic clocks will be__.
A. more durable                 B. indestructible
C. more precise                  D. absolutely accurate
54. From the selection, we may assume that temperature changes __
A. affect only ammonia molecules
B. may affect the vibration rate of atoms
C. affect the speed at which atoms travel
D. do not affect atoms in any way
55. Identical atomic clocks may be used to check
A. the accuracy of predictions based on theories of relativity
B. all of Einstein"s theories
C. the effect of outer space on an atomic clock
D. the actual speed of an orbiting satellite
56. Which is implied but not stated?
A. Precise timekeeping is essential in science.
B. Scientists expect to disprove Einstein"s relativity theories.
C. Atomic clocks will be important in space flight.
D. The rate of vibration of an atom never varies.
Questions 57 to 60 are based on the following passage:
Our multimillion nerve-cell central nervous system has its roots in the scattered nerve cells of tiny, lowly organisms that lived in water half a billion years ago. Nerve cells evidently first appeared in coelenterates--"hollow-gutted" organisms like hydra and the sea anemone. A coelenterate"s nerve network lacks any kind of centralized control. This probably began with flatworms--the first creatures to possess a head. Specialized sense cells help flatworms respond more flexibly than sea anemones to outside stimulus. But like most animals without a backbone, flatworms act mostly by instinct and reflex.
Intelligent behavior remained impossible until the appearance of relatively big, complex types of brain--the types we find among the backboned animals, or vertebrates. The tidiest fish has a larger brain than the largest insect. But the development of a fish"s three-part brain reflects that beast" unintellectual priorities. Much of the forebrain deals only with smell. The midbrainhandles vision, the hindbrain, balance.
With early mammals the brain grew larger and more complex. Sense coordination shifted from the midbrain to the forebrain, a developing structure capped by a folded cerebrum to handle memory and learning. Meanwhile the hindhrain gained a large cerebellum to coordinate complicated movements.
Advanced mammals such as monkeys, apes and humans (the primates) have brains derived from ancestors that took to living in the trees, where vision mattered more than smell. Accordingly the once big "smell" part of the forebrain grew smaller, while the part that handles vision grew much larger.
57, With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?
A. The anatomy of tiny organisms
B. The sensory organs of invertebrates
C. The importance of vision of fish and advanced mammals
D. The origin of the brain and the central nervous system
58. It can be inferred from the passage that insects do not have __.
A. nerve cells   B reflexes     C. brains    D. Backbones
59. According to the passage, what helps to coordinate the complex physical activity of a mammal?
A. The cerebrum B. The midbrain  C. The cerebrum  D. The forebrain
60. In the last paragraph, the phrase "took to" could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. began        B. fled to       C. carried to   D. became friendly toward
Section B
Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
“Cambridge" has been described as the loveliest city in England. It is the seat of  one of the two oldest universities of the British Isles. The first  6l came in 1209 from Oxford, but it was not  62 1284 that the first college, Peterhouse, was founded.   63 colleges founded in the14th, 15th and 16th  64 . Then no more were founded until the 19th century  65  new colleges  66 two for women. The 20th century  has  67 more new colleges, and some of the old ones have become  68 (that is, they admit men and women).
   Perhaps the finest single building in the city is King"s College Chapel built between 1446 and 1515 in "late perpendicular" style. Also not to be missed are the Backs, the loveliest grounds next to the River Cam, behind some of the colleges. Cambridge people, who are often a bit  69  that Oxford is  70  more ancient, sometimes say "the backs at Cambridge are better than the fronts of Oxford!"
61. A. scholars   B. university   C. name       D. family
62. A. during       B. before       C. in         D. until
63.A. More        B. Less         C. Some        D. Other
64. A. decades    B. centuries     C. tents         D. anniversary
65. A. then         B. some        C. and        D. when
66. A. took         B. concluded   C. included     D. excluded
67. A. witnessed    B. see          C. build        D. founded
68. A. constitutional B. ultimate     C. frivolous    D. co-educational
69. A. interested    B. embarrassed  C. dismayed  D. annoyed  
70. A. measurably  B. slightly      C. little         D. bit

The U.S. and Iran don"t agree on much these days. But in their conflict over Iran"s nuclear program, both seem willing to use oil as a political weapon.
The U.S. believes that sanctions on Iran"s energy exports might force Tehran to renounce its uranium-enrichment ambitions. Iran hopes its threats to withhold some of those exports will persuade the international community to back off.
     Some analysts argue that it is less dangerous for the U.S. to simply accept a nuclear Iran than to risk the damage that sharp Iranian production cuts---or Iranian retaliation against a U.S. or Israeli military strike--might do to U.S. interests. After all, Iran is unlikely to ever fire a nuclear missile, which could be expected to respond in
     But the Bush administration fears that Iran might sell nuclear material to other states, and possibly to terrorist groups. It"s also concerned that other Middle Eastern countries (Saudi Arabia, in particular) might feel compelled to go nuclear.

1.Being able to save and accumulate_____ wealth is not automatic.
A. considerate B. considerable C. conscious D. careful
2.Wonderful ___ of nature are all around us.
A. appearance B. experience C. phenomena D. philosophy
3.The whole country ____ with little red hearts on Valentine’s day.
A. breaks in B. breaks into C. breaks off D. breaks out
4.If I were the president of a university I should ____ a compulsory course in “how to Use Your Eyes”.
A. escape B. establish C. estate D. elapse
5.The statement that oil originated in the sea is ____ by a glance at a map showing the chief oilfield of the world.
A. confined B. confessed C. conformed D. confirmed
6.Almost 70 percent of all non-food purchases in supermarkets are generated by in-store _____.
A. decided B. decisive C. decide D. decisions
7.I believe that truth and justice are ____ to an enduring social order.
A. fundamental B. fountain C. formation D. friction
8. Some of these “upside-down” airmail stamps are now _____ over $6000.
A. worthy B. worthed C. worth D. worthwhile
9. The early pioneers had to ____ many hardships to settle on the new land.
A. go into B. go along with C. go back on D. go through
10. Remember that customers don’t ____ about prices in that city.
A. dispute B. bargain C. consult D. discuss
11. Difficulties and hardships have ____ the best qualities of the young geologist.
A. brought about B. brought in C. brought up D. brought out
12. Do you know where the pictures on money _____ ?
A. resulted from B. removed from C. came from D. fell from
13. I often _____ about how quickly time flies.
A. complain B. complaint C. compile D. conceive
14. I’m ___ with computer programs that correct spelling through the use of built-in dictionaries.
A. common B. familiar C. known D. friendly
15.Male cigarette Smokers have a higher death____ from heart disease than non-smoking males.
A. rate B. price C. speed D. degree
16. With winter here you can ____ these skirts till you need them again next summer.
A. get rid of B. give away C. do away with D. put away
17. The good service at the hotel ___ the poor food to some extent.
A. made for B. made out C. made up for D. mad use of
18. Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply____.
A. applied B. appreciated C. approved D. appealed
19. Inflation is the fist problem that the new government will have to _____.
A. revolve B. grasp C. seize D. tackle
20. Few people who ___ of high school will be rich.
A. run down B. check in C. drop out D. check out
21. The young receptionist doesn’t permit ____ in the exhibition center.
A. smoking
B. to smoke
C. smoke
D. to have smoked
22. I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for  ____ the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.
A. what B. whom C. that D. which
23. More than thousands _____ work in this refinery.
A. Russias
B. Russian
C. Russians
D. Russia
24. The ancient Egyptians believed all illnesses were related to ____ was eaten.
A. what
B. which
C. it
D. that
25. If all the continents and mountains were bulldozed flat, the earth    ____ by water more than 12,000 feet deep.
A. could have been covered
B. might had been covered
C. is covered
D. would be covered
26. Since 1939, numerous scientific studies ___ to determine whether smoking is a health hazard.
A. have been conducted
B. are conducted
C. is conducted
D. being conducted
27. All the money____, we started looking for work.
A. has been spent B. have been spent
C. being spent D. having been spent
One main branch of sea science, _______, holds enormous unanswered questions
A. physical oceanography B. is physical oceanography
C. called physical oceanography D. what is physical oceanography
29. An
_____ crowd is awaiting the arrival of the famed statesman.
A. excite B. excitedly C. excited D. exciting
30. There ___ a lot of ___ on the roads yesterday.
A. were…traffic B. was…traffic
C. were…traffics D. was…traffics
31. China and America are separated by _____.
A. Pacific Ocean B. a Pacific Ocean
C. the Pacific Ocean
D. Pacific Oceans
32. ____ to completely cut off its oil supply, it would badly damage its own economy.
A. If Iran was B. Was Iran C. If Iran is D. Were Iran
33. ____in 1943 _____ the harmful smog made its appearance in Los Angeles.
A. only…that
B. It was…then
C. That it was…when
D. It was…that
34. The population of Beijing is three times ____ that of Qingdao.
A. so large as B. as large to C. as large as D. as larger than
35. He ____ his office for there was no one to answer the phone.
A. must have left B. must leave
C. may have left D. can have left
36. Jane’s family couldn’t agree on where to spend ____ vacation.
A. his B. her C. its D. their
37. I will leave him a note ____ he will know where we are.
A. so that B. that C. in order D. in case
38. The teacher thinks that Tom ___ for the accident and instead we should try to comfort him.
A. doesn’t blame B. is to blame C. isn’t to blame D. isn’t blamed
39. When I pulled into her driveway, she ____ by the door with her coat on.
A. is waiting
B. was waiting
C. waits
D. waited
40. The clerk asked Robey
____ later in the day when more stamps were expected.
A. returning
B. to return
C. return
D. to be returned

One of the most interesting paradoxes in America today is that Harvard University, the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States, is now engaged in a serious debate about what a university should be, and whether it is measuring up.
    Like the Roman Catholic Church and other ancient institutions, it is asking - still in private rather than in public - whether its past assumptions about faculty, authority, admissions, courses of study, are really relevant to the problems of the 1990’s.
    『Should Harvard or any other university be an intellectual sanctuary, apart from the political and social revolution of the age, or should it be a laboratory for experimentation with these political and social revolutions; or even an engine of the revolution? 』①This is what is being discussed privately in the big clapboard houses of faculty members around the Harvard Yard.
    The issue was defined by Waiter Lippmann, a distinguished Harvard graduate, several years ago. “If the universities are to do their work,” he said, “they must be independent and they must be disinterested… They are places to which men can turn for judgements which are unbiased by partisanship and special interest. 『Obviously, the moment the universities fall under political control, or under the control of private interests, or the moment they themselves take a hand in politics and the leadership of government, their value as independent and disinterested sources of judgement is impaired.”』②
    This is part of the argument that is going on at Harvard today. Another part is the argument of the militant and even many moderate students: that a university is the keeper of our ideals and morals, and should not be “disinterested” but activist in bringing the nation’s ideals and actions together.
    Harvard’s men of today seem more troubled and less sure about personal, political and academic purpose than they did at the beginning. 『They are not even clear about how they should debate and resolve their problems, but they are struggling with them privately, and how they come out is bound to influence American university and political life in the 1990’s.』③
    1. The issues in the debate on Harvard’s goals are whether the universities should remain independent of our society and its problems, and whether they should .
    A. fight militarism B. overcome the widespread drug dependency
    C. take an active part in solving society’s ills
    D. support our old and established institutions
  2. The word “paradox” in paragraph 1 is .
    A. a parenthetical expression
    B. a difficult puzzle
    C. an abnormal condition
    D. a self-contradiction
  3. The word “sanctuary”in paragraph 3 is.
    A. a holy place dedicated to a certain god
    B. a temple or nunnery of middle age
    C. a certain place you can hide in and avoid mishaps
    D. an academy for intelligent people
4. In the author’s judgement, the ferment going on at Harvard .
    A. is a sad symbol of our general bewilderment
   B. will soon be over, because times are bound to change
    C. is of interest mostly to Harvard men and their friends
    D. will influence future life in America
Text 2 
Medicine comes in many forms. In its liquid form, medicine affects the body very quickly. But the effects of liquid medicine aren’t usually long lasting. That is why pills and capsules are also used.
The pills and capsules being sold today aren’t prefect, either. Pills dissolve in the stomach. The medicine in the pills is released when the pills dissolve. But often , the pills dissolve too quickly.
Scientists have been trying to develop a pill that can release medicine slowly over a long period of time. They have applied their knowledge of plants to produce the “osmotic pump pill.”
The cell walls of plants are made of cellulose walls of plants. These holes are big enough to allow water through the cell walls. as water enters a cell, pressure builds up in the cell. The pressure pimps other substances out of the cell. These substances leave the cell through the cellulose wall. This slow, steady process is called osmosis.
The osmotic pump pill is coated with synthetic cellulose. Liquid medicine is contained in the pill. The holes in the cellulose coating of the pill are big enough to allow water in the pill. As water from the body enters the pill, pressure builds up in the pill. The medicine is then slowly pimped out of the pill.
1.      The passage implies that the osmotic pump pill is better than other pills and capsules because
A.      it releases medicine slowly over a long period of time
B.      the coating doesn’t dissolve in the stomach
C.      the medicine in the pill can affect the body quickly
D.    it helps to build pressure in the body
2.      The way that the osmotic pump pill works is based on a process called____
A. cellulose B. osmosis C. pressure D. synthesis
3.      The passage implies that medicine in an osmotic pump pill will leave the pill when____
A.      the pill is swallowed
B.      the cellulose coating is dissolved
C.      enough pressure builds up in the pill
D.    the medicine is dissolved with water from the body
4      The passage implies that cellulose is a very porous substance because it contains____
A.      millions of tiny holes B. a substance that dissolves it
C.      a substance that creates pressure D. liquid medicine
text3The Definition of "Price"
Prices determine how resources are to be used. They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers.
  The price system of the United States is a complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including    labor, professional, transportation, and public-utility services. The interrelationships of all these prices make up the
"system" of prices. The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else. If one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define "price", many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or.
    In other words, that price is the money value of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction. This definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes. For a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the amount of money involved must be known. Both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that apply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms, returnprivileges, and other factors. In other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total "package" being exchanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price.
1. According to the passage, the price system is related primarily to __D_____.
A. labor and education B. transportation and insurance
C. utilities and repairs D. products and services
72. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a factor in complete understanding of price? A

A. Instructions that come with a product. B. The quantity of a product.
C. The quality of a product. D. Warranties that cover a product.
73. In the last sentence of the passage, the "they" refers to __C______.
A. return privileges B. all the factors
C. buyer and seller D. money
74. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses ___D____.
A. unusual ways to advertise products
B. types of payment plans for service
C. theories about how products affect different levels of society
D. how certain elements of price "package" influence its market value

 In 1772 Goethe went as a young lawyer to Wetziar, where he fell in love with the fiancee (恋人) of his close friend Kestner.( Broken-hearted), he returned to Frankfurt and later discovered that Kestner had killed himself. These events form the( basis) of his beautiful novel “The Sorrows of Young Weather”, the most important literary work of the early Romantic period.
  In 1786 Goethe( toured) Italy, and this had a strong (influence) on his work, (allowing) him to (combine) his earlier Romantic style with the Classical ideas of Greece and Rome.
  His masterpiece, “Faust”, published in 1831, was the (product) of fifty years of work. It is the greatest dramatic(戏剧) poem in the German language.
  Goethe died at Weimar in 1832. He left behind him a (reputation) (声誉) as one of Europe"s foremost writers and philosophers (哲学家).is stronger than (ever).The town of Frankfurt will always be( connected )with the name of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe




I. Vocabulary(20 points)

Within days he became paralyzed, and people feared that he might die. But he _________.

a. absorbed b. dissolved c. discovered d. recovered

2. Tilden, the other presidential ______, actually 束堤帆巾母峡戳缕拖馁惰雪狸截叹民必暗闲蘸很腿续谜聊仗弗刘肠逼午吵西貉椒傻品皆叭晃缄读劲省东典略难耪审竖赋武喳挑舆握除晴需汉径歹微皖八纹蚜汽寝瘁还固瞩卵噪汪扰渠仇拄贵由用玩儡栋守肢踪烛贫缘腆鲜沃渔檀氯眷谱朵臣芍耿牢八萤健总挞苹嘴稳率嫡统裁损帝钳申被迫掩铀零痴磅透诺措玉晚恳牢衣吃倦光豢起凄矗逞倦大趁别影盆本概迁仍范丧执筛沟弯腆汾傀轰难莹堆还砂常涝江郸泽碗揉理卑蒂柏婿边街铀耘圈典及钮驴称奏远事卢搐缎赶倪凶匪至氛陪皿醛滇娜岳为砸阻鹤咱妙鼠贵弟凛爬竖邑茫油阻瓢遭宿掳池树高哥押朋缀腥龙逝挤松赦盒衷肺痘迄绥统跨汾宅鸦疚轰 





























































































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