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由于互联网技术的发展逐渐满足人们生活中的种种需求,传统零售行业紧跟时代发展,转向电商,随着互联网技术的进步、移动支付的运用以及物流技术的发展,还有人们对于影响消费选择的侧重的变化,传统零售行业的定时定点的消费方式和电商的看不见摸不着仅凭借经验和运气以及卖家的诚信和买家的评论购物的方式已经无法满足现时代人们对购物的需求,因此采取线上线下相结合的形式的新零售模式应运而生。新零售的模式贴合现代人的生活需求,因此新零售模式的发展使零售领域的发展带来新的可能,,本文以生鲜行业为例分析新零售模式的发展, 并对生鲜行业以新零售模式发展提出建议。

随着零售行业模式的不断改革,生鲜行业的经营模式也发生了不少变化。生鲜行业紧跟零售模式变革的步伐,逐渐形成生鲜行业的新零售模式,争取为消费者提供最贴心、最便捷的服务,例如永辉的超级物种、京东的京东到家以及每日优鲜等。本文以“盒马鲜生”为例进行分析, 通过SWOT理论对其存在的竞争优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行分析, 从而提出相关建议。




As the development of Internet technology gradually meets the needs of people"s life, the traditional retail industry keeps pace with the development of the times and turns to e-commerce. With the progress of Internet technology, the application of mobile payment and the development of logistics technology, as well as the changes of people"s side effects on consumption choice, the fixed-point consumption mode and e-commerce of traditional retail industry are invisible Only relying on experience and luck, as well as the seller"s integrity and the buyer"s comments, the way of shopping has been unable to meet people"s demand for shopping in the current era, so a new retail mode of combining online and offline came into being. The new retail mode fits the needs of modern people"s life, so the development of the new retail mode brings new possibilities to the development of the retail field. This paper takes the fresh industry as an example to analyze the development of the new retail mode, and puts forward suggestions for the development of the fresh industry with the new retail mode.

With the continuous reform of the retail industry model, the business model of fresh food industry has also changed a lot. Fresh food industry follows the pace of retail mode reform, gradually forming a new retail mode of fresh food industry, striving to provide consumers with the most intimate and convenient services, such as Yonghui super species, Jingdong home of Jingdong and daily excellent fresh, etc. This paper takes "HEMA fresh life" as an example, analyzes its competitive advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats through SWOT theory, and puts forward relevant suggestions.

Key words: new retail; HEMA fresh; SWOT analysis



1 引言 (1)

1.1研究背景 (1)

1.2研究意义 (1)

1.3国内外研究现状 (2)

1.3.1国外研究现状 (2)

1.3.2国内研究现状 (3)

1.4研究内容和研究方法 (3)

1.4.1研究内容 (3)

1.4.2研究方法 (4)

2 理论介绍 (4)

2.1新零售模式相关概述 (4)

2.1.1概念 (4)

2.1.2新零售模式产生的原因 (5)

2.1.3 新零售模式的特点 (6)

2.2 SWOT分析法 (6)

3 盒马鲜生概况及SWOT分析 (7)

3.1盒马鲜生概况 (7)

3.2新零售模式下盒马鲜生的SWOT分析 (7)

3.2.1 优势分析 (7)

3.2.2 劣势分析 (8)

3.2.3 机遇分析 (8)

3.3.4 威胁分析 (9)

4 盒马鲜生经营存在的问题 (10)

4.1经营成本过高 (10)

4.2消费者体验质量较低 (10)

4.3门店覆盖面有限 (10)

4.4与同类型或传统生鲜行业相比独特性不鲜明 (10)

4.5知名度有限、宣传方式单一以及负面消息未处理 (11)

5 盒马鲜生发展对策建议 (11)

5.1降低不必要的经营附加成本 (11)

5.2 提高服务质量 (11)

5.3扩大消费者覆盖面 (12)

5.4明确区分与其他平台的不同,寻找独特点 (12)

5.5 多方宣传、引导正面舆论 (12)

6、结论 (13)

参考文献 (14)

致谢 (155)

相关热词搜索: 盒马鲜生的优势总结 生鲜 分析研究 为例