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展望未来1 单词表

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展望未来1 单词表

《Look Ahead 1》Vocabulary



1 radio ["reidi?u] n.收音机

2 jeans [d?i:nz] n.牛仔裤

3 piano [pi"?n?u, "pjɑ:n?u] n.钢琴

4 jazz [d??z] n.爵士乐

5 videocassette ["vidi?uk?set] 录像带

6 disco ["disk?u] n.迪斯科舞厅

7 toilet ["t?ilit] n.厕所

8 CD [?si:"di:]n.激光唱片

9 restaurant ["rest?r?nt] n.餐厅

10 computer [k?m"pju:t?] n.电脑

11 guitar [gi"tɑ:] n.吉他

12 television ["teli?vi??n,?teli"vi??n] n.电视(机)

13 hamburger ["h?mb?:g?] n.汉堡包

14 chips [t?ips] n.炸土豆条

15 violin [?vai?"lin] n.小提琴

16 sandwich ["s?nwid?,"s?ndwit?] n.三明治

17 rockmusic [r?k"mju:zil] 摇滚乐

18 pizza ["pi:ts?] n.(意大利)馅饼

19 lemonade [?lem?"neid] n.柠檬汽水

20 coffee ["k?fi] n.咖啡

21 hotel [h?u"tel] n.旅馆

22 salad ["s?l?d] n.色拉

23 reception [ri"sep??n] n.接待处

24 saxophone ["s?ks?f?un] n.萨克斯管

25 cassette [k?"set] n.录音带

26 telephone ["telif?un] n.电话

27 camera ["k?m?r?] n.照相机


1 a [e,ei,?] indef.art.一(个)

2 and [?nd,?nd] conj.和

3 arrivals [?"raiv?lz] n. (pl.)到达

4 bag [b?g] n.包

5 book [buk] n.书

6 busstop ["b?st?p] n.公共汽车站

7 cafe ["k?fei] n.咖啡馆

8 camera ["k?m?r?] n.照相机

9 capital ["k?pitl] n.首都

10 cassette [k?"set] n.录音带

11 CD [?si:"di:]n.激光唱片

12 country ["k?ntri] n.国家

13 departures [di"pɑ:t??z] n.(pl.)离开

14 diary ["dai?ri] n.日记(本)

15 dollar ["d?l?] n.美元

16 double ["d?b?l] a.双

17 EuropeanCommunity["jur??pi?nk?"mju:n?ti] 欧洲共同体(缩写:EC)

18 facility [f?"siliti] n.设备;设施

19 family ["f?m?li] n.家;家庭

20 flight [flait] n.飞行

21 from [fr?m,fr?m] prep.从

22 gate [geit] n.大门

23 good [gud] a.好的

24 goodbye [?gud"bai]n.再见

25 guidebook ["gaidbuk] n.指南

26 hello [h?"l?u] n.喂

27 hi [hai] interj.嘿

28 how much? 多少

29 I [ai] pron.我

30 in [in] prep.在

31 information [?inf?"mei??n] n.信息

32 international [?int?"n???n?l] a.国际的

33 it [it] pron.它

34 jazz [d??z] n.爵士乐

35 map [m?p] n.地图

36 meal [mi:l] n.一餐

37 minute ["minit, mai"nju:t] n.分钟

38 morning ["m?:ni?] n.早上;上午

39 Mr ["mist?] 先生

40 My [mai] 我的

41 name ["neim] n.名字;名称

42 nationality [?n???"n?liti] n.国籍

43 nightclub ["naitkl?b] n.夜总会

44 no [n?u] ad.不

45 number ["n?mb?] n.数字,数目

46 passport ["pɑ:sp?:t] n.护照

47 pen [pen] n.笔;钢笔

48 please [pli:z] interj.请

49 postcard ["p?ustkɑ:d] n.明信片

50 pound [paund] n.英镑

51 price [prais] n.价格

52 private ["praivit] a.私人的

53 right [rait] a d.对

54 room [ru:m] n.房间

55 single ["si?g?l] a.单个的

56 sorry ["s?ri] interj.对不起

57 souvenir [?su:v?"ni?] n.纪念品

58 thanks [θ??ks]interj.谢谢

59 thankyou ["θ??kju:]interj.谢谢你

60 the [e?,ei] art.这(些);那(些);一

61 there [ee?] ad.那里

62 this [eis] pron.这个

63 to [tu:, tu,t?] prep.向;往;到

64 touristoffice ["tu?rist??fis] 旅游服务处

65 videocassette ["vidi?uk??set] n.录像带

66 welcome ["welk?m] v.欢迎

67 what [w?t,wɑ:t] pron.什么

68 where [we?] ad.哪里

69 yes [jes] ad.是的

70 you [ju, ju:] pron.你;你们

71 your [j?:,j?:,j?r,j?:r] 你的;你们的

Lesson 3

1 address [?"dres] n.地址

2 an [?n, ?n] art.一;一个

3 at [?t] prep.在

4 boss [b?s] n.老板;上司

5 company ["k?mp?ni] n.公司

6 county ["kaunti] n.城镇

7 earn [?:n] v.赚得;挣得

8 envelope ["env?l?up] n.信封

9 everyone ["evriw?n] n.每个人

10 first name [f?:st?neim]n.名

11 for [f?,f?:] prep.为了

12 form [f?:m] n.表格;形式

13 he [hi:] pron.他

14 her [h?:] p ron.(宾格)她;她的

15 his [hiz] pron.他的;他的东西

16 how [hau] ad.如何;怎样

17 job [d??b] n.职业;工作

18 letter ["let?] n.信

19 maritalstatus [?m?ritl"steit?s] n.婚姻状况

20 medicine ["meds?n] n.药

21 not [n?t] a d.不

22 patient ["pei??nt] n.病人

23 person ["p?:sn] n.人

24 people ["pi:pl] n.人

25 personal ["p?:s?n?l] a.个人的

26 picture ["pikt??] n.图画

27 postcode ["p?ustk?ud] n.邮政编码

28 road [r?ud] n.道路

29 salary ["s?l?ri] n.薪水

30 she [?i:, ?i] pron.她

31 street [stri:t] n.街道

32 surname ["s?:neim] n.姓

33 taxidriver ["t?ksi?draiv?] n.出租汽车司机

34 today [t?"dei] ad./n.今天

35 too [tu:] ad.也

36 town [taun] n.镇;市镇;市区

37 very ["veri] ad.很;非常

38 week [wi:k] n.星期;周

Lesson 4

1 again [?"gein] ad.又,再

2 bank a ccount ["b??k??kaunt] n.银行帐户

3 but [b?t] c onj.但是

4 bye [bai] interj.再见

5 card [kɑ:d] n.卡片

6 class [klɑ:s] n.班级;课

7 club [kl?b] n.俱乐部

8 creditcard ["kredit?kɑ:d] n.信用卡

9 drivinglicence ["draivi?"lais?ns] 驾驶执照

10 fine [fain] a.美好的;优秀的

11 glass [glɑ:s] n.玻璃;玻璃杯子

12 guest [gest] n.客人

13 hand [h?nd] n.手

14 here [hi?] ad.这里

15 madam ["m?d?m] n.夫人;女士;太太

16 Mrs ["misiz] n.夫人, 太太

17 now [nau] ad.现在

18 other ["?e?] pron.其他(的)

19 postbox ["p?us?b?ks] n.信箱;信筒

20 sir [s?:] n.先生

21 south [sauθ] a.南;南方的

22 stranger ["streind??] n.陌生人

23 that [e?t] pron.那;那个

24 their [ee?] 他(她)们的;它们的

25 ticket ["tikit] n.票

26 we [wi:] pron.我们

27 who [hu:] p ron.谁

28 with [wie,wiθ] prep.和...在一起

29 woman ["wum?n] n.女人

Lesson 5

1 any ["eni] pron.任何(的)

2 avenue ["?v?nju:,"?vinju:] n.林荫道;道路

3 bill [bil] n.帐单

4 bottle ["b?tl] n.瓶子

5 bunch [b?nt?] n.束

6 certainly ["s?:t?nli] ad.一定;(用于回答)当然,行

7 cup [k?p] n.杯子

8 customer ["k?st?m?] n.顾客

9 dessert [di"z?:t] n.甜食

10 dish [di?] n.菜肴;盘;碟

11 drink [dri?k]v.喝

12 eat [i:t] v.吃

13 enough [i"n?f] pron.足够(的)

14 food [fu:d] n.食物;食品

15 foot [fut] n.英尺

16 gram [gr?m] n.克(重量单位)

17 ingredient [in"gri:di?nt] n.配料;成分

18 kilo ["ki:l?u] n.公斤

19 loaf [l?uf] n.一只(面包),(一个)面包

20 market ["mɑ:kit] n.市场

21 menu ["menju:] n.菜单

22 near [ni?] prep.接近;靠近

23 of [?v,?,?v] prep.(属于)...的

24 packet ["p?kit] n.小包

25 pardon ["pɑ:d?n] n.原谅

26 party ["pɑ:ti] n.聚会

27 penny ["peni] n.便士(英国的辅币单位)

28 piece [pi:s] n.件;张;块

29 popular ["p?pjul?] a.流行的

30 pound [paund] n.磅(重量单位)

31 some [s?m] pron.一些

32 something ["s?mθi?] pron.某物;某事

33 takeaway ["teik?wei] n.外卖餐馆

34 tin [tin] n.听头;罐头

35 want [w?nt, wɑ:nt] v.要

36 which [wit?] pron.哪一个

Lesson 6

1 about [?"baut] prep./ad.关于;大约

2 after ["ɑ:ft?] prep./conj.在...之后

3 also ["?:ls?u] ad.也

4 another [?"n?e?] pron.另一(个)

5 available [?"veil?b?l] a.可以得到的

6 because [bi"k?z] conj.因为

7 between [bi"twi:n] prep.在...之间

8 carpark [kɑ:pɑ:k] n.停车场

9 carpet ["kɑ:pit] n.地毯

10 council ["kauns?l] n.地方议会;地方自治会

11 curtain ["k?:t?n] n.帘;窗帘

12 cushion ["ku??n] n.垫子

13 deck [dek] n.甲板

14 door [d?:] n.门

15 each [i:t?] p ron.每;各;每个;每人

16 engine ["end?in] n.发动机;引擎

17 entrance ["entr?ns] n.入口

18 fireplace ["fai?pleis] n.壁炉

19 floor [fl?:] n.地板;层;楼

20 flower ["flau?] n.花

21 front [fr?nt] n.前面

22 furniture ["f?:nit??] n.家具

23 garden ["gɑ:dn] n.花园;庭园

24 groundfloor [?graund"fl?:] n.底层;底楼

25 home [h?um] n.家

26 houseboat ["hausb?ut] n.居住船

27 how many [?hau"meni]多少

28 lamp [l?mp] n.灯

29 language ["l??gwid?] n.语言

30 mat [m?t] n.地席

31 metre ["mi:t?] n.米;公尺(公制长度单位)

32 money ["m?ni] n.货币;钱

33 nextto prep.紧靠着...;帖近

34 opposite ["?p?zit] prep.在...的对面

35 own [?un] a.自己的

36 place [pleis] n.地点;地方

37 plant [plɑ:nt] n.植物

38 possession [p?"ze??n] n.所有(物);财产

39 river ["riv?] n.河

40 roof [ru:f] n.屋顶

41 sea [si:] n.海

42 sound [saund] v.听上去

43 tree [tri:] n.树

44 typical ["tipik?l] a.典型的

45 wall [w?:l] n.墙

46 weekend ["wi:kend, ?wi:k"end]n.周末

47 window ["wind?u] n.窗户

48 world [w?:ld] n.世界

Lesson 7

1 alone [?"l?un] ad.单独地

2 beard [bi?d] n.(下巴上的)胡须

3 birthday ["b?:θdei]n.生日

4 boy [b?i] n.男孩

5 city ["siti] n.城市

6 clothes [kl?uez] n.衣服

7 couple ["k?p?l] n.夫妻;(一)对;(一)双

8 different ["difr?nt] a.不同的

9 eye [ai] n.眼睛

10 fabric ["f?brik] n.织物

11 friend [frend] n.朋友

12 girl [g?:l] n.女孩;姑娘

13 girlfriend ["g?:lfrend] n.女朋友

14 glasses ["gla:siz] (pl.)n.眼镜

15 hair [he?] n.头发

16 instrument ["instrum?nt] n.工具

17 like [laik] prep.像

18 member ["memb?] n.成员

19 more [m?:r] pron./ad.更多(的)

20 moustache [m?"stɑ:?] n.髭;八字须

21 newspaper ["nju:s?peip?] n.报纸

22 only ["?unli] ad.只有

23 or [?:,?] conj.或者

24 quite [kwait] ad.相当

25 relative ["rel?tiv] n.亲属

26 rose [r?uz] n.玫瑰花

27 sometimes ["s?mtaimz] ad.有时

28 textile ["tekstail] n.纺织品

29 than [e?n,e?n] conj./prep.(用于比较级后面)比

30 these [ei:z] pron.这些

31 thing [θi?]n.东西

32 those [e?uz] pron.那些

33 time [taim] n.时间;次

34 together [t?"gee?] ad.一起

35 when [wen] ad.什么时候

Lesson 8

1 altogether [??:lt?"gee?] ad.整个地

2 ball [b?:l] n.球

3 bar [bɑ:] n.酒吧

4 battery ["b?t?ri] n.电池

5 camping ["k?mpi?]n.野营

6 can [k?n] n.罐头

7 change [t?eind?] n.改变;变化;找头

8 difference ["difr?ns] n.不同;差异

9 every ["evri] 每一个

10 file [fail] n.文件夹

11 film [film] n.胶卷

12 half [hɑ:f] n.一半

13 list [list] n.名单;单子

14 litre ["li:t?] n.升(容量单位)

15 magazine [?m?g?"zi:n] n.杂志

16 make-up ["meik?p] n.化妆品;化妆

17 necessary ["nesis?ri] a.必要的

18 notebook ["n?utbuk] n.笔记本

19 ofcourse [?v"k?:s] 当然

20 packinglist ["p?ki??list]n.装箱单

21 page [peid?] n.页

22 question ["kwest??n] n.问题

23 shampoo [??m"pu:] n.洗发剂

24 sleepingbag ["sli:pi??b?g]n.睡袋

25 soap [s?up] n.肥皂

26 sport [sp?:t] n.运动

27 stamp [st?mp] n.邮票

28 tent [tent] n.帐篷

29 tissue ["ti?u:,-sju:] n.手巾纸;卫生纸

30 tooth [tu:θ] n.牙齿

31 toothbrush ["tu:θbr??] n.牙刷

32 toothpaste ["tu:θpeist] n.牙膏

33 towel ["tau?l] n.毛巾

34 tube [tju:b, tu:b] n.(装牙膏的)软管

35 umbrella [?m"brel?] n.伞

36 Walkman ["w?:km?n] n.随身袖珍录放机

37 writingpaper ["raiti??pe i p?] n.写字纸;信纸

Lesson 9

1 accommodation [??k?m?"dei??n] n.膳宿供应

2 activity [?k"tiviti] n.活动

3 always ["?:lweiz] ad.总是

4 a.m. [?ei"em]午前;上午

5 back [b?k] ad.向后地,回来

6 break [breik] n.休息时间

7 calendar ["k?lind?] n.日历

8 casual ["k??u?l] a.非正式的;不拘礼节的

9 clock [kl?k] n.钟

10 community [k?"mju:niti] n.社区

11 concert ["k?ns?t] n.音乐会

12 course [k?:s] n.课程

13 day [dei] n.白天;一天

14 daylight ["deilait] n.日光

15 early ["?:li] ad.早

16 everywhere ["evriwe?] ad.到处

17 excellent ["eks?l?nt] a.优秀的

18 fee [fi:] n.费;服务费

19 hour ["au?] n.小时

20 important [im"p?:t?nt] a.重要的

21 institute ["institju:t] n.学院

22 lesson ["les?n] n.课

23 midday ["middei] n.正午;日中

24 middle ["midl] a.中间的

25 midnight ["midnait] n.午夜

26 month [m?nθ]n.月

27 never ["nev?] ad.从来没有

28 o"clock [?"kl?k] ad.点钟

29 often ["?f?n] ad.经常

30 per [p?:] p rep.每

31 p.m. [?pi:"em]午后;下午

32 possible ["p?s?b?l] a.可能的

33 programme ["prougr?m] n.计划;安排

34 routine [ru:"ti:n] n.日常事务

35 situated ["sit?ueitid] a.坐落在

36 slowly ["sl?uli] ad.缓慢地

37 smart [smɑ:t] a.漂亮的;时髦的

38 social ["s?u??l] a.社会的;社交的

39 spring [spri?]n.春天

40 summer ["s?m?] n.夏天

41 sun [s?n] n.太阳

42 timetable ["taim?teib?l] n.时刻表

43 traffic ["tr?fik] n.交通

44 trip [trip] n.短途旅行;远足

45 twice [twais] ad.两次

46 usually ["ju:?u?li, "ju:??li] ad.通常

47 winter ["wint?] n.冬天

Lesson 10

1 baby ["beibi] n.婴儿

2 brochure ["br?u??] n.小册子

3 cartoon [kɑ:"tu:n] n.动画片

4 chatshow ["t??t???u] n.(电视)访谈节目

5 comedy ["k?midi] n.喜剧

6 court [k?:t] n.(网球的)球场

7 creative [kri:"eitiv] a.创造性的

8 dangerous ["deind??r?s] a.危险的

9 detail ["di:teil] n.细节

10 difficult ["difik?lt] a.困难的

11 drama ["drɑ:m?] n.戏剧

12 else [els] ad.其他;另外

13 exciting [ik"saiti?] a.令人兴奋的

14 exercise ["eks?saiz] n.锻炼;练习

15 favourite ["feiv?rit] a.最喜欢的

16 fitness [fitnis] n.健康

17 fun [f?n] n.有趣;乐趣

18 game [geim] n.游戏

19 gameshow ["geim ??u] n.游戏竞赛节目

20 gardening ["gɑ:d?ni?]n.园艺

21 gym [d?im] n.体育馆;健身房

22 homework ["h?umw?:k] n.回家作业

23 nature ["neit??] n.自然

24 news [nju:z] n.新闻

25 noise [n?iz] n.响声;噪音

26 nonalcoholic [?n?n?lk?"h?lik] a.不含酒精的

27 photograph ["f?ut?grɑ:f] n.照片

28 pool [pu:l] n.池塘

29 pottery ["p?t?ri] n.陶器

30 problem ["pr?bl?m] n.问题

31 questionnaire [?kw?st??n"?r, ?kwest??"ne?] n.调查表

32 relaxing [ri"l?ksi?] a.使人放松的

33 runningtrack ["r?ni??tr?k]n.跑道

34 slob [sl?b,slɑb] n.泥泞地

35 spare-time [?spe?taim] n.业余时间

36 story ["st?:ri] n.故事

37 why [wai] ad.为什么

38 word [w?:d] n.词

Lesson 11

1 airline ["e?lain] n.航空公司

2 anything ["eniθi?]pron.任何事

3 birth [b?:θ]n.出生

4 blues [blu:z] n.勃鲁斯歌曲(一种伤感的黑人民歌)

5 busy ["bizi] a.忙的

6 closed [kl?uzd] a.关闭的

7 document ["d?kjum?nt] n.文件

8 edge [ed?] n.边;边缘

9 elastic [i"l?stik] a.可伸缩的

10 equipment [i"kwipm?nt] n.设备

11 even ["i:v?n] a./ad.甚至

12 finger ["fi?g?] n.手指

13 fork [f?:k] n.叉(餐具)

14 frame [freim] n.框架

15 free [fri:] a.空闲的;自由的

16 government ["g?v?nm?nt] n.政府

17 idea [ai"di?] n.主意

18 invention [in"ven??n] n.发明

19 knife [naif] n.刀(餐具)

20 latest ["leitist] a.最近的;最新的

21 machine [m?"?i:n] n.机器

22 makesure 确定,确保

23 me [mi:, mi] pron.我[宾格]

24 mechanical [mi"k?nik?l] a.机械的

25 message ["mesid?] n.消息

26 moment ["m?um?nt] n.片刻;瞬间

27 mostof ["m?ust?v] 大多数的

28 music ["mju:zik] n.音乐

29 openinghours ["?upni?au?z] n pl.营业时间;开放时间

30 plastic ["pl?stik] a.塑料的

31 public ["p?blik] n.公众

32 sign [sain] n.标记;招牌

33 song [s??]n.歌

34 sound [saund] n.声音

35 toast [t?ust] n.烤面包片;吐司

36 us [?s,?s] pron.我们[宾格]

37 way [wei] n.道路;方法

Lesson 12

1 atmosphere ["?tm?sfi?] n.气氛

2 baron ["b?r?n] n.男爵;贵族

3 beach [bi:t?] n.海滩

4 boyfriend ["b?ifrend] n.男朋友

5 building ["bildi?]n.大楼

6 century ["sent??ri] n.世纪

7 colleague ["k?li:g] n.同事

8 conference ["k?nf?r?ns] n.会议

9 crowded ["kraudid] a.拥挤的

10 deep [di:p] a.深的

11 degree [di"gri:] n.度

12 desert ["dez?t] n.沙漠

13 dune [dju:n] n.沙丘

14 exactly [ig"z?ktli] a d.确切地

15 feeling ["fi:li?]n.感觉

16 forest ["f?rist] n.森林

17 future ["fju:t??] n.将来

18 general ["d?en?r?l] a.总的

19 governor ["g?v?n?] n.管理者;总督

20 holiday ["h?lidi] n.假日

21 inside [in"said] n./ad./prep.里面;在里面;里面的

22 island ["ail?nd] n.岛

23 king [ki?] n.国王;君主

24 lake [leik] n.湖

25 last [lɑ:st] a.最后的

26 match [m?t?] n.比赛

27 next [nekst] a./ad.紧接着的;下次

28 nursery ["n?:s?ri] n.托儿所

29 outside [aut"said] n./ad./prep.外面;在外面;外面的

30 painting ["peinti?] n.画

31 palmtree ["pɑ:m ?tri:]n.棕榈树

32 past [pɑ:st] n.过去

33 present [pri"zent, "prez?nt] n.现在

34 princess [?prin"ses]n.公主

35 queen [kwi:n] n.王后;皇后

36 rock [r?k] n.石头

37 royal ["r?i?l] a.皇家的;王室的

38 sand [s?nd] n.沙

39 seaside ["si:said] n.海边

40 seminar ["seminɑ:] n.讨论会

41 sky [skai] n.天空

42 snow [sn?u] n.雪

43 stream [stri:m] n.小河;溪流

44 temperature ["temp?r?t??] n.温度

45 terrible ["ter?b?l] a.可怕的

46 then [een] ad.那时;然后

47 until [?n"til, ?n"til] prep.直至

48 weather ["wee?] n.天气

49 when [wen] ad.什么时候

50 wooden ["wudn] a.木头的

51 yesterday ["jest?di] n.昨天

Lesson 13

1 accident ["?ksid?nt] n.事故

2 applicationfrom [??pli"kei??n?f?:m] n.申请表格

3 arm [ɑ:m] n.手臂

4 atfirst [?t"f?:st] ad.最初

5 before [bi"f?:] ad./prep./conj. 在…之前

6 blind [blaind] a.失明的

7 business ["biznis] n.商业

8 careful ["ke?ful] a.仔细的

9 costume ["k?stju:m] n.服装;戏装

10 diploma [di"pl?um?] n.文凭

11 dot [d?t] n.点

12 drumkit ["dr?m?kit]n.鼓套件

13 electronic [i?lek"tr?nik] a.电子的

14 experience [ik"spi?ri?ns] n.经验;经历

15 face [feis] n.脸

16 group [gru:p] n.组

17 if [if] conj.如果

18 indeed [in"di:d] ad.确实

19 later ["leit?] ad.后来;以后

20 left [left] a./n./ad.左(的);向左

21 marketing ["mɑ:kiti?]n.营销;销售

22 occupation [??kju"pei??n] n.职业

23 once [w?ns] ad.一次

24 play [plei] n.戏剧

25 publicity [p?b"lisiti] n.宣传;广告

26 puppet ["p?pit] n.木偶

27 really ["ri?li] ad.真正地

28 responsibility [ri?sp?ns?"biliti] n.责任

29 right [rait] a./n./ad.右(的);向右

30 rock band ["r?k ?b?nd]n.摇滚乐队

31 secondary ["sek?nd?ri, -deri] a.中等的

32 series ["si?ri:z] n.系列;连续剧

33 simply ["simpli] a.仅仅;简单地

34 special ["spe??l] a.特殊的

35 still [stil] ad.还;仍旧

36 subject ["s?bd?ikt] n.课目

37 system ["sist?m] n.系统

38 though [e?u] conj./ad.虽然

39 tuberculosis [tju:?b?:kju"l?usis,tu:-] n.结核病;肺结核

40 workshop ["w?:k??p] n.车间

41 worried ["w?rid] a.担扰的

42 yourself [j?"self] pron.你自己

Lesson 14

1 above [?"b?v] prep.在..上面

2 afew pron.一些

3 afraid [?"freid] a.害怕;恐怕;担心

4 alittle [?"litl] pron.一点

5 alot [?"l?t] pron.许多

6 alotof [?"l?t?v] pron.许多

7 bottom ["b?t?m] n.底(部)

8 bowl [b?ul] n.碗

9 chopsticks ["t??pstiks] n.筷子

10 cutlery ["k?tl?ri] n.(西餐的)刀叉餐具

11 expression [ik"spre??n] n.表达

12 how about [?h?u?"baut] 怎么样;如何

13 informal [in"f?:m?l] a.非正式的;简便

14 invitation [?invi"tei??n] n.邀请;请柬

15 just [d??st] ad.仅仅

16 legoflamb [?leg?v"l?m] n.羊腿

17 many ["meni] pron.许多(用于可数名词之前)

18 much [m?t?] pron.许多(用于不可数名词之前)

19 note [n?ut] n.便条

20 park [pɑ:k] n.公园

21 perhaps [p?"h?ps] ad.也许

22 plate [pleit] n.盘子

23 purpose ["p?:p?s] n.目的

24 reason ["ri:z?n] n.理由;原因

25 spoon [spu:n] n.匙

26 teacup ["ti:k?p] n.茶杯

27 test [test] n.测试

28 tomorrow [t?"m?r?u] adv./n.明天

29 top [t?p] n.顶部;上面

Lesson 15

1 across [?"kr?s] prep.穿过

2 age [eid?] n.年龄

3 along [?"l??]prep.沿着

4 booking ["buki?]n.预订

5 campsite ["k?mpsait] n.营地

6 church [t??:t?] n.教堂

7 direction [di"rek?(?)n] n.方向

8 distance ["dist?ns] n.距离

9 far [fɑ:] ad.远

10 kilometre ["kil??mi:t?] n.=kilometer 公里

11 left-hand ["lefth?nd] a.左手的

12 mile [mail] n.英里

13 right-hand ["rait"h?nd] a.右手的

14 side [said] n.边

15 straightahead [?streit?"hed] ad.一直朝前

16 yard [jɑ:d] n.码(长度单位)

17 zoo [zu:] n.动物园

Lesson 16

1 cash [k??] n.现金

2 certificate [s?"tifik?t] n.证书

3 detective [di"tektiv] n.侦探

4 dramatic [dr?"m?tik] a.戏剧性的

5 dub [d?b] v.配音;译制

6 freetime [?fri:"taim]n.空闲时间

7 frightening ["fraitni?] a.令人惊恐的

8 lucky ["l?ki] a.幸运的

9 offer ["?f?] v.提供;提出

10 plan [pl?n] n.计划

11 sad [s?d] a.悲哀的

12 violent ["vai?l?nt] a.猛烈的,暴力的

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