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 大学副校长述职报告 .doc 》

 大学副校长述职报告 根据学校党政分工安排,2020 年 1 月至 10 月中旬,本人协助校长分管科研、科技开发和产业工作,分管部门为科技处(含学报)、校产管理委员会办公室(校资产经营有限公司)、支农中心。同时,在魏远安副校长在国外工作期间,代管发展规划、“211 工程”建设、对口支援、重点学科重点实验室工作及相关部门。2020 年 10 月中旬至 12 月,协助书记、校长分管安全稳定、离退休、后勤、基建、保卫、综治和产业工作。分管部门:后勤管理中心,基建处,保卫处,校产管理委员会办公室(校资产经营有限公司)。现将 2020 年度本人分管工作简要报告如下:

 一、坚持理论学习,不断提高思想境界 一年来,我在政治思想上从严要求自已,认真学习毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观等中国特色社会主义理论;认真学习领会党中央、国务院、自治区党委、自治区政府重要会议精神;认真参加深入学习实践科学发展观活动;通过阅读《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《科技日报》、《广西日报》等报刊杂志,尽快了解、熟悉国家政策的最新情况和国情、区情的发展变化,把认真贯彻执行党和国家的方针政策与个人分管部门工作结合起来,不断提高



 二、努力工作,分管工作取得新进展 2020 年,在校党委、校行政的正确领导下,1 月至 10 月中旬,本人协助校长分管科技、发展规划、对口支援、校办产业、支农中心、学报等工作;10 月中旬至 12 月,协助书记、校长分管安全稳定、离退休、后勤、基建、保卫、综治和校办产业等工作,与分管部门同志一起努力,做了一些力所能及的工作,也取得了一些新进展。

 (一)科技综合实力继续提升 按照“营造良好氛围,凝练研究方向,汇聚科研团队,建设科研平台,提升科技实力”的工作思路,2020 年学校的科研工作取得新的进步。

 据科技处统计,截止 2020 年 12 月 31 日,全校获得科研总经费亿元,第一次突破了亿元大关(注:目前学校公布的科研总经费亿元,是指截止到 11 月 20 日的统计数据)。其中全校获得纵向项目合同总经费为 11324 万元(其中 2020 年

 到校总经费为 8110 万元),比 2020 年增长 60%(2020 年获得纵向项目合同总经费为 7075 万元);计划内横向项目到校总经费为 4485 万元, 比 2020 年增长 112%(2020 年计划内横向项目到校总经费2112 万元);计划外横向项目经费为 4918 万元。

 2020 年,全校获得国家级项目 70 项,合同经费 2959 万元,其中国家自然科学基金项目 44 项(合同经费 1101 万元),国家社科基金项目 12 项(合同经费 119 万元)。获得其他省部级、厅局级纵向科研项目 329 项(合同经费 7989 万元)。签署计划内横向项目合同 405 项(合同经费 6518 万元)。

 2020 年,获中华农业科技奖一等奖 1 项,广西科技进步奖二等奖 4 项,三等奖 14 项;申请专利 95 件,获得授权 19 件;申请软件著作权登记 5 件,获得登记证 2 件;通过鉴定的科技成果共 31 项(其中鉴定为国际先进水平 6 项,国内领先水平 11 项,国内先进 9 项,广西先进 1 项);通过广西农作物品种审定委员会审定的农作物新品种 8 个;成功转让了“上流式多级处理厌氧反应器”专利(获转让费 180 万元);2020年学校有 720 篇(次)论文被 sci、ei 及 istp 三大索引收录(2020 年数据明年上半年才能准确统计)。

 2020 年全校先后承办了国家自然科学基金委员会有关学部主办的 4 次重要会议及其他国际、全国性的学术会议 15 次,其他各类学术会议 10 次。这些会议的举办,对活跃校园学


 2020 年签订校市科技对接合作项目 33 项(比 2020 年增长35%),到校经费万元;受市(区)企业委托的横向项目 180项,合同经费万元(比 2020 年增长 128%);与各市(区)企业联合申报获得的项目 34 项,到校经费万元(比 2020 年增长了 81%)。

 (二)扎实推进学科建设、对口支援工作 2020 年,我围绕学校紧紧抓住“211 工程”建设不放松,以建设高水平学科和培育学科标志性成果为目标,扎实推进学科建设。组织开展了“动物遗传育种与繁殖”、“结构工程”2 个国家重点学科及“微生物学”国家重点(培育)学科自评工作;启动了广西理工科学实验中心建设工作,开展了筹建广西农学科学实验中心、广西经济管理发展研究中心的前期准备工作;“工程防灾与结构安全”教育部重点实验室通过了验收,“纤维素处理实验室”、“热化学实验室”等 2 个实验室成为科技部“国家非粮生物质能源工程技术研究中心”实验室。


 的各项工作,钦州学院 10 位教师获聘我校兼职教师。二是承办了教育部 2020 年西南地区受援高校调研座谈会,教育部高教司与西南地区九所高校分管领导参加了会议。

 (三)力争提高学报办刊质量 在《广西大学学报(自然科学版)》和《广西农业生物科学》被收入北京大学图书馆出版的 2020 年版“中文核心期刊要目总览”的基础上,经过深入调查研究和反复讨论协商,《广西大学学报(自然科学版)》和经国家新闻出版总署批准由《广西农业生物科学》更名的《基因组学与应用生物学》,自 2020 年起实行工作目标管理责任制和执行主编负责制。从 2020 年的编辑出版情况上看,这两种刊物在编辑质量上有了新的提高。

 (四)加强校办产业规范化管理 2020 年 3 月,农药化工厂在扶绥县渠黎镇“中国-东盟青年产业园”的新厂建成投产,并改制成立了新公司--“广西农大生化科技有限责任公司”;食品厂改制方案在落实中,待大学科技园新厂房建成后实施改制;设计院改制方案已在报批中;对撤销的 4 个企业(贸易公司、方园房地产公司、教育科技开发公司、农药化工厂)进行了财务审计;同时,进一步建立和完善校办产业各项规章制度。


 年资产经营公司归还学校贷款 6000 万元(2020 年已经归还8000 万元,尚有 1XX 万元在 2020 年归还)。

 (五)积极推进支农开发工作 继续做好“高大韧”杂交水稻的选育工作,2020 年 3 月有两个新品种(特优 359、博优 359)通过了自治区品种审定委员会的审定;测 359 于 2020 年 11 月获农业部品种保护办公室保护权。

 莫永生研究员主持完成的项目――“野栽型恢复系系列组合的选育及其超亿亩应用”获农业部中华农业科技奖一等奖(2020 年全国共 10 个一等奖),为下一步申报国家科技进步奖奠定了基础。

 努力克服资金不足的困难,推广新品种博优 359 超过 3 万亩,由于该品种的抗性、米质、产量优于当地品种,得到种植户的欢迎,为下一步推广打下了良好的基础。

 (六)认真应对甲型流感疫情,努力推进基建、后勤、安全保卫等工作 10 月中旬校领导分工调整后,面对甲型 h1n1 流感在社会广泛流行,及时落实《广西大学防控甲型 h1n1 流感疫情工作应急预案》,组织校医院增设发热门诊,设立隔离病房,及时监测与处理,确保发病人员得到有效治疗。

 努力推进基建、后勤工作,留学生宿舍楼已经动工;新闻出版基地大楼于 12 月 30 日开标;1080 套教职工高层住宅建设

 继续推进,已经进入准备招标阶段。积极组织向建设部申报“广西大学节约型校园能耗监测平台建设项目”,获得补助经费 400 万元(2020 年行健文理学院地源热泵热水-空调工程应用示范项目获得建设部补助经费 796 万元)。


 三、加强业务学习,不断提高个人学术水平 2020 年,我在做好分管行政工作的同时,还尽可能加强业务学习,努力开展学术研究:

 主持承担的科研项目有――国家社科基金项目 1 项(广西北部湾经济区城市群资源整合与协调发展研究,批准号:09bjl020),经费 10 万元;广西科学基金项目 1 项(广西北部湾经济区城市整合协调发展及其与资源环境关系研究,编号:桂科自 0991050),经费 5 万元;广西哲学社会科学规划项目 1 项(基于和谐社会建设的广西城乡住房保障制度研究,批准号:08bjl001),经费万元;横向项目 6 项,40 万元。2020 年主持承担科研总经费万元。

 主持完成的科研项目有――国家软科学研究计划项目 1 项(广西北部湾经济区城市群可持续发展对策研究,编号:XX

 年 gxq4d181,自筹经费 5 万元);广西软科学研究计划项目1 项(泛北部湾经济区城市群职能体系与空间体系实证研究,编号:桂科软 0799001-19,经费 5 万元);北海市科学研究与技术开发项目 1 项(北海市城市可持续发展战略研究,编号经费万元)。

 出版专著 1 本(中国财政经济出版社,第一作者),公开发表论文 12 篇(其中《中国软科学》1 篇;国际研讨会 3 篇,会议承诺将被 istp 或 ei 收录)。在广西大学、桂林电子科技大学共指导区域经济学、行政管理、管理科学与工程专业全日制硕士研究生 15 人。


 四、廉洁自律,严格要求自己 本人自觉遵守关于领导干部廉洁自律的各项规定,不搞权钱交易,不以权谋私,不贪污受贿,不违法乱纪,不干有损于党和人民利益的事,勤勤恳恳做事,清清白白做官,踏踏实实做人。始终以一名共产党员的标准严格要求自己,清正廉洁,勤政为民,谈泊名利,勤俭节约,甘做一名合格的高校教师和管理工作者。

 综上所述,回顾 2020 年,我努力做了一些力所能及的工作,但离组织的培养和同事们的期望还有较大的差距,工作中还


 sincerely, smooth mass appeal channels expression channels, do conflict investigation and the product to resolve the backlog work, maintain

 social stability, enhance the sense of security, improve the satisfaction degree, let the masses feel the social fairness and justice.(three) efforts to

 solve the problem of contact service masses "last mile"In order to strengthen the construction of service-oriented grassroots party organization as the starting

 point, focus on grasping the party building, to maintain stability, promote development, to further promote the vanguard of Hui Hui"s people"s livelihood,

 actions, and lay a solid foundation of innovation. The service of the masses organization party organization set up, take the mining village

 enterprises, the construction of "" multinational joint building "," regional construction "industry chain branch etc., continuous optimization of grassroots party organizations, Party

 organizations and expand the coverage of work covered. Grasp grasp leader team construction, conscientiously implement the provincial Party committee" on the further

 strengthening of the village Party Secretary team building meeting >, optimal selection with strong village leaders, and strengthen college-graduate village official (Village

 The Ministry of Education) and tracking management, focus on building a strong sense of service, service ability and strong team, grass-roots party

 organization Secretary style of service good. Do the development of Party member, strict entrance fall off ", implement the three class, public

 commitment, democratic appraisal education management system and give full play to vanguard role. As the service of the masses into the rich

 carrier, to further expand the" red flag terrace Kingdom party brand connotation, establish and perfect the whole villages and towns, streets and

 villages, community public service outlets, the implementation of the party organization and party commitment Jiannuo, twinning, window units and service industries such

 as instant evaluation price System, the full implementation of the "line of work", "public pipeline engineering", "five vanguard", the "party shifangang" star

 rating, a rating of the party, grassroots organizations to enhance service function and improve the service level. Security guarantee system, to establish

 a stable base group and basic public organization operation. Service fee funds safeguard mechanism, strengthen the village collective economic accumulation, promote human,

 money, material, further implement love and tilt to the grassroots, grassroots cadres policy, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the service of the

 masses, to ensure that all work, rich work, a chapter everything.Three, step by stepThe education practice is not phased, not to engage

 in the transfer section. To adhere to the problem oriented, adhere to educational practice and science, insist on learning while the investigation

 and reform, with the "five question five check 33 assessment" as the carrier, the education, the implementation of the rectification, the entire

 chapter formed, the masses comments throughout. The aspects of education practice activities work effectively with each other through.(a) learning education, listen

  to opinions1, deep into the thought of launch. The township units in the province to thoroughly understand the central and municipal

 spirit, God, listen to opinions based on, combined with the actual development of the implementation plan, and timely mobilization, unified thought, improve

 knowledge, carefully arranged to start the single unit of educational practice implementation case should be reported. The steering group audit checks. Together

 with the organization held a mobilization meeting, Party members and cadres do, subordinate units responsible person, invite some two members on behalf

 of a service object, and representatives of the masses, to guide the leadership style and team member status into comments.2, do a

 good job learning education. Organize cadres to seriously study the learning theory of socialism Chinese characteristics, study the party"s glorious history and

 fine traditions of the study of eighteen, eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee and general secretary Xi Jinping

 speak speech series, learning the central and provincial, city, County to carry out education activities "opinions < > >, scheme and related

 meeting spirit. To carry out the ideals and beliefs, party spirit and discipline and moral education, to carry out the view of

 Marx"s view of masses and the party"s mass line thematic study discussion, carry out the fundamental realities and the situation of reform

 and development of education, to guide the party members and cadres complement the spirit of calcium" , built the ideological soul of

 the building, the party"s mass line in all Party members, cadres are deep rooted, the practice of the party"s fundamental purpose to

 become party members, cadres of the general consciousness. Adhere to the combination of study, practice, and more focus on practical thought and

 work practice learning, positive transformation of the subjective world, really to solve the world outlook, outlook on life and values of the

 "total switch" in order to solve the problem, who, who rely on, who is my problem. The county authorities at the county

 level, county departments and township streets, Party members and cadres should be organized from learning, thematic discussion, conscientiously carry out one more

 special counseling, focus on more than one time On more than one special Xuanxuan a warning education, and a theoretical essay "Five"

 activities. The set of learning time is not less than 11 weeks. The other party organizations can be used to send home

 to learn, distance education, learning distribution data, organization of Party members and cadres to study. The party members in rural areas especially

 the flow of Party members, to make full use of the Spring Festival to return home opportunity, grasp learning education slack season.3,

 to solicit opinions. About the improvement of "four winds", and "face to face" and "back to back" with "," individual listening "and"

 collective body talk "combination" into the masses "and" listen "to organize the masses to comment on" combination, deep into the line, the

 masses, in-depth agricultural farmers carry out the door, more people, and find out what people hope? Come to communicate stream views, listen

 to their suggestions on what? Come to visit the poor and the suffering grasp the masses lack what, what is the content

 of the "three home" to go visit a large research activities, listen to their opinions. Italy kejiyishang cadres should be deep into

 the "double". Basic unit and service object to carry out the investigation research Listen to the advice, take, especially to listen to

 the people"s congress deputies, CPPCC members and cadres of opinion, attention to letters and visits and other delivery door views. Prevent mutual

 comments "travel document", "letter letter often", "like a swarm of bees" grassroots, heavy repeated comments. To seek to Italy opinions and suggestions,

 according to the team and individual people to be arranged to sort out the juice and juice flavor feedback to the team

 and individual.(two) revealing problems, carry out criticism.1, around the four winds to find the problem. People insist on honest and pragmatic requirements,

 ideal control theory, constitution and discipline, and the popular voice of the people, the ancestors of advanced surrounded by mirrors, take the

 higher point, you mention, to find their own, collective discussion, mutual help, mass rating methods, Wen de ZaZa lost. Asked to check

 Yong, lazy, ask frequently check, asked the performance check, ask low check corruption, revealing put the vital interests of the masses of

 the "four winds". All levels of government and business sector units to control the provisions of the central eight "and opposition party

 and government austerity Waste Regulations > wave, provincial double ten" regulations, "article twelve" provisions of the municipal Party committee and county Party

 committee of ToJanuary 1943, "loyalty save" jiaxing station webmaster Li Yinglong received by Lieutenant Colonel Tong bei action Corps Headquarters transferred secret:

 "limited action within 24 sincerely, smooth mass appeal channels expression channels, do conflict investigation and the product to resolve the backlog work,

 maintain social stability, enhance the sense of security, improve the satisfaction degree, let the masses feel the social fairness and justice.(three) efforts

 to solve the problem of contact service masses "last mile"In order to strengthen the construction of service-oriented grassroots party organization as the

 starting point, focus on grasping the party building, to maintain stability, promote development, to further promote the vanguard of Hui Hui"s people"s

 livelihood, actions, and lay a solid foundation of innovation. The service of the masses organization party organization set up, take the mining

 village enterprises, the construction of "" multinational joint building "," regional construction "industry chain branch etc., continuous optimization of grassroots party organizations,

 Party organizations and expand the coverage of work covered. Grasp grasp leader team construction, conscientiously implement the provincial Party committee" on the

 further strengthening of the village Party Secretary team building meeting >, optimal selection with strong village leaders, and strengthen college-graduate village official

 (Village The Ministry of Education) and tracking management, focus on building a strong sense of service, service ability and strong team, grass-roots

 party organization Secretary style of service good. Do the development of Party member, strict entrance fall off ", implement the three class,

 public commitment, democratic appraisal education management system and give full play to vanguard role. As the service of the masses into the

 rich carrier, to further expand the" red flag terrace Kingdom party brand connotation, establish and perfect the whole villages and towns, streets

 and villages, community public service outlets, the implementation of the party organization and party commitment Jiannuo, twinning, window units and service industries

 such as instant evaluation price System, the full implementation of the "line of work", "public pipeline engineering", "five vanguard", the "party shifangang"

 star rating, a rating of the party, grassroots organizations to enhance service function and improve the service level. Security guarantee system, to

 establish a stable base group and basic public organization operation. Service fee funds safeguard mechanism, strengthen the village collective economic accumulation, promote

 human, money, material, further implement love and tilt to the grassroots, grassroots cadres policy, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the service of

 the masses, to ensure that all work, rich work, a chapter everything.Three, step by stepThe education practice is not phased, not to

 engage in the transfer section. To adhere to the problem oriented, adhere to educational practice and science, insist on learning while the

 investigation and reform, with the "five question five check 33 assessment" as the carrier, the education, the implementation of the rectification, the

 entire chapter formed, the masses comments throughout. The aspects of education practice activities work effectively with each other through.(a) learning education, listen

 to opinions1, deep into the thought of launch. The township units in the province to thoroughly understand the central and municipal spirit,

 God, listen to opinions based on, combined with the actual development of the implementation plan, and timely mobilization, unified thought, improve knowledge,

 carefully arranged to start the single unit of educational practice implementation case should be reported. The steering group audit checks. Together with

 the organization held a mobilization meeting, Party members and cadres do, subordinate units responsible person, invite some two members on behalf of

 a service object, and representatives of the masses, to guide the leadership style and team member status into comments.2, do a good

 job learning education. Organize cadres to seriously study the learning theory of socialism Chinese characteristics, study the party"s glorious history and fine

 traditions of the study of eighteen, eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee and general secretary Xi Jinping speak

 speech series, learning the central and provincial, city, County to carry out education activities "opinions < > >, scheme and related meeting

 spirit. To carry out the ideals and beliefs, party spirit and discipline and moral education, to carry out the view of Marx"s

 view of masses and the party"s mass line thematic study discussion, carry out the fundamental realities and the situation of reform and

 development of education, to guide the party members and cadres complement the spirit of calcium" , built the ideological soul of the

 building, the party"s mass line in all Party members, cadres are deep rooted, the practice of the party"s fundamental purpose to become

 party members, cadres of the general consciousness. Adhere to the combination of study, practice, and more focus on practical thought and work

 practice learning, positive transformation of the subjective world, really to solve the world outlook, outlook on life and values of the "total

 switch" in order to solve the problem, who, who rely on, who is my problem. The county authorities at the county level,

 county departments and township streets, Party members and cadres should be organized from learning, thematic discussion, conscientiously carry out one more special

 counseling, focus on more than one time On more than one special Xuanxuan a warning education, and a theoretical essay "Five" activities.

 The set of learning time is not less than 11 weeks. The other party organizations can be used to send home to

 learn, distance education, learning distribution data, organization of Party members and cadres to study. The party members in rural areas especially the

 flow of Party members, to make full use of the Spring Festival to return home opportunity, grasp learning education slack season.3, to

 solicit opinions. About the improvement of "four winds", and "face to face" and "back to back" with "," individual listening "and" collective

 body talk "combination" into the masses "and" listen "to organize the masses to comment on" combination, deep into the line, the masses,

 in-depth agricultural farmers carry out the door, more people, and find out what people hope? Come to communicate stream views, listen to

 their suggestions on what? Come to visit the poor and the suffering grasp the masses lack what, what is the content of

 the "three home" to go visit a large research activities, listen to their opinions. Italy kejiyishang cadres should be deep into the

 "double". Basic unit and service object to carry out the investigation research Listen to the advice, take, especially to listen to the

 people"s congress deputies, CPPCC members and cadres of opinion, attention to letters and visits and other delivery door views. Prevent mutual comments

 "travel document", "letter letter often", "like a swarm of bees" grassroots, heavy repeated comments. To seek to Italy opinions and suggestions, according

 to the team and individual people to be arranged to sort out the juice and juice flavor feedback to the team and

 individual.(two) revealing problems, carry out criticism.1, around the four winds to find the problem. People insist on honest and pragmatic requirements, ideal

 control theory, constitution and discipline, and the popular voice of the people, the ancestors of advanced surrounded by mirrors, take the higher

 point, you mention, to find their own, collective discussion, mutual help, mass rating methods, Wen de ZaZa lost. Asked to check Yong,

 lazy, ask frequently check, asked the performance check, ask low check corruption, revealing put the vital interests of the masses of the

 "four winds". All levels of government and business sector units to control the provisions of the central eight "and opposition party and

 government austerity Waste Regulations > wave, provincial double ten" regulations, "article twelve" provisions of the municipal Party committee and county Party committee

 of ToJanuary 1943, "loyalty save" jiaxing station webmaster Li Yinglong received by Lieutenant Colonel Tong bei action Corps Headquarters transferred secret: "limited

 action within 241 / 1 sincerely, smooth mass appeal channels expression channels, do conflict investigation and the product to resolve the backlog

 work, maintain social stability, enhance the sense of security, improve the satisfaction degree, let the masses feel the social fairness and justice.(three)

 efforts to solve the problem of contact service masses "last mile"In order to strengthen the construction of service-oriented grassroots party organization as

 the starting point, focus on grasping the party building, to maintain stability, promote development, to further promote the vanguard of Hui Hui"s

 people"s livelihood, actions, and lay a solid foundation of innovation. The service of the masses organization party organization set up, take the

 mining village enterprises, the construction of "" multinational joint building "," regional construction "industry chain branch etc., continuous optimization of grassroots party

 organizations, Party organizations and expand the coverage of work covered. Grasp grasp leader team construction, conscientiously implement the provincial Party committee" on

 the further strengthening of the village Party Secretary team building meeting >, optimal selection with strong village leaders, and strengthen college-graduate village

 official (Village The Ministry of Education) and tracking management, focus on building a strong sense of service, service ability and strong team,

 grass-roots party organization Secretary style of service good. Do the development of Party member, strict entrance fall off ", implement the three

 class, public commitment, democratic appraisal education management system and give full play to vanguard role. As the service of the masses into

 the rich carrier, to further expand the" red flag terrace Kingdom party brand connotation, establish and perfect the whole villages and towns,

 streets and villages, community public service outlets, the implementation of the party organization and party commitment Jiannuo, twinning, window units and service

 industries such as instant evaluation price System, the full implementation of the "line of work", "public pipeline engineering", "five vanguard", the "party

 shifangang" star rating, a rating of the party, grassroots organizations to enhance service function and improve the service level. Security guarantee system,

 to establish a stable base group and basic public organization operation. Service fee funds safeguard mechanism, strengthen the village collective economic accumulation,

 promote human, money, material, further implement love and tilt to the grassroots, grassroots cadres policy, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the service

 of the masses, to ensure that all work, rich work, a chapter everything.Three, step by stepThe education practice is not phased, not

 to engage in the transfer section. To adhere to the problem oriented, adhere to educational practice and science, insist on learning while

 the investigation and reform, with the "five question five check 33 assessment" as the carrier, the education, the implementation of the rectification,

 the entire chapter formed, the masses comments throughout. The aspects of education practice activities work effectively with each other through.(a) learning education,

 listen to opinions1, deep into the thought of launch. The township units in the province to thoroughly understand the central and municipal

 spirit, God, listen to opinions based on, combined with the actual development of the implementation plan, and timely mobilization, unified thought, improve

 knowledge, carefully arranged to start the single unit of educational practice implementation case should be reported. The steering group audit checks. Together

 with the organization held a mobilization meeting, Party members and cadres do, subordinate units responsible person, invite some two members on behalf

 of a service object, and representatives of the masses, to guide the leadership style and team member status into comments.2, do a

 good job learning education. Organize cadres to seriously study the learning theory of socialism Chinese characteristics, study the party"s glorious history and

 fine traditions of the study of eighteen, eighteen of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee and general secretary Xi Jinping

 speak speech series, learning the central and provincial, city, County to carry out education activities "opinions < > >, scheme and related

 meeting spirit. To carry out the ideals and beliefs, party spirit and discipline and moral education, to carry out the view of

 Marx"s view of masses and the party"s mass line thematic study discussion, carry out the fundamental realities and the situation of reform

 and development of education, to guide the party members and cadres complement the spirit of calcium" , built the ideological soul of

 the building, the party"s mass line in all Party members, cadres are deep rooted, the practice of the party"s fundamental purpose to

 become party members, cadres of the general consciousness. Adhere to the combination of study, practice, and more focus on practical thought and

 work practice learning, positive transformation of the subjective world, really to solve the world outlook, outlook on life and values of the

 "total switch" in order to solve the problem, who, who rely on, who is my problem. The county authorities at the county

 level, county departments and township streets, Party members and cadres should be organized from learning, thematic discussion, conscientiously carry out one more

 special counseling, focus on more than one time On more than one special Xuanxuan a warning education, and a theoretical essay "Five"

 activities. The set of learning time is not less than 11 weeks. The other party organizations can be used to send home

 to learn, distance education, learning distribution data, organization of Party members and cadres to study. The party members in rural areas especially

 the flow of Party members, to make full use of the Spring Festival to return home opportunity, grasp learning education slack season.3,

 to solicit opinions. About the improvement of "four winds", and "face to face" and "back to back" with "," individual listening "and"

 collective body talk "combination" into the masses "and" listen "to organize the masses to comment on" combination, deep into the line, the

 masses, in-depth agricultural farmers carry out the door, more people, and find out what people hope? Come to communicate stream views, listen

 to their suggestions on what? Come to visit the poor and the suffering grasp the masses lack what, what is the content

 of the "three home" to go visit a large research activities, listen to their opinions. Italy kejiyishang cadres should be deep into

 the "double". Basic unit and service object to carry out the investigation research Listen to the advice, take, especially to listen to

 the people"s congress deputies, CPPCC members and cadres of opinion, attention to letters and visits and other delivery door views. Prevent mutual

 comments "travel document", "letter letter often", "like a swarm of bees" grassroots, heavy repeated comments. To seek to Italy opinions and suggestions,

 according to the team and individual people to be arranged to sort out the juice and juice flavor feedback to the team

 and individual.(two) revealing problems, carry out criticism.1, around the four winds to find the problem. People insist on honest and pragmatic requirements,

 ideal control theory, constitution and discipline, and the popular voice of the people, the ancestors of advanced surrounded by mirrors, take the

 higher point, you mention, to find their own, collective discussion, mutual help, mass rating methods, Wen de ZaZa lost. Asked to check

 Yong, lazy, ask frequently ch

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