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龙源期刊网 http://www.wendangku.net/doc/20f2fc6d1cb91a37f111f18583d049649b660ee3.html







中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2019)06-0014-04

Data Desensitization and Visual Analysis Based on Python

YIN Shi-yu,CHEN Xiao-kui,SHI Lin

(Anhui University of Science and Technology Institute of Mathematics and Big Date,Huainan 232001,China)

Abstract:In order to analyze the quality of college teaching and evaluate it, this paper based on Python language to process and analyze the original data derived from the educational system,mainly from three aspects: data import, data preprocessing, and data analysis. Firstly, the tkinter library is used to design the interface of data import. Secondly, the common algorithms for data preprocessing such as data cleaning, grouping, integration and desensitization are described. The actual case of college teaching evaluation is demonstrated. The dataframe data in the pandas library is used. The type realizes the cleaning of “dirty data” and the desensitization of the teacher"s name. Finally, the matplotlib library is used to visualize the processed data, and the obtained images are used to analyze the learning and teaching status of each professional class and teachers. Through the data processing of this paper, the desensitization of the teacher"s name is realized, the privacy of the teacher is protected, and the distribution of the scores of teachers and classes in recent years is visually reflected by the graph, which makes the performance appraisal of the university more convenient.

Key words: Python; pandas; data preprocessing; data desensitization; data visualization

相关热词搜索: 基于python的数据分析案例 可视化 分析 数据